Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

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Hell Comes Home

Okay, you found the treasure.  Happy reading. Here's chapter one of Devil Comes Home.

Hell Comes Home
Prudence MacLeod
Kindle Edition, All Rights Reserved
Copyright, August 25 / 2014

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Please enjoy the story.


Melanie Rivers sat on her motorcycle, staring at the passing waves as the ferry boat carried her across the short stretch of water to the island where she had grown up. It had been so long ago, it seemed like a lifetime. At length she took out her notebook and pen.
The endless sea
Washes away the past
Forgiving all sins”
Melanie re-read what she'd written then closed the book and returned it to the pocket of her leather jacket. “Let's hope so.” The boat was approaching the dock, it was time to go. Time to face the music. She pulled on her helmet and started the engine as the ramp touched the dock.
The road rose up a long hill and into the forest. Melanie pulled over to let the traffic pass, then set out slowly for the town a short distance away. An abandoned building caught her eye and she stopped for a moment. Brighton Hotel. It had been a thriving B&B when she was a girl, but it stood empty now, probably had for years, by the look of it. The place had a haunted look to it now and she shivered. She sighed and rode on. Melanie wasn't looking forward to this homecoming.
A small diner caught her eye as she entered the town of Brighton. Candi's Cafe. That wasn't here before. Hungry, Melanie decided to stop and fortify herself. It had been over twelve years, maybe no one would recognize her. Maybe folks had moved on with their lives. With luck they had forgotten all about her. She hung her helmet on the handlebars and went inside.
The sign said Have a Seat, so she did, taking the only empty table in the room. The buzz of conversation stopped as she walked in, but now it picked up again. She sighed inwardly as she heard the strident voice of the woman at the next table. “It is her, I tell you. That woman is Melanie Rivers. What the hell is she doing back here in Brighton?”
That's not our business,” replied her male companion softly. “Keep your damn voice down.”
The hell I will. I'm not going to stand for this.” She turned her full attention to Melanie as she rose from her chair. “What are you doing back here, Melanie Rivers? Hasn't your family done enough damage to the good people of this town?”
Melanie didn't even look at the woman. Sadly, she couldn't even remember the woman's name. She sighed and let her shoulders sag,but her silence gave the woman courage. “Well, answer me, Miss Murderer Rivers.”
Melanie's voice was soft as she finally spoke without making eye contact. “Please don't do this. I just want a meal. I'm not here to cause trouble.”
You are trouble, Missy; you earned that nickname Devil. Your whole damn family is trouble, trouble we don't need. We don't want the likes of you in our town.”
That snapped it. There was going to be no way to reason with the woman. Her husband's feeble attempts to shut her up only added fuel to the fire. Melanie shook her head. “It's hard, isn't it?”
What??? What the hell are you talking about?”
Not getting what you want. It's hard to want something and not get it. That's how it felt years ago when my family wanted the support of this town, but we didn't get it. Now, according to you, the town doesn't want me here.” Melanie rose and faced her attacker. The woman took a step back from the fire in those eyes. “Well this time you won't get what you want either. I've come home to stay. Suck it up and learn to deal. Now, get out of my face.”
The woman shrank back into her seat and swallowed hard. “What are you going to do, Melanie? Murder me in my sleep too?”
Don't tempt me.” Melanie sat back down as the young server appeared.
Please, we don't want any trouble in here.”
Me neither, girl. I just want a burger and a coffee, that all.”
The girl searched Melanie's eyes for a moment then nodded her head. “Will that be the deluxe?”
Sure. Coffee black.”
Coming right up.”
Well, we're not staying here; come along, Marvin.” Melanie's assailant stormed out, dragging her husband behind her. No one else had said a word either way.
The server soon returned with the burger and coffee. Seeing the empty table next to Melanie she stomped her foot in frustration. “Dammit, they skipped out without paying.”
It's okay. I'll cover it.”
The hell you will.” The deep male voice caused them both to turn to the older man at another table. “I”ll cover it and Melanie's too.” He was grinning. “I've waited years to see someone stand up to Janet Carter. It was worth the wait. How you been, Mel?”
Some good, some bad, Sheriff. Thanks.”
I retired five years ago, Mel. I'm just Hank now.”
Oh yeah? How's that working out for you?”
Boring as hell, Melanie. I owe you at least a burger for livening the place up a bit.”
I live to serve.” Melanie moaned with delight as she bit into the burger. It was delicious and she was famished. Hank chuckled.
So, how's your mom and dad? You ever see them?”
Melanie nodded then swallowed before speaking. “They're living in the south of France; have been for years. I haven't seen them in a long time, but I hear they're doing fine. Is my grandmother still alive?”
She is, but she's become a bit of a recluse, as you might have guessed. Folks tend to give Ellen a wide berth.”
She still at the old house?”
Ah-huh. Melanie, you're not here looking for payback are you?”
No, Hank, I'm not. Those old wounds are all scarred over; no sense opening them up again.”
So why did you come back?”
I had nowhere else to go. My job got shipped out to India, the bank took my house, and the dog moved in with the neighbors. Thanks for the burger.” She dropped a ten dollar tip on the table and left the diner.
Melanie turned slowly up the old familiar street. She stopped by the rundown house with the boarded up windows. It was much as it had been the last time she saw it, the weeks after the murders.
Melanie's uncle had gone to the doctor complaining of insomnia. He'd been put on anti-depressants which made him a bit of a zombie. He didn't seem to care about anything anymore. The family convinced him to go back to the doctor. The doctor upped the dosage. On that dose he seemed to turn nasty. One week later her uncle had entered this house with an assault rifle and murdered a family of eight then took his own life.
Melanie took out her notebook once again.
It stands there
cold, empty, and forlorn
She sighed as she replaced the book in her pocket then moved on to the next house farther down the road. This place looked a bit rundown too, but still lived in. She parked the bike then went to knock on the door. A cracked voice came from within.
Go away and leave me alone. I have a shotgun.”
Melanie grinned, her first smile in a long time. “Bet it's not loaded, Nana.”
The locks on the door snicked back, and then it slowly opened. “Melanie? Dear god, is that you, Little Mel?” The old woman stepped into her arms and hugged her fiercely.
It's me, Nana, the one and only.” Melanie held the old woman gently, tears of unnamed emotions streaming down her face.
Oh gods it's good to hold you again, Little Mel. Come inside now before someone sees you.”
Melanie allowed her grandmother to drag her inside. “Gees, Nan, I didn't think I was that ugly that you wouldn't want anyone to see me.”
Stop it child; you know damn well what I mean.”
It's okay, Nana; I stopped for a burger at that new diner. Janet Carter was there. She told me to get out of town. I told her to piss off, I'm home to stay.”
The old woman turned to gaze into her eyes. “Do you mean that, Melanie? Are you home to stay?”
Yes I am, Nana.”
It won't be easy, child. People here have long bitter memories.”
I know, Nana. Nothing these folks can do will scare me; not anymore.”
The old woman gazed into her granddaughter's eyes for a long moment then nodded. She took Melanie by the hand and led her into the kitchen, depositing her at the table. She stepped to the stove and put on the kettle for tea. “You've seen some hard years, girl.”
Yes I have. I've seen a lot I wish I hadn't and I've done a lot I wish I hadn't. It's a sick world out there, Nana. I knew it was time to quit and come home when I could no longer tell the good guys and bad guys apart.”
The old woman just nodded as she brought the tea to the table. “I suppose you're like the rest of the heathens now, wanting coffee instead of tea.”
Melanie grinned as she took a sip from her cup. “I can adapt.”
Will you be staying here?”
I'd like to, if that's okay.”
Of course it's okay; this is your home too. You know that.”
Nana, my being here won't bring the wrath of fools down on you will it?”
No more than usual, dear.”
They claim I'm a witch now. I get the blame for everything from an empty gas tank to the measles.” Melanie just shook her head sadly. “It's all right, honey. The best part is some of the come to me for favors, you know, love potions and such. Why, just last week I got fifty bucks for a small jar of orange Kool-aid with extra sugar.”
Extra sugar; you mean pot.”
Ah-huh, the secret ingredient to all my potions.”
Nana, you're a bad woman.”
Girl's got to make a living, Melanie. Geez.”
They spent the rest of the day getting reacquainted, Melanie listening, gently prodding for more stories of the old lady's life during the vanished years. For her part, Ellen Rivers was content to talk and just enjoy the nearness of the woman Melanie had become. A woman she had dared not hope to see. To have Melanie home with her was a true blessing and she allowed some of the stress to leave her as she relaxed in the warmth of the young woman's love.

Melanie stopped to gaze around as she entered her old bedroom. It was much as she'd left it over twelve years ago. She sighed and shook her head sadly as she took note that it had been recently cleaned. Obviously, her grandmother had kept it that way all these years in hopes she might someday return. This was the room of an innocent, a girl filled with hope for the future. She would leave this way; maybe some of that past hope would rub off again.
Pulling out her notebook, she thought for a moment then wrote:
loving, welcoming, embracing, and yet

Now why had she written that, she wondered, but she could not deny it. She'd had that sense of foreboding since she'd gotten off the boat. Brighton was like a town out of time, lost, alone, and angry. Melanie could no longer stall the inevitable, she had to let her senses explore or she would not be able to sleep.
She sat cross legged on the floor, her back resting against the bed, breathing deeply. As her body sank into relaxation she released herself to the island, to its energy, its living soul. Frightened, uneasy, edgy, these were the emotions that came faintly to her consciousness. Suddenly, there it was, wild, evil, insane, hungry. Whatever spirit that was, it was centered at the abandoned hotel.
Melanie pulled herself back from it, retreating to her grandmother's house. It was calm here, defensive, but calm, and protective. She smiled as she touched her grandmother's energy. Nana had been exploring too.
Melanie opened her eyes and stretched. Whatever that was, it would not approach this house. The old woman's defensive energy was too strong, and now hers was added to it. It was safe to rest. She reached up and pulled a pillow down with her, stretched out, and went to sleep.

The next morning, Ellen Rivers made breakfast then went upstairs to wake Melanie. The room was empty and the bed had not been slept in, however there was a rumpled pillow on the floor beside the bed. She fluffed it up and replaced it at the headboard. “Where have you been, child, and what have they done to you there?”
Returning to the kitchen, she found Melanie at the table eating breakfast. There was also the smell of brewing coffee. “You're all sweaty; were you out for a run?”
I was, Nana. It's a bit of a habit these days.”
Where did you go? Down by the old hotel?”
How did you know?”
You went exploring last night. Whatever that thing is, it knew you were there. Don't stir it up, Mel. It's been there for years. As long as people stay away from it, nothing bad happens. Every once in a while some fool will go exploring there.”
And they die a horrible death soon after, right?”
Right. You know what that is, don't you?”
No, but I've encountered them before. It's all right, Nana; I'll leave it alone. I just wanted to make sure it stays put, if you know what I mean.”
I do. Like I said, as long as nobody bothers it, it stays pretty much at the hotel.”
Nana, I'm a big girl now. I need to know what happened here, what no one would ever tell me before.”
The old woman gazed out the window for a long moment then spoke softly. “All right, Melanie. It started back in the late sixties. I experimented with a lot of mind altering drugs. One of them opened me to another dimension, a dark place. I escaped, but have been able to see the creatures from there in our world ever since that time. I can see that you have that ability now too.”
Yeah, I do. I came by it differently, but I do.”
How did you come to that, Mel? You're way stronger than I am.”
I was in the military, special training, experimental stuff, and special supplements I'm sure. Now, don't ever breathe a word of that, or men will come and shoot us both. Go on with your story.”
Well, one of those things came and had possessed the manager of that hotel. The drugs they gave your Uncle Gary were making him crazy. I tried to help, but what I gave him, along with what they had given him, opened his eyes.”
So he killed the whole family.”
Yes, and then himself. He was such a gentle soul, but those damned anti-depressants made him violent. Mel, I don't think that one at the hotel is the only one around here, but I can't pinpoint any others. I can feel them though.”
Yeah, there's more of them; I can sense them too. Dammit, I'd hoped to be rid of them by coming home. I guess it was too much to hope for.”
What are they, Mel? What do they want here? Why do they possess some people and not others?”
I don't know, Nana. I have no answers, only questions.”
Just then a car pulled up in the driveway, followed by boots on the steps. “Now what the hell does that moron want?” The old woman rose and went to the door. “Morning, Sheriff, you here for a love potion at this time of day?”
Really funny, Ellen. I hear your granddaughter Melanie is back in town. Is she here?”
Maybe. What's your interest in Melanie? You're a married man after all.”
You're a riot, Ellen. Tell Melanie to get her ass out here. I want to ask her some questions.”
The man's tone sent Melanie out of the kitchen in a hurry. “What do you want?” She stepped between her grandmother and the police officer. Instinctively he flinched and stepped back.
I want to know why you came back here, when you plan to leave, and why the hell I can't access your file in any of the data bases.”
This is my home, I plan to stay indefinitely, and you don't have the clearance to see my file. What else?”
I want you out of town by sundown.”
Won't happen.”
The good folks of this town don't seem to want you here, why is that?”
You'll have to ask them.”
I did.”
Then you already know the answer to your question.”
I run a quiet town here, Rivers. I want to keep it that way.”
I'm in full agreement with you there, Sheriff. I didn't come home to cause trouble; I came to be with my grandmother. She's all the family I have.”
Just keep your nose clean.” He sneered then walked back to his car.
Dipshit,” muttered Ellen as she turned back into the house.
Second that.” Melanie closed the door then turned to follow her grandmother.
He'll cause you trouble, Mel.”
He can try. Who the heck is he anyway? I don't recognize him.”
Big city detective looking for a soft job. He showed up when Hank retired, got himself elected, and has been a pain in the ass ever since. Come back and have some tea with me.”
While Ellen made the tea, Melanie took out her small notebook.
Authority denied
Angry, confused, vengeful
He said he can't access your file, Mel. What have you been up to? Are you still working for the government?”
No, I'm not, but they sealed my file, all our files. We spent years tracking things like what's out at the hotel. We were mandated to find out what they are, where they come from, what they want, and how to stop them. We were a long way from successful. The team was disbanded and sent home, but we secretly kept on hunting them. Our former boss was reassigned, but we all stay in contact with him and he helps us where he can.”
So what's the plan? Are you going after that thing out at the hotel?”
Not if I can help it. Nana, I don't even want to think about where all this will go if somebody starts messing with it. I plan to leave well enough alone.”
Could you get rid of it?”
Maybe, I have before, but it isn't easy. In fact, it's bloody dangerous. Too many people have died every time we mess with those things.”
Then we'll leave it alone. No sense asking for trouble. Have you any plans for the day?”
None at all.”
Good, then you can help me in the garden.”
Melanie spent the next three weeks helping her grandmother get the old house back in order, doing all the jobs the old woman was no longer able to do. They had just finished the last of the fence painting and were standing back to admire their handiwork when the sheriff returned, a fancy car following close behind.

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