Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Writing Process Results

Hi Folks,

We've talked about my writing process for a number of weeks now. How about a few peeks into what that process has produced. First I finished the final episode of the Corelian Guard Series. Keep an eye out for Empire's Fall, the sequel to Empire's advance.

Next, I completed the sequel to Immortal Tigress.

And yesterday I finished the first draft of the sequel to Lady Blue.

Here's a peek inside.

Tasha awakened slowly, fear gnawing at her very soul. She was no longer alone in the cold damp basement. The small hairs on the back of her neck were standing up and a shiver crawled slowly up her spine. “Relax woman,” sighed a soft feminine voice. “I'm not going to hurt you.” The speaker was a small girl not much older than Tasha. She had blue spirals painted on her face and arms.
“Who are you? What do you want?”
“I'm called Lady Blue. My name is Kara. Your name is Tasha and you're in deep shit. I'm here to bring you an option you might not have thought of. Hungry?”
“What do you mean options? Wait, what? Yes, I'm starving. Have you got anything to eat?”
“Sure, try this.” She tossed Tasha a couple of military ration bars then fished a bottle of water out of her backpack. She passed it over.
Tasha forgot everything in her hunger. She devoured the bars then guzzled the water. A moment later she became aware of the small girl watching her. “These are military rations, where did you get them?”

“I took them off a soldier who tried to rape me. Feeling better now?”

And that's a wrap for this week. Now for the ROW80 check-in.

Again I seem to be well ahead of schedule. I have ROW80 to thank for keeping me on track. Even in the times when I set my goals lower, I still have that need to get something written for the check-in. Thank you one and all for keeping me honest.
So, this past week I managed to drive the word count on my WIP over 60,000 words and to bring the story to its proper ending. I am so thrilled.

Until next time, may your days be filled with sunny skies and smiling faces. 

Bright Blessings

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Writing Time

Hi folks,

Well, we're back again at the writing practice. Last time I spoke about some of the rules. Today I will speak to another. "Write something every day! Just sit down and write, don't wait for the muse!" and so on.

You've all seen this advice on line and heard it in class. It's good advice...if you write for a living and have deadlines to meet. It might even work well for a plotter, not being one I wouldn't know. I'm told I'm a pantster.

What's a pantster? Somebody who has no plan, they just fly by the seat of their pants. Okay, guilty as charged. I can sit down and five minutes later have a broad outline of where I want the story to go. It rarely goes there anyway.

So, what does all that have to do with the write everyday rule? Well, I'm about to tell ya, see. I feel about that rule the way I feel about spending weeks plotting an outline. I'm a story teller. I sit to the keyboard and tell a story. 

If the voices in my head won't talk to me, I do something else, walk the dogs, weed the garden, bake bread, read, drink, whatever. Anything but write. I only write when I have a story to tell. Sometimes that's every day, other times I can go weeks without writing a dang thing.

Moral of the story? Ignore that dang rule. Do what works for you. Write when it brings you joy, fills you with excitement, takes you out of time. Write when you're driven to. That's when the good stuff happens.

ROW80 check in.

My beloved K has been away at a conference these past few days and the muse has been cracking the whip. Over the past week I have taken my WIP from 30,000 words plus to over 50,000. This sort of thing only happens when I am left on my own. Over the next week I will try to crack 60,000. Wish me luck.

That's it for me today. I hope this finds you all well, happy, successful, and excited about life.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Rules of Writing and You

Hi Folks,
It's time now to discuss some of the rules of writing. I have no idea what they are. Sigh Well, okay, I do know, but I've caught a lot of flack for using them. I'm talking about English now. I have been told I write too formally. What? Say what???

It's English, people. We used to learn it in school. So, apparently, now you are supposed to ignore the rules of proper English and write in Jargon.

Please, aspiring writers, don't do it. Save the jargon for inclusion in dialogue, otherwise, use proper English. It may seem a bit formal or stiff to some, but at least they will be able to understand it. 

Oh, and for the love of Mercy, use the Oxford comma. If you don't there will inevitably be places where your intent is lost, confused, or downright hysterical. Use the Oxford comma. It bears repeating.

So, that's all I have to say about that topic for now. Next time I will tell you about some of the rules you can break...well, perhaps just bend a little.

Now, on another note, the Dark Traveler has been revised and given a new cover. Check it out here:

ROW Check-in:

We're starting the last round of ROW80 for the year. I can say I am quite thrilled with this year's progress. Last round all I wanted to do was finish a first draft. I did that, plus thirty thousand words on the next novel. Way beyond expectations.

So, this time I will shoot to finish the new story. How about that? This coming week I will aim for a total of three thousand words on the new story.

So, how about you? Was the last round successful for you? I truly hope so.

May your days be filled with sunshine and smiling faces.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

More on the Writing Process

Hi folks,
Yep, it's been a while since we touched on this, so let me see. We created characters, tried to understand what drives them, got our storytelling hat on, and now it's time for a few of those secrets we're not supposed to share.
Everybody's different, but here's one that works for me. Music. Epic, powerful, driving music. Movie themes are great. Get in the chair, limber up the keyboard, put on some truly epic music, and let the story flow. As the music takes you, the story takes you, and the words magically roll.
Here are two examples of stories that flowed from my imagination on the wings of epic music.

Phoenix has always been one of my favorites, but Dark Traveler is special to me. I originally wrote it to give young transgender kids a hero. One child in particular. It is a fantasy/adventure story, but it is more. It is also a window into the lives, fears, and joys of these children. The hope was to help the child's family understand.

Now, on a different note, I'm all excited about my impending new website. I'm hoping it will be ready this month, and when it goes live I will make a serious fuss because I want everybody to see it. Keep an eye out for the smoke signals.

That's all for now. Hope this finds you all well and happy.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Return of the Phoenix

Hi Folks,

It's been a crazy few weeks and my lack of posts will attest to it. However, there's good news, and more good, and then great news on the horizon. I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just give it to you in pieces. Here's the first piece.
Phoenix is back!

We've had Phoenix down for months getting her a fresh edit and a new cover. Now she's back and gathering a lot of attention.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

On With the Story

Hi Folks,

It's a cold windy day here, perfect for story telling. So far we've talked about creating the characters and getting into the bad guy's head. Today let's talk about getting the story moving. There are any number of ways to do that. I suggest you try a few to see what works best for you.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bad Guys

Hi Folks,

All right, I'll admit it, I'm way late with this post. Sigh. Sometimes chaos just explodes all over your world and you need a few days to settle things back down again. So, on with the show. Today's writing discussion is about bad guys.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunny Days

Hi Folks,

Well from a farm perspective the summer left a lot to be desired. However, it wasn't a total loss. We are now starting to enjoy the fruits of our labors.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

First Taste

Hi Folks,

Well, August is about done. Thankfully, it has been a lot warmer and drier that July so the garden has actually managed to grow. Yesterday we took out first taste of the rewards for our efforts. I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the taste.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Secondary Characters

Hi folks,

Well, here we are again, working on the writing process. So, in previous posts we developed our main character and started her story rolling. Now we're going to let her interact with some folks. Of these, let's introduce somebody who can be a help to her.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Storyteller's Endgame

Hi there, fellow writers,

Last week I gave you an example of how I come up with a main character. Today I will share the process, or lack of process I use to get the story going. First, in the case of such a character as we found last week, it is a given she will kick ass and take names. The only questions are whose ass and why? What is the endgame target?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Farm Progress

Hi Folks,

Well, it's Sunday, time for a farm report. Writing discussion is on Wednesday, but you knew that already. Okay, on with it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Creating Characters. Where the story begins.

Hey there, fellow writers, today is my first post on my writing process. If you’re looking for tips on publishing and/or marketing, sorry to disappoint you, this ain’t it. These posts will be about storytelling. I'm not going to tell you how to do it, I'm going to tell you how I do it.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week in Review

Hi Folks,

Well, another week has passed as summer slips away. K's knee is making great progress. She no longer uses the walker and the cane is not always in use either.

Is it sad that it has taken a full knee replacement for us to get some relaxing time together? We all tend to lead busy lives these days and her job is a high stress treadmill. We'd actually forgotten how much we enjoy just hanging out together.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Warming Up

Hi Folks,

Well, another week has passed in the summer that wasn't. I don't ever remember a summer where we had to keep turning on the heat. Crazy stuff. The end result is the garden is growing much slower than desired. 

However it is growing and August is looking up. I didn't need a jacket on when I took the dogs out this morning. Looks like things might be warming up a bit.

On the home front, K's knee is slowly but steadily improving. Last night she walked .75 of a kilometer. We were at the Air Strip, and the horses in the pasture nearby all came to the fence to listen to her sing. Girl has an awesome voice.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Whirlwind Week

Hi Folks,

I know I'm a bit late here, but I've been a bit busy gal. Last Tuesday my beloved K had a knee replacement. Not so much fun. I brought her home on Thursday, but things got complicated and I had to take her back to the hospital Sunday night. Everything is under control now, she is home and feeling much better. Life is good.

I've been taking care of her needs as well as doing her chores and my own. That's where you learn just how much your partner gets done in a day. The woman is amazing,; how does she manage to get so much done in a day? Anyway, as you have probably guessed a few things have been neglected.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Cold Day in July

Hey Folks,
Today I'll start with the ROW80 report.

I woke up yesterday about 5:30, the current book I'm writing demanding my attention. I tried to get back to sleep, but to no avail, the story wouldn't leave me alone. The need to write was almost unbearable, the story demanding to be told. I got up, booted up the computer and set to work. 
Yeah, when my muse strikes, she uses a Thor's Hammer. On the bright side, I got lots done. Close to 6500 words for the week. Go me!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Progress on the Farm and at the Keyboard

Hi Folks,

Well, here's all the news that's new from the farm this past week. In spite of a cold wet week I did manage to harvest two of the five huge clumps of chives. They're hanging in the greenhouse drying. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

News From Down on the Farm

Hi Folks,

I promised an update of the farm efforts and here I am. Things have slowed down from an expansion standpoint. On the other hand, everything is growing nicely. That darn rhubarb seed stalk is now over seven feet tall.

I have gathered poles from the bush behind the house to use as pea poles. I've stuck them in the ground. I will wait until the peas are climbing well before I show you a picture.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Hi Folks,

I'm all excited today and with good reason. I do have some farm news, lots of it, but for today I want to tell you about a re-release of Immortal Tigress. This has been in the works for months. This is one of my favorite books and now is available in paperback as well as e-book. Here's the new cover and links.

For millions of years a rogue meteor hurtles through space towards Earth, glowing from the vast fields of radiation through which it has passed. A primitive human female gazes in wonder as the burning invader hurtles toward the ground, unaware of the great beast stalking her. All three meet in an instant. 
Flash forward to the present, yes, she is still here, she has always been here, in the shadows, ready to strike from the darkness with gleaming fangs.

This one is me putting forth a completely different take on vampires, their origins, strengths, weaknesses, and struggles to survive and remain unseen by humanity.
Want a different look at an old legend, check this one out. I am currently working on the sequel. It's about the Vampires meeting the werewolves. Here's a small taste:

Cursing softly, and wishing for a fur coat as she trudged through the snow in human form, the vampire shivered. Ah to hell with it, she stripped off her clothes and buried them in the snow before changing into the saber-toothed tiger; the cat could track the maddened killer more easily, and she had a fur coat.

Okay, that's all you get for today. Tee Hee 

I'll bring you up to speed on the farm news in a day or two. For now, have a stellar day overflowing with blessings and laughter.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Alien Seed Pod

Hi Folks,

It's time for another progress report from the farm. Last week saw us with nasty weather, plus a birthday and a wedding, so the farm sort of had to look after itself for a while. That's one joy of no livestock. You can take a day off if necessary.

So, what did they do without me? Well, here's the alien seed pod pretending to be a rhubarb. I'm 5'11" and that is nearly up past my ears. Wow.

Everything is well up now and tonight, once it cools off, I will spend considerable time watering and fertilizing. Actually, I'm just the union labor. Here's a pic of my supervisor taking the situation to the board.

So, that's all for today, but I should have more to report in a few days. Until then, may your days be blessed with sunshine and happy smiling people.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Blue Review Down on the Farm

Hi Folks,

It's been a cold rainy few days, but the garden is loving it. I've been able to spend a bit more time at the computer writing. Life is good and I have to take advantage. Soon I will be harvesting and preserving. That will leave little time for the writing.

So, what's new? We re-released Lady Blue with a new cover, edit, etc. The response has been great . Here's the cover plus a review.

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Absolutely loved it and I have always been a Super Hero fan. Especially the female ones. I hope we will see these characters again.

Just looked out the window. Yep, it's still raining and the green kids are all happy.

ROW80 check-in

It's the last check-in for this round and I am pleased that I managed this week's target. With trying to establish a small urban farm I set no hard targets for this round. However, I am about halfway through the first draft of this novel, so for the next round I will aim to finish it and get it off to the editor. 

That's all for me today, folks. May this day be filled with joy for you and may a rain of blessings fall upon you with no warning at all.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Busy Days

Hi Folks,

I've got some great news today, so I'm going to reverse the usual order in which I share these things. First we go to the ROW80 check-in.

This week I did manage to reach my goal of 1500 words plus a bit more. I'll hold to that target for the coming week. Also, this week saw the re-lease of Lady Blue. She's had a new edit, new cover, and a new publisher. So, for your reading pleasure, in the Y/A genre, is Lady Blue!

Lady Blue is the story of a bullied teenager who is suddenly granted great powers. What will she do with her new found strength? What will she become, devil or angel?

Okay, now for the news from the farm. Yesterday began at 5:00 a.m. We emptied out the greenhouse, transplanting everything into the raised beds or pots. We also moved the compost to it's new home and tidied up the flower beds out front. The final watering finished near sundown, about 8:00 p.m.

That was a long day in the hot sun. Too much sun, not enough water, headache, sunburn, and tired. Today is going to be a lot slower and shady.

So, that was the excitement for this week. I hope you are all having a wonderful fun filled day today.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Another Rainy Day

Hi folks,

Well, we've got another rainy day here, great for the garden. Not so bad for the writing either. 

So, while everything outside is busy growing, here's another peek into the current WIP. A sequel to the Immortal Tigress. The revival of a vampire slain by fire.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Turning Green

Hi Folks,

Well, we've had a couple of days of rain and our world is turning green. The rain is also helping the seeds to germinate. All, from a gardeners perspective, it's a good thing.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Done! (For a day or two)

Hi folks,

Well, it's done for the moment. All the raised bed scheduled for this year have been built, seeded, and fenced in. Now I get to do other stuff for a few days while I wait for it to grow. That should be just enough time to get the rest of the yard work caught up. tee hee hee

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Organic Fertilizer

Hi folks,

It's been a busy few days here on the farm. A sudden frost bit through the row covers and into the greenhouse, killing most of the tomato plants inside and all the cucumbers outside. 

On the bright side, the squash and onions loved it. As well, the tomato roots survived and are sending up new foliage. I've got two of the beds planted and three more just about ready for planting. A friend brought us two pick up loads of organic fertilizer, aka horse manure, well rotted. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Windy Old Weather

Hi Folks,

The wind has been blowing long and strong for over a week now. It makes everything you do outdoors more challenging. In spite of that we have made further progress on the farm. More seeds have been started and another long bed has been prepared.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Keep Them Out! Fencing.

Hi folks,
Well, it's time for another update from Brier Rose Farm. (No, not a bit pretentious, not me. hee hee hee) This past week saw a few delays, but we managed to get back on track. Tomorrow I hope to finish the fence. You know, keep the dogs and rabbits out and that wild bunch of strawberries in.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Stuff From Down On The Farm

Hi Folks,

It's check in day and there's lots to tell you. We've had several nice days in a row and the farm has been busy. The greenhouse is hopping, but it's the strawberry bed I want to show you today. Here it is full of happy strawberry plants and their buddies, chives. Yes, buddies. Both plants grow well together and keep the bugs off each other.

Strawberries enjoying the sun.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Hi folks,

It has been a bit slow down on the farm due to cold weather. (expecting snow) However, the greenhouse is a busy place right now and we have out kitchen table back. hee hee

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Greenhouse Rises

Hi folks,

Here we are back on the farm. Last week it snowed a bit, but didn't stay. On the brighter side we were all excited when a friend brought us a pick-up truck load of horse manure. Doesn't take a lot to make a farmer happy, right? tee hee

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Genesis of an Urban Farmer (1)

Hi Folks,

The time has come. I have faced food rotting in my fridge far too often lately. Sadly, we have reached the stage of, buy it, eat it now. We are an isolated island in the North Atlantic and food travels a long way to get here. Too long.

Newfoundland was once self sufficient in the food department. It is time to get back to those roots. (pun intended) So, we have begun. We have a fair sized lot, let's see what we can do with it. Welcome to Brier Rose Farm, the beginning.

The soil is too poor on our lot so we will be constructing raised bed and green houses. Yes, my darlings, we have a plan. We have already staked out the future gardens.  I will be keeping a record of our efforts on this blog. Thus the new name. 

This is going to be such fun. Any advice, ideas, suggestions, etc. Will be welcomed. Come on, you can make a farmer out of me, sure you can. tee hee hee

Stay tuned

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Getting Sick, Getting Better, Having Fun

Hi Folks,

I've been somewhat ill this past week, too ill to even work at the computer for long. Picked up a nasty bug from some unworthy place or other. Anyhow, I'm on the mend and feeling much better.

The Having fun part? Well, I've started two new blogs, one is the personal log of Brenna O'Loran. You can find that here:

The second is the Fires of Vulcan, a novel I'm writing small bit by bit on the blog. Actually it is a bout a character who came into my mind and I am enjoying torturing the poor sod. (evil laughter, rubbing hands together gleefully) You can find it here:

ROW80 Check-in:

As I said above, I have been ill this past week, so not a lot of writing done. However, I did manage to finish Empire's Fall and get it off to the editor and publisher.
The goal for this coming week is to revive the Haunted Treasure Series. Book two is in first draft form, time to get book three under way.

Hopefully there will be more exciting things to report next week.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Just for Fun

Hi Folks,
things have been looking up lately, so I thought I'd do something fun for all of you. I've started a new blog for the sole purpose of writing a novel with y'all looking over my shoulder, critiquing, giving advice, and just having fun making suggestions. You can check it out here:

Another great thing that happened this week was the return of Dark Star, newly edited and with a new cover. Also available in paperback. Y/A at its finest. Here are the links.

Now for the ROW80 check in.
This past week saw some confusion. I only managed 7K words, but that was enough to reach the end point of the draft. Next weeks target is to get it tidied up and sent off to the editor. Yea!!!!!

Don't forget to check out that new blog/story.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Special Day

Hi folks, 
You're in luck, no rant today. Today has been and still is a special day for me. Why? Because K is home today, and she booted me out of the kitchen. She's been cooking up a storm, planting seeds in pot to put in the window, and more. It will soon be gardening time.
The rhubarb is already budding. Can't wait for it to get up to size again.

All this domesticity on K's part has made me sit back and enjoy the blessing that having her in my life truly is. My home is warm, dry, and comfortable. The sun is beaming through the window, the old dogs are sleeping, and frankly, all is well in my world. 
In keeping with all this, we have decided to eliminate as much food as we can from our diet that comes from factory farms. We will grow what we can and buy local for as much of the rest as we can get. Considering where we live it may be impossible to reach 100%, but we intend to get as close as possible. Wish us luck.

ROW80 check-in.

So far this week I have managed 4K words and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm well pleased with the progress.
On another note, I'm going to start something new. I'll be adding two new blogs. One will be a story in progress. I will write it page by page on the blog, always taking into consideration the feedback from the readers. Should be a lot of fun. Look for about one post per week.
The second thing will be still another blog. I've had so many inquiries about one of the characters in Nova Witch, and what motivates her, I thought it might be fun to write her personal log. So, I may give that a whirl as well.
Okay, back to work. Later.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Hi Folks,
It's been a super busy day today, so here an old post of mine from several years ago. I re-read it every so often just to remind myself of how it's done. Hope you enjoy.
Using Language Powerfully

I have come to understand that the only thing you can carry with you from this realm of existence to the next is the quality of the relationships you have developed and nurtured in this one. This is the focus of my life and the lens through which I see my world.
I know, I promised to help develop a positive life focus. Well, building loving, supportive relationships is a very positive thing in my book; keeping this in mind at all times will help you stay focused. The purpose here is to build that new and beautiful life we all want; this is one of the ways we go about it.
We all want to feel good; that is our prime motivation. Just as all things are made of a single substance (energy), all actions are motivated by a single desire, (the desire to feel good). Sorry folks, but if you look deep enough inside, and be honest with yourself, you will find that it is true. It is not a bad thing; it just is what it is. Knowing this, is the key to building those loving, supportive relationships. It is also the key to having a lot fewer bad days yourself.
Realizing what truly motivates folks, you can short circuit your own emotional responses to many situations. For example, an angry person who is shouting at you in traffic is not feeling good, and their anger is merely their way of trying to change that. If you become defensive and meet angry energy with angry energy, you both end up feeling bad. A better response would be to smile and say, “Gee, that poor soul is having a really bad day. I am so very lucky he didn’t actually smack into me.” Now you have used language and understanding powerfully to preserve your good feelings. That angry energy has failed to ruin your day.
Now, let’s take that to a face to face. An angry person is offended by something you have said, or was reported to have said. Returning anger for anger is a negative response; we want a positive response that leaves us feeling good. Better still we want a response that will make our angry friend feel good as well. Instead of, “Back off Jack, get out of my face!” you might try, “Obviously I chose my words poorly and offended you; I apologize; hurting you was not my intention.” Now the situation is diffused and you have a point from which you can build a better relationship with this person.
Also, the subconscious mind rarely actually hears the first word or two of a sentence. Eg. “Don’t forget to take out the garbage.” becomes “Forget to take out the garbage.” With a quick switch to positive use of language we get, “Remember to take out the garbage.” which becomes, “Take out the garbage.” See? It’s still the same message.
I hope that these examples will demonstrate how positive use of language can improve your own sense of well-being, and also help you build stronger, more loving, and supportive relationships, as well as help you have your needs met more fully.
It has been said that an evil thought first becomes an evil intent, then an evil word, and then an evil action. The other side of the coin is also true. A loving thought becomes a loving intent, then a loving word, and then a loving action. We think in language. By changing the way we use language we change our very thought processes, our habitual speech patterns, and the way we actually live and experience life.
Ok, it is time to have some fun here. Get a small notebook and keep it with you; you’re going to be keeping score. The object of the game is to make as many people smile as you can each and every day. They are worth five points each. After you reach five hundred points you can dispense with the notebook.
Some hints: Don’t just drop a tip on the table and run out of the restaurant, stop the waiter and thank him for the stellar service. If you like the sweater a woman is wearing, tell her so. Make brief eye contact with others as you pass on the street and smile; chances are they will smile in return. Instead of complaining of bad service, try complimenting folks when they give you good service. All this will make you feel better too, as well as help you build stronger relationships.
Remember, what we are doing here is using powerful language powerfully. Now go forth and make a new and brighter life for yourself and others.

So, what do you think? Do you agree with what I have said? Disagree? Is there another subject you’d like to discuss? Drop me a line and let me know. Remember, I’m old and have a wealth of advice I’m all too willing to share.

ROW80 check in.

I did not reach my goal of 10K words, but I came close at 8K+.  So, expecting a busy week next week I will shoot for another 10K or the end of the first draft, whichever comes first. Wish me luck. :)

Drop me a line and say hello. 


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

War on the Poor? Really?

Hi folks,

Well, here I am back in the rocking chair and ready to rant. I'll just put down my book and glasses here then let 'er rip.

All right, here are a few of the headlines I've been reading on Facebook lately. Most are only proposed laws for now, but the message is clear. Poor people must die.

"People with food stamps forbidden to buy steak or sea food."  What the hell? We give them food stamps then forbid them to buy nourishing food? They have to buy pre-processed crap? What the hell is that about?

"People on welfare forbidden to use public pools."
Really? Are they not humans? Are they not citizens of the country? Are they not to have the same rights as the rest of the citizenry? Fer fuk sake!

"People applying for welfare to be drug tested." What??? They can't afford drugs for pity sake. Test the upwardly mobile, that's where you'll find the users, not on welfare. Good Christ!

"Man fined $2000 for feeding the homeless." Seriously? Why the hell are the true Christians not out in the streets protesting this madness? For that matter, why aren't the rest of us?

Okay, I'll stop now before my blood pressure goes over the top and I blow a gasket. But I have to go on record here. This crap really rubs my fur the wrong way.

ROW80 check-in:

Yesterday went a few steps sideways, but I still have four thousands words towards the goal of ten thousand this week. Shoulder to the wheel and I can still make it.
It actually feels good to be writing again.

So, drop me a line and let me know how you're doing. I'd love to hear from you.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Tough Days and Exciting News

Hi Folks,
I figured it was about time for another update as well a bit of good news.
First the tough stuff. Yesterday I put my sister on a flight to Southern California. It was one of the toughest things I have ever had to do. Yep, empty nest syndrome going on here again. sigh. She will be gone for many months. Here's hoping she has a successful and productive trip.

Now for the exciting stuff. Novan Witch is on sale today for $0.99. Pick it up now for a wild ride through an exciting and adventurous future world. There's even a bit of romance in there. Get it today as the price will go up a tiny bit tomorrow and again the next day etc. Sadly, it appears that the sale is only good in the USA. Not impressed, Amazon.

ROW80 Check-in.

Hey there, this is my first real check in for quite some time. Life exploded all over me and took its time getting back together. as a result I have written relatively little in the past few months. However, I'm climbing back on the wagon. I managed two thousand words last week and the target for the foreseeable future will be 10K per week.  Cross your fingers and wish me luck.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Robot Love

Hi Folks, 

In this day and age when technology is taking over the world, I have finally been discovered. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, oh, and persons of a digital nature, dear old Prudence MacLeod has arrived. 

Let me tell you truly, I am on the receiving end of much robot love this sunny Tuesday morning. My average blog views per day ranges between two and three hundred views. This morning they are over three thousand, yet not a single comment that got through the filters.

However, I am not alone in my battle to adjust to a more mechanized world. Just listen to these two poor lads.

Enjoy your day, me lovelies.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Witch for Sale

Hi folks,

Just wanted to let you know, the first book in the Nova Series will be going on Kindle Countdown sale April 12th. This mean that on the 12th, Novan Witch will be on sale for $0.99. Each day thereafter the price will go up by a little until it returns to its regular price on April 19th. Here's where to find her.


Remember folks, if you like the book, please leave a short review on Amazon. It will help more than you know.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dealing with a Bad Day

Hi there,
Lately I seem to have the farmer's touch. You've heard of the Midas touch where every thing he touched turned to gold? Well the farmer's touch is when everything you touch turns to organic fertilizer. 
When I was young I would rant and fuss a bit and tear at my hair, but these days I try to handle things like a New Zealander.

My gratitude to Colin Falconer for first showing me this delightful piece of madness. Colin's blog is always worth a look. You can visit him here.

So, what do you do when everything goes awry? Come on, share, you know you want to.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One Man Band

Hi folks, 

As you can see, there is a new title for this blog. Hang on to your hat as it will now be the wanderings of a mind that has been around a while.

The first post in this new direction is me musing on the past five years as a self published writer. When you self pub you get to do everything. The writing is just the beginning. You end up feeling like a one man band.

Well, here a man who can tell you that a one man band can actually succeed. Enjoy!

Okay, this was just a test run. Let me know what you think. I warn you, the gods themselves don't know what's coming next, 'cause I don't either.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Climbing the Wall of Writer's Block

Hi Folks,

Yep, writer's block sucks and sooner or later, we all have to face it. For me it isn't a block, it's a whole wall and it happened last week. Three novels in progress and nothing. All the voices in my head had gone silent. Nothing. I had gone dry.

Now, it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. The longest stretch lasted over two years. That was scary, but I eventually learned how to climb that wall. This time I sat to the computer and played World of Warcraft for three solid days. 

Not the fun stuff, mind you, but the boring as hell stuff, fishing, cooking, pet battles and collecting, etc. Eventually my imagination came back to life out of desperation. The result? I awakened before the sun with dozens of story lines running through my head and later that day these came in the mail.

You can check them all out here: Reader's Delights

Okay, now I have to get back to work, I have more stories to write.


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