Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Friday, February 17, 2012


I’m calling this post breathe, because I need to remind myself to take the time to do just that. Seriously. This past two weeks have been busy and then some. This is week started out brilliant as I launched my new Vampire book, the Immortal Tigress. This is a different take on the beginnings of the legend. I published the novel on Smashwords then set about promoting and publicizing it. It was much later in the day I learned that Smashwords was down.

That was a bit of a shock, and they stayed down for nearly two days. How the heck was I supposed to deal with that? I had spread the word, but no one could find the book. It was time for some damage control, but what can you do really? 

After I got back from the city Wednesday I knew it was time for action. Thursday I went to the Smashwords page and opted out of their distribution to Amazon, seeing as how it never materialized anyway.

I set up my author page on Amazon and slowly, one at a time, uploaded all my books to Amazon myself. The deed is done now and all my work is available on Amazon now. Cool. I even bit the bullet and listed my new book for their lending library. So, there is where the week went. It was madness, but it is done now. All my work can be found on Amazon here:

You can also find the Immortal Tigress here:

I will keep you posted on how this all works out. Just go to the right of the page and hit the follow button to keep tabs on my misadventures. Thanks!


  1. Love the cover, Pru! (And I'm not a vampire fan -- don't bite me!)

  2. Will you stop using Smashwords altogether? or will you have stuff up at both... halfway through Immortal Tigress; loving it!

    1. Hey Maia, glad you're enjoying it. I'll keep stuff up on Smashwords too. I believe competition keeps things healthy and right now, Smashwords is the only competition Amazon has. As Soon as the 90 day exclusive is up at Amazon I'll bring Tigress back up on Smashwords too. Trying to cover all the bases. :)

  3. I really have to learn not to "read a couple chapters of Pru's new book" before bedtime. I got home Wednesday night, or rather Thursday morning at about 130am with two new Pru books loaded on my Nook. Foolishly I thought "I am too tired for this to keep me awake, I will just read a chapter or two, then go to bed." Yeah, no such thing as too tired for Pru! At about 530 I finished the book and fell asleep, only to wake up at noon and read the other book. Yikes! As much as I like new Pru books, it's a good thing the process takes time! otherwise I would get nothing done!

    I put a couple reviews on Amazon so yournewly posted books aren't naked over there. Hopefully, Barnes and Noble will pick up your books a little faster than it has been, since Amazon only carries the Kindle format, but on the upside, I can now point you out to friends that have a Kindle and were unsure about downloading from non amazon sites. (not so techno savy way out here, I just get confused looks).

    Here's a goal for the weekend, you have done much for your writing even if it did not include a high WIP count, therefore, you should reward yourself, take your love and your dogs for a long walk. And don't forget the snowball fight, the laughter it will bring will shake loose the stress of the week and end it on an up note.

  4. Hey Charis, I'm so glad you enjoyed the two new books. I read the reviews you put up on Amazon. Awesome. I can't thank you enough for the good words. You're awesome!

  5. That was an incredible week you had, Pru. Pat yourself on the back for an immense amount of hard work!


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