Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Taking the Pledge

Hi Folks,

Advice from the easy chair. 

Us old folks have tons of stuff to share and from time to time someone even asks for it. Once again I've been asked to share the pledge, so here you go!

 "I, Prudence MacLeod, do hereby give up all hope of a better past. The things that have happened there shall remain there; I take the lessons learned from those experiences and turn my focus forward to the present and future. I forgive anyone and everyone who has ever harmed me in any way, (no matter how deep or painful the hurt), and I ask forgiveness for any and all harm I may have caused (deliberately or otherwise). I will now seek ways to lead a more loving and fulfilling life."

I keep this handy on my computer and reread often. May it serve you well as it has me.

Okay, on to the ROW80 Check-in.
I will confess I haven't written a lot this week. I've spent a lot more time plotting and planning new strategies for the upcoming publication year. 
However, I did manage to get three thousand words written. I'm writing this one just for me to enjoy. (Yes I will share it with you when it is done, but I make no promises as to when that might be.)
Here's hoping you all outdid me and are having buckets of success.

Bright Blessings


  1. I love your pledge, it is profoundly simple and wise.

    1. Thanks Gheri, it has served me well over the years.

  2. Great pledge. I think I'll start using it.

    So, you didn't do much writing, "only" 3000 words... I love it!

    What are you knitting? Mary's a knitter and she'd kill me if I didn't ask.

    John Holton
    The Sound Of One Hand Typing

    1. Thanks John, help yourself. May it prove useful to you.

      Oh, tell Mary I specialize in socks and slippers. :)

  3. Prudence, great pledge, and it's neat to see that you play WoW... I haven't for ages - my brother and I used to spend a lot of time in Azeroth, but life has gotten the better of me lately... Are you looking forward to the "Warlords of Draenor" expansion?

    Have a great week to come!

    1. Hi Edward, yeah, if you haven't played for a while all the changes leading up to WoD will mess with you a bit, but, still, can't seem to stay away.Yep, looking forward to the drop next month.

  4. OMG! The Gods of Google hate me. This is the 3rd attempt to post to your comments section. This pledge couldn't be more timely; I am just coming out of a bipolar downer that seemed to go on too long (really, when don't they?) and I am happy to see and take this Pledge! I should let you know that I play Runescape, and am co-Leader of a 10-year old clan, at age 58. I don't quite fit the demographic, but it's a blast being one of the world's oldest nerds. I've played for 8 years. I didn't write 3000 words this week, because I am once again concentrating on playing the viola, which I was unable to do for several years, due to untreated essential tremor. Now, I'm back playing and performing and am ecstatic. I wrote an essay on Beethoven, who is my muse, both in life and music; he has been, since I was about 4 years old. He said once, "To play a wrong note can be forgiven, but to play without passion is inexcusable." which I agree with whole-heartedly. To write for pleasure is a dream, as it is to play for my own enjoyment, and now, once more in a symphony orchestra. Our first concert? Beethoven's Fifth Symphony; some things are just meant to be. Your Pledge could not have been more timely. I will remember this and live more in the NOW, so I can further savor the present. Thank you, Prudence!

    1. Heck, girl, I'm 65 and I play World of Warcraft. As long as you're having fun, do it. Gosh, I haven't been to a concert in ages. Music is truly the great healer. Play on, sister, play on.

  5. Thank you. That is an excellent promise and and great way to remind yourself to keep pushing forward in life, writing, and whatever else you work on. Hope your week is a good one!

  6. Plotting and planning totally count! And 3,000 words is not small change. :)

  7. I only wrote 3,000 words this week. Only? Although I do know for you, that's next to nothing. But it's something! Love your promise. It's so important to forgive. Granted, not always easy. But why carry that around with us all the time? Good for you Pru! :)


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