Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Fantasy/Sci-fi/ Adventure

Hello there, adventure seekers. On this page I will list my books that carry one off to other worlds where mighty deeds are done, or maybe just an evil man getting his ass kicked, eventually. :)

About the year 1100 AD a small village of Norse people vanished from Greenland. Their homes, tools, livestock all remained, but the humans were gone. A lone survivor claimed that the gods had snatched them away in ships of bright light. The fate of these folk will soon be revealed as their descendants return to Earth in the present to stand beside mankind in the final battle for our survival. 

No one could say why Red Meera had risked her life to save the condemned slave that day, but Meera’s visions were often true, and so the die had been cast. In truth, she had saved two people that day, one a sweet gentle healer, the other a cold calculating woman with a deep desire for vengeance. Which one would Oona truly become? Meera did not know, for she did not expect to survive long enough to find out. 

Abused, betrayed, and abandoned by the men in her family, Annie Laurie Balfour finds herself in a foreign country with no resources, and her life in jeopardy. Annie’s only hope is a shadowy figure from the world of international espionage, a woman thought long dead. Who is this will-o-the-wisp; is she savior, or is she assassin? 

Megan Carter, injured, battered, abused, but not broken, discovers a weapon that was lost for ages. With the power of this weapon she manages to enlist the aid of an alien queen.
Both are wounded and near death when they are blended into a completely new creature, composed of the best parts of each. She is the Phoenix, and it is she who holds, not only the fate of her own people, but that of humanity as well, in her hand.
Will the mad thirst for vengeance consume the new queen? Will she rise to the challenge, lead her people to safety, and ours to victory, or will the treachery of human politics drive her away and seal our own fate. Time is short, for the destroyers are coming... 

The Elf and the Old Man series.

This is a sweeping tale spread over three books. It chronicles the adventures of a man too old to be natural and an Elf who should not exist. It tells of the rise of the fearsome Death Angel and her mate, the gigantic chieftain of the fabled Wolf Clan. Elves, wizards, clerics, dwarves, dragons, and gods all walk the earth in this quest to unmask and destroy the god of evil. We begin with the magic of the true reunion.

Their love created the world as it was, but they were severed, burst apart by an evil god, cast into human form without memory of their true nature. Ever they reincarnate again and again, he always seeking, she always waiting to be found, lifetime after lifetime; then they found her, the child whose fierce and loving nature would help them reunite and re-awaken the world. 

The tale continues with red blood on the pristine snows of the cold northern lands.

Something has awakened in the north, something old, something evil. One by one our friends, both human and Elf, go north seeking the source of a nameless fear. One by one they disappear. Silver the Hunter and Ketdryn join forces with the Wolf Clan to investigate, but all does not go as planned. Fate has dealt a bad hand, and the winters of the north are unrelenting and unforgiving. 

The allies are scattered and outnumbered, and it gets worse as the snows of winter deepen. As an enemy older than time reawakens, the Wolf Clan has to find a new way to survive, and a new way to fight a very old opponent. Those who weave the fates of men and Elves weave an intricate pattern indeed, and only they can see what truly lies ahead. 

Now we come down to the final battle, the final confrontation.

Even as the Dark One arises, the mists are pulled aside and the memories return to Silver the Hunter. The time is near, and great forces are moving through the world as the true folk are inexorably drawn together. Warrick's tale is retold and its secrets revealed, but it will take a young Dwarf and a blind girl to solve the mystery, and reveal the key to the ultimate doom of the Dark One. 


  1. Just a comment on the covers, since covers are an important piece of selling to the reader. As an action-adventure reader, I would pass all of these books by because of the covers. None of the covers convey action-adventure. For example, the snow one suggests peace and serenity, a mismatch with the title. Now if the snow had a skull burned into it or sitting on top of it, that would start to veer towards action-adventure. Two of the covers tell me they're romance novels.

    1. I do agree with you here. This is some of my earlier work and all I had for covers was a few photos. I tried to relate the photo to the story, but you wouldn't know that unless you read it. The sales on these books reflects what you have said. I am working on getting new covers for them this year.
      Thanks for the comment, it confirms my suspicions. I appreciate the honesty.

    2. Maybe the early flowery covers left something to be desired, but I absolutely adore the doll-like covers on Novan Witch and the St Johns series. I'd love to see more of these. Maybe if you republish some of the older books, you can do new covers. I can just imagine what a potential cover for Artic Gale or Return From Exile might look like. A doll on a bicycle confronting a doll with three children dolls and a Xena doll rescuing a Gabrielle doll in the Toronto airport. Only don't make Morag and Annie look too much like Calan and Angela...

    3. Hi Gordon, the guy who made those covers for me was an on-line friend who disappeared. I have tried to contact him, but he and his wife seem to have vanished. My editor and I are working on ideas for new covers for all my books as Amazon et al have issued new specs for covers. sigh
      Wish us luck!


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