Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays


May these days of Yule bring you peace and joy, no matter what name you give them.
Bright Blessings, one and all.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Another Peek Between the Covers

Hi folks,

Yeah, I know, this post is a few days late. It's that time of year, after all.  You know, the time of year when the best of intentions often go astray. Yes, I will write three hours every morning. (Good luck with that.)

However, I did promise you another peek into the next upcoming book. We have decided on a title. Devil Comes Home. Now all we need is the cover. Okay, okay, here's another peek between the covers.

The road rose up a long hill and into the forest. Melanie pulled over to let the traffic pass, then set out slowly for the town a short distance away. An abandoned building caught her eye and she stopped for a moment. Brighton Hotel. It had been a thriving B&B when she was a girl, but it stood empty now, probably had for years, by the look of it. The place had a haunted look to it now and she shivered. She sighed and rode on. Melanie wasn't looking forward to this homecoming.

So that's it, another peek into Devil Comes Home. I'll give you a bit more next week.
Aw, to heck with it. I'll set up a page on this blog and give you the first chapter. Look for the link to appear at the top of the page soon.


Sadly, I've been a bad writer, or at least a slack one. Barely two thousand words since my last check-in. Sigh. I truly doubt this week will be any better. Hang on to your hat for the New Year's Resolutions. hee hee hee

Happy Holidays to one and all.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Season of Stress

Hi folks,

     Yup, the season of madness is upon us once again. Traffic is backed up everywhere, lights being strung, trees put up and decorated, lists and letter being written, etc. The stress piles up because the regular stuff has to keep happening too, work, grocery shopping, etc.

     Yes, we're caught up in the seasonal whirlwind too, but you have not been forgotten, dear readers. A new romance is on the horizon. We're going back to our old favorite genre, lesbian romance, for another adventure. Here's the opening salvo.

*Melanie Rivers sat on her motorcycle, staring at the passing waves as the ferry boat carried her across the short stretch of water to the island where she had grown up. It had been so long ago, it seemed like a lifetime. At length she took out her notebook and pen.
The endless sea
Washes away the past
Forgiving all sins”
Melanie re-read what she'd written then closed the book and returned it to the pocket of her leather jacket. “Let's hope so.” The boat was approaching the dock, it was time to go. Time to face the music. She pulled on her helmet and started the engine as the ramp touched the dock.*

Okay, I hope that intrigues you. The book is written; now we're we're working on a title and cover. Look for it to appear soon after Christmas.

ROW80 check-in.

This past week was a busy one, but I did manage to get some writing done. I got 2500 words written and hope to equal that this coming week. I also want to read more of your blogs this week. So, until then, may the muse sit on your lap and whisper naughty stories in your ear.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

In a Fog

Hi folks,

Please understand, this is not a ploy for sympathy, nor is it me making excuses. I'm just trying to express where I've been the past couple of weeks. One of our beloved dogs died in our arms of a heart attack, and I've been lost in a fog ever since.

Yes, a fog, a fog of grief. A big piece of my daily life is missing. I often find myself just gazing mindlessly into space, unable to focus, to hold a single thought before it evaporates into oblivion. I see him from the corner of my eye, or will suddenly realize that sound isn't him breathing beside my chair.

We had a snowfall and yesterday was the first time in twelve years we've gone for a walk in the snow without him. It was different. The others dogs snuffled about, enjoying the day, and I confess I did too, but as I called them in, I almost called his name and yes, I did look for one more.

I have three more dogs, all old, and I am well aware that this will happen again all too soon. However, this is a pack of rescues, I knew this day would come, and will come again all too soon. I knew this when we rescued them, and I know we will do it again.

I also know I have to pull myself out of this and get back to work. I am trying.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

TDOR Special

Hi Folks,

As promised, I have a surprise for everybody. I have always tried to educate as well as entertain in my books and in keeping with that sentiment, and in honor of TDOR, all my books featuring trans folks are on super sale for the next two days. In fact they are free.

Here is the list, coupon codes, and links:

Seela: ML39F

A Simple Twist of Fate: TP68A

Shelly's Turn: RD95Q

Dark Traveler: ZA53U

Seela features a lesbian couple, Twist of fate a hetero couple, Shelly is about teens learning to deal. All are romances.
Dark Traveler is a fantasy adventure. It was designed to give trans and intersexed youth a hero of their own.

Please enjoy the stories, folks. They are my gift to you on this Transgender Day of Remembrance.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Dark Traveler Comes

Hi Folks,

Sorry I missed posting last week, but as they say, "Life is what happens while you make other plans."
However, we're back on track this week. So, with that in mind, here's what's new for this coming week.

We are ready to release Dark Traveler at last. Our cover artist wasn't able to meet the deadline, but our magical editor has managed to create a cover for the book. I think she's done a fine job. So, here's the cover.

Sometimes the thing you fear most is the one thing you truly need. Dale, a young thief on the run is surely in need.
This is an adventure story set in a medieval world. Dale is a transgender teen trying to survive on his own.

Look for Dark Traveler to appear in the next few days. I will post again when it goes live.

ROW80 check in:

I have to confess I haven't written a thousand words in two weeks. Sigh. Life sure can get in the way sometimes. 

So, here we go again. I am going to shoot at four thousand words this coming week. I also want to get Dark Traveler up in time for the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Well, that's it for me this time. I will post again as soon as Dark Traveler goes live.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Price Drop and People Watching

AD: All Prudence MacLeod books reduced in price by 40-80%. Get 'em while they're hot!!!

Hi Folks,

Well, it's November already. November is a month or remembrance here in Canada. We have our national Remembrance Day ceremonies to remember those who fell in battle on Nov. 11th

Also November is the month for another day of remembrance, Transgender Day of Remembrance. This is a day for transgendered folks, their families, and their allies, to remember and honor the one whose lives were taken by fearful and violent people. That date is Nov. 20th. We'll be releasing a new book featuring trans heroes in time for this event.

Okay, I promised you some people watching. Here goes.

The Writer: 
The cold rain lashed against the coffee shop windows as we shed our wet coats and greedily sipped at the hot liquid we had braved the elements for. The shop was fairly full considering the weather. there were only a couple of laptops in evidence and few phones. For the most part folks were chatting with each others and watching the rain. Not her.

She was dressed casually as were we all, but her clothes screamed of money. Her posture was that of a woman from past centuries, edge of the chair, back ram rod straight, one leg crossed over the other. 

The girl looked to be in her thirties, immaculately groomed, make-up perfect and not a single hair out of place. Her face remained firmly impassive as her fingers flew across the keyboard of her wafer thin Mac laptop, as though it was frozen, incapable of expression or that it might show a wrinkle.

We were there for quite a while, but she never stopped, sipped her drink, or acknowledge anyone else in the room. She had put her perfectly contrived image on display then sent her mind off world. We would all be allowed to admire, but not engage.

Meanwhile we chatted away, I flirted shamelessly with one fellow who had brought his own cream because it was real cream, but that's another story.

 ROW80 Check-in.
It is NaNoWriMo (National Write a Novel in a Month) month and for the first time in years I am not participating. However, I do have my reasons, but that's a tale for another time. Experience has taught me that ROW80 is far more helpful to me in the long run.

This past week I did manage another two thousand words. Yay me! hehehe
In honor of NaNo I will shoot for five thousand a week this month.
I also want to read more of your blogs.

Well, that's it for me this week, folks. If you're doing NaNo I will be cheering you on, and if you're not, I'll be cheering you on anyway.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hi Folks, 
It's been a crazy week here and there is a lot of really great stuff coming in November. So while I get back to work on that, here's another way to look at the world. More stories from the easy chair:

Think like a life master.
Think like a life master? How do we do that? Here’s how. Something unusual has happened? Disaster or blessing? Is it worth exploring? Do not judge it, examine it first. Remain calm, keep the emotion out of it, and examine the situation. Here are a couple of stories to help you understand.
One day, as the people gathered in the market square as was their custom each day, something unusual happened. A cart overturned, blocking the narrow street which most people used to access the square. Worse yet, the horse was still trapped in the traces and was kicking at everyone who tried to get near, thus preventing people from clearing the street. The harder they tried, and the more frustrated they got, the more the horse fought them. This went on for some time, and everyone was very upset as they could not get to the market square.
Suddenly there was a shout from the back of the crowd. “Look, it’s the old master from the hills, he will know what to do.” Everyone stopped shouting and rushed to the old man as he slowly approached. “Master, Master, a cart has fallen and the horse will not let us clear it away, we cannot get to market. Please help us.”
Smiling to himself, the old man approached to view the situation closely. The frightened horse lashed out at him and he danced nimbly out of the way. The old fellow looked carefully at the horse, then at the cart, then smiled to himself as he walked around the block and entered the square from another direction. Quietly, the others followed him, embarrassed. The old fellow then approached the horse from the front, calmed him, shared a carrot, then unhooked the tired animal from the traces and led him to the water.
Moral of the story? Take another look before you act. Knee jerk reactions are rarely the best solutions, and the proper solution will usually present itself if you just take a second look. It comes back to asking yourself a better question, or a different question. The question here for most of the people was not “How do we clear away the cart that is blocking the street?” it was, “How do we get into the square?” See, different questions bring different solutions.
Ok, here’s another story. A young fellow preparing for university was called home early by his father, the carpenter. His father had been laid off, worse yet, the money for the boy’s education had been invested poorly. The family was bankrupt. The boy fell into depression and didn’t speak for weeks until he had a visit from his grandmother. “What am I supposed to do now?” he wailed. “Dad ruined my life.”
“Your life is only in ruins if you choose it to be,” she smiled softly.
“So, what am I supposed to do now, pump gas for the rest of my life?”
“Work is a privilege, not a birthright. If this is the work you have been allotted, then be the best damn gas pumper in the world. Be so good everyone in town will come to you for their gas just because it is you.” With that, she walked out of his room.
Think like a master.
The next morning he went to work, vowing to heed her advice. Even though he worked for a self serve station, he began pumping gas, checking oil, washing windshields, and every Monday morning thereafter he gave every female customer a rose.
Where is he now? He retired early, owner of dozens of stations, a well known franchise. Many of his school chums who went to university ended up working for him. His business manager, his accountant, lawyer, etc.
So, what happened? He asked a better question. “How can I turn this situation to my advantage? His grandmother visited the next day with the answer. Moral of the story? Never panic. I too have lost a business I spent years building up. Sudden bankruptcy wasn’t my best day, but life handed me new opportunities, new directions, and I have greatly enjoyed the journey. I still am, and you can too.
Think like a master, enjoy the journey, be blessed.
If you have questions, or if there is a point you would like to discuss with me, or if there is something you would like to see me address, don’t be shy, drop me a line.
Now for the ROW80 check-in:
This was another slow week at the keyboard, but I did manage to write another two thousand words.
My target for next week is yet another two thousand words. Yes, I know it's NaNo month. I have been successful at NaNo several years in a row, but one day I will tell you how NaNo nearly ruined my writing career. This year I will work in reverse. I will attempt to write only a couple of chapters during November.
 If you're doing NaNo I will be cheering you on. It is an exercise well worth doing and I may return to it next year with a fresh perspective.
Well, that's it for me this week. Drop me a line to let me know how you're getting on.
Bright Blessings

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Taking the Pledge

Hi Folks,

Advice from the easy chair. 

Us old folks have tons of stuff to share and from time to time someone even asks for it. Once again I've been asked to share the pledge, so here you go!

 "I, Prudence MacLeod, do hereby give up all hope of a better past. The things that have happened there shall remain there; I take the lessons learned from those experiences and turn my focus forward to the present and future. I forgive anyone and everyone who has ever harmed me in any way, (no matter how deep or painful the hurt), and I ask forgiveness for any and all harm I may have caused (deliberately or otherwise). I will now seek ways to lead a more loving and fulfilling life."

I keep this handy on my computer and reread often. May it serve you well as it has me.

Okay, on to the ROW80 Check-in.
I will confess I haven't written a lot this week. I've spent a lot more time plotting and planning new strategies for the upcoming publication year. 
However, I did manage to get three thousand words written. I'm writing this one just for me to enjoy. (Yes I will share it with you when it is done, but I make no promises as to when that might be.)
Here's hoping you all outdid me and are having buckets of success.

Bright Blessings

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Another Sneak Peak

Hey folks,

Last week I gave you a sneak peek into a new book. Sadly, due to circumstances beyond our control, the launch date has been pushed back to Early December. However, do not despair, the one scheduled for release in November is still on track. So, here's a peek into that one.


Lungs bursting, eyes bulging in terror, the young thief fled through the marketplace; if they caught him again they would cut off his hands. Fifteen summers would be too short a life; Dale wanted more. Fighting desperately for air, and an escape route, he ran on.

“Stop thief!” came the cry that followed him as he sped through the market town. Dale knocked people down, pulled over carts of fruit, knocked apart stalls, and anything else that he could do to slow his pursuers. Whimpering in terror, he clutched the loaf of stolen bread to his small immature breasts as he ran; ahead loomed the city gate and the promise of freedom beyond. Dale fled toward it.
As Dale neared the gate two burly town watchmen suddenly appeared between him and the freedom it promised. “Not so easy this time,” roared one of the watchmen. “We’ve got you now, my lively young fellow.” He swept his long pike pole toward Dale’s legs in an attempt to trip him up. Dale leaped nimbly over the pike and then dove between the legs of the second watchman. With a forward roll Dale was on his feet and out the gate. In a few moments more he had gained the trees. Once in the trees he easily eluded what was left of the pursuit. Those fat townsmen would never go much farther than the gate.

At last Dale sank to the ground still clutching the bread. Tearing off a piece, he began to eat ravenously. “Too close,” he thought to himself, “far and away too close.” Dale would have to leave this town behind and find another place to ply his trade.

Saving half the bread for morning, Dale set off through the trees. Wary as any deer, he made certain he was not followed. At last he came to his home, a huge hollowed out oak tree. That oak was probably Dale’s only friend in the world. Careful to leave no trail for anyone to follow, he crawled into the hollow of the welcoming tree. “Home at last,” he sighed.

So there it is. Watch for this one to appear next month. 

Now on to ROW80

Okay, time to set the goals and aspirations for this round. If any of you remember, I started out this year with lofty ambitions. Sadly, a lot of everyday life got in the way and messed me up. There were illnesses in the family (including me) as well as lots of unseen outside pressures. So, the year will now be a rousing success as I envisioned.

However, having said that, we do have two new novels to launch this round and I am excited about that. Getting these two launched is the big goal for this round.

On the writing front, I am working on a story just for me. (Yes, I will share it with you all once it is finished. tee hee) I plan to take my time with this one. I'm also going to try something new for me. Plotting. (Ow, it even hurt to say it.) I also plan to do a lot more reading this round.

The goal: Reach twenty thousand words on the new WIP by Christmas. This week, shoot for two thousand words, no more.

Somebody hold me back:

That's it for me this time folks. Hope you liked the intro to the new story. Drop me a line to say hello.

Bright Blessings

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Ghost Story for Halloween

Hi folks,

Well, we did get Dark Star ready before Halloween. Just in time, right? Check it out.

So, what's next? Well, our latest effort is called Coming Home. It's a bit of a demon hunter story. We're just waiting for the cover now and hope to get it up before Halloween as well. What's that? you want a peek between the pages? Okay, here you go...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Back in the Saddle

Hi folks,

This past week has been great. We finally got our new cover for Dark Star and it is worth the wait. The book is now available at Amazon as well as Smashwords. 

Somewhere between the Darkness and the Light there is Dark Star....

"This is Y/A supernatural at it's finest."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Learning Patience

Hi Folks,

It has been a busy week here at Castle MacLeod. I haven't been writing much as I took on a task that was more difficult than expected. Autumn is in the air and winter inevitable so I decided to upgrade the insulation under the house. This was far more challenging than I thought and has left me a bit drained.

However, it is done, and since we are still waiting for book cover before we can publish, I'll be doing a lot more of this for a few days while I recover my strength.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hi folks, 

Well, it has been a busy and stressful week here on the island of stone. To begin with we finally got the weather we waited for all summer, so there was a flurry of work on the outside of the house, preparing for winter. We scraped, painted, and installed a new back door as well as two storm doors. That should cut down the heating bills a bit.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Playing with My Sleep Patterns

Hi folks,

Well, I'm back again. I am happy to report the sudden illness in the family seems to be improving. M went home from hospital yesterday. Now I am trying to refocus on my writing. However, I didn't last week.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Hi folks,

Forgive me, but today's post will be a short one. A family member fell ill late last evening. Half the pack is at the hospital with him and the rest of us are here taking turns sitting by the phone waiting for an update. The time is 6:60 a.m. and I just took the watch. four hours sleep. Hoping for a few more around noon.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The End

Hi folks,

    Just a quick one today as I have to get my butt out of the chair and walk the dogs. I have been pounding away at the keyboard all morning, but I did it, I finished the rough draft of my next book.  Yay me! There is nothing quite as exciting for me as a writer than to finish that first draft.
   This one is especially sweet considering all the difficulties the past few months have thrown in the path. Now to tidy it up then hand it off to the editor then to a few beta readers and then hit the shelves. The target for release will be late September or early October. Will have a firm date soon.
   So, here's a peek at the beginning. Be gentle folks, it's unedited.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It Ain't Funny

Hi Folks,

I woke up to the voice of Willie Nelson running through my head. "Ain't it funny how time slips away." Right. As I stood up and gravity seized my body, stuffing it back into it's usual form from the sweet comfortable form it achieves in sleep I grumbled, "Ain't nothing funny about it, Willie. Gravity sucks."

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Worth Doing

Hi folks,

A few days ago I did something unusual, I checked the reviews on some of my older works. Back in the latter years of the twentieth century, I lost a friend to suicide; she was transgendered. a few years later I wrote a book to honor her struggle and to show how it really should have worked out for her. When I checked the reviews, this is what I found.

This review is from: Shelly's Turn (Kindle Edition)
I held off on buying this book for a long time. I know nothing about transgender people so I thought the book would be of no interest to me. I was wrong I really enjoyed it and learnt a couple of things about transgender people along the way. The story has several love stories in it and the one involving the two moms was the most surprising by far. The way Shelly's dad went from narrow minded to grudgingly accepting in the space of a day seemed a little too fast. The boys in this book were far too nice I have yet to meet a guy who is half as nice as those guys. I liked Shelly she was an interesting person and she had to suffer for years as her father beat the crap out of her every time she insisted she was a girl. I learned a lot about the mindset of transgender people from this book as I have never met a transgender person i never really thought about it before. I loved the fact the book had a happy ending and was money well spent in the end.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sleepless in the Heat

It's six a.m. Her eyes are open, wild, excited. Hunched over the keyboard, her fingers fly as her hands try and fail to keep pace with her racing thoughts. Spelling errors abound, language suffers, and worse, but that can all be corrected later. What is vital at the moment is to get the thoughts down before they vanish into space, leaving her empty and lost.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cold Weather Woman

Hi folks,

There's not a lot going on to tell you about this time. It's been so damned hot and muggy I actually celebrated when it rained for an hour or two yesterday. Sigh. The truth is, I'm a cold weather woman. My favorite time of year is autumn. I love the colors, warm sweaters and a chill in the air. Sweltering heat with 90% humidity...not so much.

So, with little else but to sit and sweat, I've been reading a lot as well as puttering away at a new story. What's that? You want a peek? Okay, here's a peek into the story.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week Off and Stuff

Hey folks,

Until I looked back, I wasn't sure what to tell you about last week. The truth is, I did a lot of goofing off. I spent a bunch of time here hanging out with the happy gardener.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Hi Folks,

Today I get to keep two promises. First I get to tell you about how I became a writer, and second I can finally show you the cover for Blue Rider. On to my story.

I have always loved stories, writing them, reading them, writing songs, etc. All that got put on the back burner when I reached adulthood. I married young, had a young family, and ... well, you know how that all goes. When you have children it is hard to hold on to the little things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Goals for Round #3 of ROW 80

Hi folks,

Well, this isn't the story of my humble beginnings in writing as I threatened you with. That will surface on Sunday. This time it's all about Round #3 of ROW80. Goals.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hard Choices

Hi folks, 

I don't know if you remember, but back in January I set out a seriously tough writing and publishing schedule for this year. They say if you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your plans. (pounds head on desk in frustration) Yep, it has all gone to hell in a hand basket.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Quality Content

Hi folks,

here I am , head in hand, with no promise fulfilled for you. I have been promising a new book, a new cover, something, for weeks now and all I have for you today is a rant. Sigh, life is what happens when you make other plans.

Right, the rant. Well, it's this. All the experts tell you that you must blog several times a week and always have quality content. I've taken several courses and they all say that. The thing is, nobody will come right out and tell you what it is. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Supervised Gardening

Hi folks,

Well, another week has gone by and I still don't have a cover for Blue Rider to show you. We're nearly a month behind on that now, sadly. However, here's a little story for you instead.

We here in the far north are now past the last frost date so it was time to plant our little garden. As you can see the supervisors were on the job early.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Gibbs Slap From the Muse!

Hi folks,

This past week has been interesting to say the least. many unusual things have happened. What??? You say? Well, for example, I willingly mowed the lawn. Most of you know I hate lawns and think people should be growing food instead. Anyway I did that. 
(Me with the giant rhubarb plant and grass that needs mowing.)

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hi Folks,

Today we are celebrating the release of Old Family Mansion from Amazon's exclusivity. Old Family Mansion is now live on Smashwords. You can download a free copy in your choice of format here: by using this coupon code: GZ33M. Remember to use the code for a free copy. coupon: GZ33M

Friday, June 6, 2014

Writing Process

Hi folks,

Today is something a bit unusual for me. Today's post is part of a blog hop. I'll answer four questions below. This will give you a window into  how I do what I do. I'll also post links to some other great writers so you can see their process and compare. I warn you, the mind of a writer is a unique thing and everybody works differently. So, here we go.
Me, hard at work.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Back in the Saddle and a ROW80 Check-in

Hi folks,

Well, I’m back in action, at least for now. My computer was giving me fits for months and in mid May it went berserk. It has now been resurrected, but in a strange new form. Our IT guy managed to save all my docs, but the Microsoft office I paid so much for is gone. I’m now struggling to use a new word processing program. Sigh

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Old Dogs and a ROW80 Check-in

Hi folks, 

This past week Charis managed something I have failed to do in the past ten years; get the dogs to pose for a portrait. So, I want to share this with all of you. These are the guys I'm always talking about. They're old now, but old dogs have a special energy that I love. Older dogs are a true gift. So, in order of age, here they are.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunny Day on Bell Island

Hi folks,

This week something unusual happened; we had a sunny day. tee hee Unable to resist, we went outside to enjoy it as did everybody else. Nobody enjoys a sunny spring day as much as a Newfoundlander. So, talk a walk around the island with me.
This is a view of #2 Cove

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Growing Old?

Hi Folks,

It is a strange world and this week I got a real peek into how strange it can be. Really. It’s time for a few confessions.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Crazy Weather and Writing Madness

Hi folks, Happy Easter!

So here we are in the midst of the madness we call Spring. This past week we had three warm sunny days…in a row…Amazing. Aaaaand then it turned cold again and is snowing right now. Argh! Yup, that’s spring in Newfoundland. You can wear your sandals, but remember to carry your boots just in case.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Hi Folks,

It’s April and after five months of snow storms, it’s been nice to see the sun and feel a warm rain again. The snows are nearly gone and I can’t say I’m sorry to see them go. I actually got to wear my new spring jacket to town Thursday. Yep, cheap thrills. Tee hee

Speaking of thrills, check out Old Family Mansion. (shameless self promotion time)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Hi Folks,

Another week has passed and I am feeling like I might survive. This damned chest cold is still lingering at the edges of my existence and being somewhat annoying. However, this is not a snivel session; it is a good news session.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Feeling Mortal

Hi Folks,
Here I am again. We took advantage of a lull in the winter weather to make a grocery run to the city. It was a real treat because it wasn’t snowing, the boats were on schedule and we didn’t have to wait more than ten minutes to get loaded. The waters were calm and I had time to relax back and reflect.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Back at the Board

Hi Folks,

Yep, it’s me again, back at the board, keyboard, that is. For the past ten days I have fought the demon from an unknown hell call the common cold. There was nothing common about this. Commonly, I never get sick. The last time this happened was eighteen years ago. I won’t bore you by whining about it, I’m sure most of you have been there at one time or another. Instead, I want to talk about something else.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Roller Coaster Week

Hi Folks,
This March reminds me of March in the Arctic; bitter cold and yet sunny days. It always looks so inviting outside until you step through the door. March is also the time when you’re getting sick of winter and every little thing drives you crazy.

I have to tell you, it was an up and down kind of week, so very typical of March. We had power interruptions, frozen pipes, ice in the harbour, bad news, and unexpected delays on many things as well as small computer issues.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

On the March

Hi folks,

Another week has passed and dragged February with it. I was just starting to think February was gaining some traction when it disappeared.  I guess I should look on the bright side; Spring can’t be far away now. After all, all the summer catalogues have been here for weeks.

Here’s a bit of madness to ponder. I’ve often wondered why they call this month March when it is February when the snow storms march across this land in a never ending daily pattern. Personally, I think the two should be reversed. Yes, I have cabin fever. Tee hee I’m ready for some sunshine and warm days.

On another note, Frankie continues to march along. You can find her here.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Working Through the Winter

Hi Folks,

It is early Sunday morning as I write this. Far too early. I was up late watching old NCIS episodes with family last night. This morning the dogs got me up before 6:20 a.m. Why? It is bright and sunny outside, that’s why. After a week of dismal winter weather the prospect of a walk in the sun must have gotten to them. Sigh, whine, snivel. I am definitely going to have a nap this afternoon.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hi Folks,
It’s been a crazy, busy, week, but it was also a successful week. As I often say, “Ya gotta love it when it works.” And work it has. Last Sunday we put up Frankie and Frankie is being good to us. Here’s a line from our first review.
This book is more of a thriller than a romance.”
So, heeeerrrrrreeeeees Frankie.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Better Late than Never

Hi folks, 

Well, it has been a crazy week here, but it's all good stuff. We've been working night and day (literally) to get this book done. We've been promising it for weeks, but the wait is now over. Frankie has arrived. It's now available on Smashwords and should be up on Amazon later tonight. I'll post that link on this page when I get it.

This is my first foray into a collaboration and I am thrilled with the results. I sincerely hope you enjoy Frankie's story as much as I have.

I confess I haven't got a lot else done this week, but I'm not complaining. I will now leave you to it and go do my happy dance.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Face Plant and Pallet

Hi Folks,

Well, another action packed week has gone by, and as usual not much went according to plan. For example, early in the week I decided to take the dogs for a walk in the snowfall. It was a light powder and they love to play in it. Partway through I stepped onto a frozen puddle that was hidden under the fresh falling snow.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rainy Day

Hi folks,
It’s a cold rainy day here. I won’t bother showing you a picture as I’m sure you can picture it in your mind easily enough. The bright side of it all is I’ve got lots of writing done today. Yay me. J
Anyway, yesterday was a different matter, clear and cold. Of course me and the boys took advantage of a chance for a walk in the sun.

Last week I got a flat tire on my car. Since it flattened in the driveway I thought nothing of it, just call my buddy in the garage down the street and get it fixed. That was the beginning of the downward spiral for the poor old car. (and my bank book) He tried to pump up the tire to drive the car to the garage where he could fix it easily. No go, the hole was too big.
He jacked up the car and took the tire to the shop. The hole was still too big and the sidewall was ruined. I ordered two new snow tires. He got them in and tried to mount one on the injured side. Couldn’t do it. That’s when he noticed the broken coil spring that had punched through the first tire.
He then tried to take off the spring to order a new one, but the entire strut assemble was rusted out. Car you see where this is going? Argh. Anyway, by tomorrow I will have two great new tires and a new strut. (And an empty checking acct.) Sigh. Ah well, it has kept me home and at the computer.

Now for the ROW80 check-in

The projected release date for the new novella had to be pushed back a week because of illness. (Not mine, thanks) However, I have high hopes for later this week which will still make it a January release.
On the new book front I have managed over 12K words on the new project along with some savage plotting. I am well pleased with that.
Next week’s target is another 10K words and a book release. Wish me luck.
Okay, so now it’s your turn. What have you all been up to? Drop me a line and let me know. I do love to hear from you.

Bright Blessings


Sunday, January 19, 2014

It’s all a Plot

Hi folks,

Well, today I confess I am in a bit of a quandary. I’ve just finished up a novella (50K words) and gave it to the editor. Darn good thing too as I have already started on the five book series scheduled for this year. The quandary? Well, all five of them are talking to me at once.

Let me explain. This is how I write a book. I sit to the computer, put my hands in place and say, “All right, somebody tell me a story.” A character comes, often with friends, and so it begins. I have no idea what will happen next until I write it down.

So now I have five sets of voices trying to tell me a story all at once, all are interconnected, and each is unique. Argh. Sadly, I know the answer to the quandary all too well. I fear I must sit down and write an outline for each story. I must plot and plan.  All I can say is, “Wish me luck.”


Last week I set out my goals for this year. This week saw some progress on that march. I have sent the 50K novella to the editor and started on the five book series. I’m about 10K into the first one, but realize I have to stop and outline all five so they can fit together properly.
So, the goals for this week are: get the outlines written plus at least another 5K on the lead book. I also hope to get a cover ready for Frankie. (the novella)
We also hope to get the newsletter out this week. As always there will be a coupon for a free book as well as  excerpts from upcoming books, info and news I don’t share anywhere else, and more. To sign up for the newsletter just go to the top of the page. The link is on my smiling face at the right.

Drop me a line and let me know how you’re getting on. I do love to hear from you.
Until next week,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Scattered Mind

Hi Folks,

Today is a cold bitter rainy day; the kind of winter’s day that makes you want to curl up by the fire and nap until it goes away. I’d love to do just that, but with the amount of work I have set out for myself this year, maybe I should write a bit first. I won’t even think about all the ice that will appear when it turns cold again.

No, today I want to share with you a common writer’s ailment, a scattered mind. Here’s how it works, voices are talking to you, each trying to get your full attention to their story. You try to sort them out and stay sane, but every once in a while you realize that one of those voices was actually someone in the room with you. “Pru’s off world again,” is a common statement at our house.

Right now K is talking to me from another room, the Labrador is barking to get in out of the rain, I’m trying to focus on this post, and all I can think of is an abandoned mansion with footprints in the dust on the floors.
If you are in any doubt about a writer’s mind being scattered, just re-read the above. No, I don’t have children, but I do have three cats, four dogs, and three other adults and all of us in our tiny cottage. What distractions? Tee hee hee

Now for a ROW80 check-in.

Here’s the plan for 2014, and I will be the first to admit it is a bit ambitious. The first thing is to begin a number of revisions and upgrades to some of my earlier work. This has already begun with the release of Lady Blue which was originally released as Gifted.
The second part of the plan is to complete a five book series of romance novels.

The third part of the plan is to write and release two stand-alone books, one a romance and one action adventure.
Well there it is. I will admit I have other project running through my head, but this is all I am willing to commit to at the moment. I declare 2014 the year of the writer.

All right, for the first round of ROW80 I want another revision, one romance, and the first novel in the new series. Wish me luck.

So, what have you folks been up to? What are your thoughts on the mind of a writer? Talk to me, I love to hear from you.
Until next week,


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