Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cold Weather Woman

Hi folks,

There's not a lot going on to tell you about this time. It's been so damned hot and muggy I actually celebrated when it rained for an hour or two yesterday. Sigh. The truth is, I'm a cold weather woman. My favorite time of year is autumn. I love the colors, warm sweaters and a chill in the air. Sweltering heat with 90% humidity...not so much.

So, with little else but to sit and sweat, I've been reading a lot as well as puttering away at a new story. What's that? You want a peek? Okay, here's a peek into the story.

* * * * *

Melanie sat on her motorcycle, staring at the passing waves as the ferry boat carried her across the short stretch of water to the island where she had grown up. It had been so long ago. At length she took out her notebook and pen.

The endless sea
Washes away the past
Forgiving all sins”

Melanie re-read what she'd written then closed the book and returned it to the pocket of her leather jacket. “Let's hope so.” The boat was approaching the dock, time to go, to face the music. She pulled on her helmet and started the engine as the ramp touched the dock.

* * * * *

That's all you get for now. Tee Hee. Once we get Blue Rider published in September I'll get to work on that story.. if you think it's worth pursuing.

ROW80 Check-in

As I confessed above, I've been reading and puttering away at a new story. It's an action adventure romance sort of thing. I did manage to get six thousand words written on it.

I'm still waiting for Blue Rider to come back from the editor, again. Hate to admit it, but I made a mess of that one. However, that's why we have editors and that's why we do re-writes. You folks don't get to see the batter or the mess on the kitchen counter, just the cake fresh from the oven. :)

Well, that's it for me this time. I hope you're all on top of the world and loving life. May your days be blessed.

Bright Blessings

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Also, here's the link to my newsletter. Just click on my picture at the top right of the page.

They come out infrequently, but will keep you up to date on publishing goals, books in progress, as well as content that does not appear elsewhere about day to day life here on my island of stone. As well we always include a coupon for a free book. Sign up today. 


  1. Thanks for the sneak peak, Pru! This sounds like an intriguing story. Would love to see more :D

  2. Also I meant to add that I'm also a cold weather woman! I love autumn, especially around the time of halloween when everything has cooled down, lost it's blooms and is feeling a little spooky!

    1. Hey Natalie, Yep, pumpkin time is happy time, weather wise. :) Yeah, I think I'll push that story out to 80K and see what I've got. I'm just playing with it now. :)

  3. Awesome work on a new piece! Loved the excerpt! Editing is what it is, something we hate but love at the same time.

    1. A love / hate relationship with editing? Yep, that about says it all. tee hee. We can add re-writes to that as well. :)

  4. I'm a fellow fan of autumn. I love the colors, the pumpkins, the crisp, clear air. It's the season of magic, I believe. :)

    Happy writing, Prudence! Have a great week and good luck with your ROW80 goals.

    1. Thanks Denise, I work through the heat with thoughts of wool sweater and ripe pumpkins dancing in my head. hehehe

  5. I'm with you Prudence. I love fall and winter, sweater weather. I just got back from five weeks in Phoenix. The heat was horrendous. Soo happy to reside along the coast. But it's the end of July which means we have similar weather to yours. Although we do have a wonderful ocean breeze come late afternoon and evening. That is our saving grace. Best wishes with the edits Pru. May the force be with you! :)

    1. Wow, Karen, Phoenix in July. You have my deepest sympathy. So glad you escaped back to the coast. Enjoy the ocean breezes. :)


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