Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Price Drop and People Watching

AD: All Prudence MacLeod books reduced in price by 40-80%. Get 'em while they're hot!!!

Hi Folks,

Well, it's November already. November is a month or remembrance here in Canada. We have our national Remembrance Day ceremonies to remember those who fell in battle on Nov. 11th

Also November is the month for another day of remembrance, Transgender Day of Remembrance. This is a day for transgendered folks, their families, and their allies, to remember and honor the one whose lives were taken by fearful and violent people. That date is Nov. 20th. We'll be releasing a new book featuring trans heroes in time for this event.

Okay, I promised you some people watching. Here goes.

The Writer: 
The cold rain lashed against the coffee shop windows as we shed our wet coats and greedily sipped at the hot liquid we had braved the elements for. The shop was fairly full considering the weather. there were only a couple of laptops in evidence and few phones. For the most part folks were chatting with each others and watching the rain. Not her.

She was dressed casually as were we all, but her clothes screamed of money. Her posture was that of a woman from past centuries, edge of the chair, back ram rod straight, one leg crossed over the other. 

The girl looked to be in her thirties, immaculately groomed, make-up perfect and not a single hair out of place. Her face remained firmly impassive as her fingers flew across the keyboard of her wafer thin Mac laptop, as though it was frozen, incapable of expression or that it might show a wrinkle.

We were there for quite a while, but she never stopped, sipped her drink, or acknowledge anyone else in the room. She had put her perfectly contrived image on display then sent her mind off world. We would all be allowed to admire, but not engage.

Meanwhile we chatted away, I flirted shamelessly with one fellow who had brought his own cream because it was real cream, but that's another story.

 ROW80 Check-in.
It is NaNoWriMo (National Write a Novel in a Month) month and for the first time in years I am not participating. However, I do have my reasons, but that's a tale for another time. Experience has taught me that ROW80 is far more helpful to me in the long run.

This past week I did manage another two thousand words. Yay me! hehehe
In honor of NaNo I will shoot for five thousand a week this month.
I also want to read more of your blogs.

Well, that's it for me this week, folks. If you're doing NaNo I will be cheering you on, and if you're not, I'll be cheering you on anyway.



  1. Hi Pru! I had no idea that there is a Transgender Remembrance Day. This is something I shall look into.
    I'm doing both, NaNoWriMo and ROW80 (my second time on NaNo and first ROW80 round) and so far I can see positives and negatives in both But it's good that you recognised that for yourself, ROW80 is better! I love, love, love your description of The Writer! I can see her sitting there!

    1. Thanks Conny, I confess I do love people watching. This is often where I first find my characters. Good luck with NaNo.

  2. I wasn't going to take part in NaNo, but decided to in the end. It's great to meet you, I think this is my first visit to your blog. Good luck with your goals for this week. I hope to check in with you soon :-)

    1. Hey, thanks for stopping by. Good luck with NaNo. It can drive you nuts, but it can also make a first draft appear our of thin air. :)

  3. I'm not sure NaNoWriMo is for me...but I would love to accomplish it, at least once! 50k still seems like a problematic goal, though. I'm still aiming for "number of things completed," as opposed to volume.
    I enjoyed your humor. Good luck with your higher writing goal!

  4. Thanks Jackie. I think it's good to do NaNo once just to prove to yourself you can do it, but real life has to step aside when you do. That just isn't always possible. May you complete many things in grand style.


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