Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week Off and Stuff

Hey folks,

Until I looked back, I wasn't sure what to tell you about last week. The truth is, I did a lot of goofing off. I spent a bunch of time here hanging out with the happy gardener.

More time lost watching this guy trim the willows.

I also spent a good deal of time reading. Now many people might call that being lazy or wasting time. I call it research and home schooling. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and learned a lot too. However, it wasn't all time lost. There was one meeting with fellow writer Pat O'Dea Rosen and my editor Charis Maloy. Here we are in a deep philosophic discussion about writing as serious business.

Yes, I enjoyed meeting Pat and family. Wonderful people. I could happily lose a day hanging out with them anytime.


Time for deep confessions. Last week I barely managed to write two thousand words. Much of my time at the keyboard was spent polishing stuff already written so it doesn't count. Sigh.
So, the target for this week is to search my desk and find some of my lost discipline. Let's set a target of five thousand new words on a WIP. Wish me luck. :)

Bright Blessings

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Click on any book cover to be taken to it's point of sale on My books can also be found on Sony, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, Apple, Diesel, and many others.

Also here's the link to my newsletter. They come out infrequently, but will keep you up to date on publishing goals, books in progress, as well as content that does not appear elsewhere about day to day life here on my island of stone. As well we always include a coupon for a free book. Sign up today.


  1. I don't see editing/polishing/writing a synopsis as "not work". It's all "work". A lot of our time is spent in the "background" making things shiner for the reader, so don't worry too much. New words are good, but sometimes the old ones need a bit of love too :D

    1. Thanks Natalie, I always feel a bit bad when I don't produce new work every week. :)

  2. Whether you want to call it "work" or not, sometimes, no matter what fills our time in any given week, it is stuff we had to do - like just doing nothing for once! Which I can relate to way more than I like to admit. There is always next week.

    1. Thanks Chris, it was tough goofing off, but somehow I think I could get used to it. hehehe

  3. Hi, Prudence,
    I know you could have knocked out 8,000 words in the time you spent with me and my family. I'm grateful you and editor Charis allowed yourselves a break.Thanks for sharing stories of Newfoundland with us. We did, of course, talk writing. In the photo you posted, weren't you reminiscing about the days of two spaces after the period? Yes, I'm sure that's what those two fingers in the air are about.

    1. Hi Pat, sorry it took so long to reply. I just found your comment in the spam folder. Bad Blogger. Yes my dear, we were discussing the good old days of two spaces after the period. I still do it sometimes just for badness. Tee hee
      It was such a pleasure to meet you and your family. I do hope our paths cross again.


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