Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Hi Folks,

Another week has passed and I am feeling like I might survive. This damned chest cold is still lingering at the edges of my existence and being somewhat annoying. However, this is not a snivel session; it is a good news session.

A late winter storm battered our poor island for a few days, but we had already stocked up the larder and laid in plenty of firewood. We were warm and well fed in our snug little cottage. Now the weather is starting to show signs of Spring at last, warm sunny days, melting snows, mud for dogs to run through; all that Springlike stuff.
Now, check this out.

On the writing front, we re-released Phoenix as Phoenix Augmented. The original was in need of a good edit and a better cover, so we gave it one. Here’s the new look and location. Be aware, it is the same story, just prettier and better written. Phoenix has long been one of my favorite war of the worlds stories. It was fun to revisit such an old friend.
It’s said that the best laid plans f mice and men often go astray, and so it was. This old paper warrior allowed herself to get sucked into World of Warcraft and the results are in. Target not reached. I set a target of ten thousand words, but only managed five. Sigh.  Snow shoveling is not an acceptable excuse. Two minutes in the penalty box and a self-inflicted tongue lashing should restore discipline. Excuse me for a moment……(clock slowly ticks off two minutes)

Okay, I’m back and ready to roll. Target output for this week is ten thousand words on the WIP.

On a bright note, we did finish the revisions of Phoenix and get it re-released. So, now, please tell me you got closer to your targets than I did.

Well, that’s it for me for this week.
Bright Blessings



  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Prudence. I hope with the advent of Spring you'll be feeling as fresh as the new daisies.

    Good work on the re-release and new cover.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Thanks Patricia, I'm just whining. I know a few weeks will make it go away. Actually, the constant snows have finally stopped and we have a warm sunny day going. I feel better already.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that you are still fighting that rotten cold. Or should I say the aftereffects of that cold. It's been a rough winter all around. Glad to hear that you have melt off. Nothing like seeing spring shoot its first sprout of vegetation. I especially love bulb plants. I hope you have crocus, tulips and daffodils. And the leaves never look greener than in spring. Yet, you didn't let a little old cold get you down. No siree. Another book edited and I like your realistic projection for this week. Go Prudence!!!! :)

    1. Thanks Karen, it has been a tough winter on everybody. I feel like such a wimp when so many others have truly had it tough. Yes we're getting the melt at last, but we're a month or so away from flowers. Can't wait.
      I want you to know that your constant support and cheering me on has a lot to do with my ability to keep going. You are a treasure and a good friend. May a rain of blessings fall gently on your head. :)

  3. Prudence, even with the tough winter and all it brings, you're still one of the most prolific writers I know. Congrats on Phoenix. Isn't World of Warcraft considered research? ;)

    1. Thanks Debra, yep, WoW is definitely research. tee hee.


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