Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Back in the Saddle and a ROW80 Check-in

Hi folks,

Well, I’m back in action, at least for now. My computer was giving me fits for months and in mid May it went berserk. It has now been resurrected, but in a strange new form. Our IT guy managed to save all my docs, but the Microsoft office I paid so much for is gone. I’m now struggling to use a new word processing program. Sigh

So, this little adventure has pushed back my writing schedule a bit. Now it is time to pick up the pieces, recreate anything that was lost, and get back to it. To celebrate, I’m going to have a Giveaway of Old Family Mansion starting next week. The coupon for the book will be on this blog. With any luck the second book in the series will follow within a week or two.

On to my goals for the coming week. I have the manuscript of Blue Rider back from the editor. I’ve got some fixes to make and that is my goal for this coming week. Hopefully I will have a cover to show you next week.

So, this little adventure did have one bright side; I’ve had plenty of time to play outside and get a small garden patch dug up from the hard soil.
Well, that’s it for me today as I try to get back in the swing of things. Drop me a line and let me know how you all are doing.



  1. I hate when work is interrupted by technical difficulties or computer failure. *sigh* Thank goodness you're back up and running, but I feel for you. Best wishes with the edits and the upcoming release! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Thanks Julie, I do love technology when it works, but... Anyway, yesterday was the first day in a while that I sat to write. I was surprised at how good it felt.

  3. So glad your computer glitches are behind you, despite that new learning curve. What's your new program? I ran into quite a problem when switching between Open Office and Word after a while and now am just Word, though from time to time, I hear such good things about Scrivener. The main point, though, is you're writing AND gardening AND writing. Persevere . . . have a good week ahead.

    1. Hi Beth, I've been working with Word for over ten years. Now I'm trying to get used to open office. Sigh. Ah, it's not that bad, just missing a few features.

  4. Computer problems are a pain in the butt. I had mine in for "annual service" that took almost a week. A week? Really? To do a scan and install new anti-virus software? Whatever. It's nice to have it back.

    I'm glad you're finding your groove again. Good luck with the book and the new cover.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Hi Patricia, you can get them serviced annually? Really? What do you suppose they actually do during a service? hmmm Might be worth looking into. Thanks. :)

    2. I take mine in to The Geek Squad at Best Buy and they do a scan and remove anything "bad" that's hiding in there, they update my anti-virus and spyware stuff and any program updates that haven't been up on there (Adobe, Acrobat, etc.), and they get everything running faster. It's about $100 and I think it's worth it because I rarely have computer problem (knocking on wood). Might want to look into it.


  5. Glad to see you back in action Pru. What a headache. You know, I went through a similar thing last year. My computer was acting funny and I ignored it. Then one day...poof! Mother board died. Yeah. Thankfully, Jenny Hansen's hubby was able to take my computer apart and copy the information off of the hard drive before I took it into the store I purchased it from. Yes I am grateful I had a warranty. The computer was only twenty months old? But you feel lost without it. So glad you're back on your technical feet! Have a great week! :)

    1. Hi Karen, I do remember your computer episode last year. I just love technology when it works, but...

      Thanks for the good wishes. :)

  6. Huh! Not sure why you can't still reinstall Office (as long as you held onto your license key, you should be able to get back the program you had). Open Office has a very responsive community, but it's... well, it's built by volunteers, so it's not going to have all the bells and whistles. Glad you're finding ways to make it work either way.

    And Scrivener... :- Love! Though, it's a learning curve too.


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