Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beauty of a Woman

Hi folks, this is the day we celebrate the beauty of a woman. Cool! Be sure to check out August McLaughlin’s blog tomorrow for lots more stories about the beauty of a woman. This was her idea after all. You can find it here: Check it out for a chance to win some awesome prizes.

 I thought long and hard about what to do here.

For today’s post I eventually decided I would rework an older post to demonstrate the true beauty of a woman. So here’s the story.
I love people watching. I love the sheer variety of shapes, sizes, and colors that we humans come in. I will now describe a few I saw from my car window that day so you can share the experience with me. Let’s get in my car and have a look.
There are several small groups of men standing around, smoking or with hands in pockets, shoulders slouched, drinking coffee from Styrofoam cups and complaining about life in general. Grey cloudy mornings can do that to you.
There stands an older man, quite bald, absentmindedly smoothing his comb-over down in the breeze. His younger companion has a small goatee and shaven head. Go figure. That has to be a generational thing.
Here comes an interesting fellow. He’s a big man, heavy, wearing loose clothing. His clothes are worn, but clean, his boots run down and old. He wears his graying hair cut short, mostly hidden beneath a cap with some sort of logo. His face has seen many years in the sun; deep lines surround his eyes and line his face.
It would be easy to dismiss this man as an old fat guy who was down on his luck. Let’s take a second look, for I have an idea his appearance is deceptive. Yes he has some fat on him, but that could just be a side effect of good living. His back is too straight, his shoulders too wide, his hands look like they could crush stone, and there is an easy grace to his stride.
I smile as he walks past the car. With a wink and a nod he returns the smile, and now I can see where all those lines in his face came from. That is a face that has smiled a lot over the years.
He’s gone past now, but there comes an old truck, a working man’s truck, but that’s not who is driving. The door opens and a young woman steps out. She is well dressed, in heels, tall, slim, blonde, and beautiful. All eyes are on her as she alights. She smiles and calls a greeting to one of the men, who waves and smiles back.
All the men are standing taller now, their backs straighter, tummies pulled in, cigarettes cast aside, and their scowls gone. She stops to chat with different groups as she makes her way to the coffee shop, and again on her way back. She has a smile and a good word for everybody she meets on her way back.
By the time she reaches the truck again everyone is smiling. Conversations have gone from complaints to idle chat about more pleasant subjects. I’m not sure if she is aware of the effect she had on everybody, but I do hope she is. I’d like to think this woman used her youth and beauty to brighten the day for everyone she encountered.
For that is exactly what she has done. Through her a goddess came and lifted the gloom from the hearts of all the people scattered about this parking lot. Because of her a number of people, men and women alike, are facing the day with a much brighter outlook. That ability to brighten other people’s lives with just a smile is true beauty.
Now, is it just the young and slim who can do this? Heck no. Yesterday I saw an older woman, stooped and walking with difficulty as she leaned on her cane. She smiled brightly at everyone she met and they smiled back. She is still beautiful and she still shares that beauty with those around her. Beauty truly does shine from within.

So, remember to check in at August McLaughlin's blog today and tomorrow for lots more on the beauty of a woman. here's that URL again.


  1. I completely agree about beauty shining within! It's amazing what a genuine smile can do. :)

    1. Hi Coleen. Yes, if you look around you can see it everywhere. A smile is a powerful weapon against stress and depression,a weapon of great beauty.

  2. What a fantastic idea for a post. The Beauty of a Woman. You are so right. Whenever I'm out in public, if someone smiles at me, and I can see it's a real smile, I can't help but smile. And you get that little lift in your chest, in your heart. It doesn't matter whether the smile belongs to a child, to a woman, man, old, young, black, see someone else happy and his/her kindness shining through...literally makes me light and giddy.

    1. That's right, the age, race, creed, color, or infirmity of the smiler does not matter. Only the beauty of their smile has value. Through a person's smile we can see their true spirit shine through.

  3. Genuine smiles are one of those things that can make everyone more beautiful too. There are been studies done that showed moving your lips into the position of a smile actually does have an effect one your mood. (The researchers artificially produced it by making one population of their study hold a pencil in their teeth.) We all need to smile a little more and give beauty and joy to the people around us.

    1. Yes, I often make myself smile if I'm feeling down. It always makes me giggle. I also make a practice of smiling at folks who seem to be unhappy. It often changes their state.

  4. Some people have work at being miserable ... a smile can sometimes ruin their efforts.

  5. The smile is one of the best features in a person. It lights up their eyes and gives their face a glow. I love it when a total stranger passes me by and smiles. It totally makes my day to smile back. :)

  6. Oh yes, in that single moment of a shared smile we bond with a fellow human. love it.

  7. Prudence, you've done it again. I adore your people watching posts, this one in particular (gee, not that I'm biased for any reason... ;)). This line gave me crazy chills: "Through her a goddess came and lifted the gloom from the hearts of all the people scattered about this parking lot."

    Thank you for expressing this important message in a way only you can.

  8. Awe shucks, August.. (blushing shyly and inspecting the toe of her shoe)

  9. Love this, Prudence.

    August beat me to it! lol!


  10. What an awesome post! Just as those people brought joy to all around them, that's what your words did for me. I'm smiling so big even as I type this ;)

  11. Thanks for taking me along on your people watching:) It's amazing how someone can just automatically brighten the space they are in. And I agree, you don't have to be young or look a certain way to do this.

    1. Hi Kara, the neat thing is, a warm friendly smile makes everyone beautiful. :)

  12. I think the beauty of that young woman is an internal thing that shines without - and warms the heart of everyone she comes across. Great post Pru.

    1. Thanks Louise. Congrats on finding the long lost cousin. :)

  13. A smile can make all the difference! What a great reminder Prudence. Wonderful that she let hers shine the way she did. I love it when all people smile, young and old. I bet the elderly lady with the cane got a ton of smiles in return like you said, brightened everyone’s day.

    1. She was so amazing to watch, brightening every life she touched, and she made certain no one was left out. So, here's a big smile just for you. :))

  14. Everyone has such lovely stories today! Thanks for being part of this awesome blogfest!

    It's so nice to see that so many women are able to find the beauty that surrounds us every day!

    You are beautiful, Prudence.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  15. I remember this post, Prudence. I loved it then and now--and I'm smiling.

  16. Oh, I'm going to have to do a people watching post. GREAT idea and I love to people watch and imagine the story of their lives.

    I really loved this: That ability to brighten other people’s lives with just a smile is true beauty.

    I totally agree!!

    1. People watching is one of my favorite things to do. People are such wonderful imagination triggers. :) I'll be watching for your post.

  17. What a lovely tribute, Prudence, to maiden and chrone, both sacred faces of the beautiful woman!

  18. So beautiful and true. Thank you, Prudence.

    I love watching people's faces shine. You brought that to me today!

  19. People watching is one of my favorite pastimes! You set the scene up beautifully, I loved reading this. Beauty really does come from within, and has nothing to do with skin, eyes or hair.

    1. I agree Serena, if there is no beauty within, the rest is meaningless. May your light shine bright forever. :)

  20. I am such a people watcher and, I admit it, and eavesdropper. But I mean no harm to those I observe. As a writer I am more of a watcher and a listener. If those I observe wind up as characters in my novel, I treat them kindly.

    But Prudence, you have made me aware that I should also be participating in the world and, hopefully, adding some joy to others lives. I plan to smile more, speak more often to those around me, and take more than a literary interest in their lives.

    1. Sharon, thank you so much for sharing that with me. You have truly made my day; definitely put a smile on my face. :)

  21. I'm loving these people watching stories almost as much as your novels! I know when a pretty girl smiles at me it sure brightens up my day;-) I love the reactions you describe for the audience. I can almost see it all now as they suck in their bellies and straighten their backs. A moment later she meets another woman, and oh crap! She's gay! Well, that's okay because guys don't seem to mind lesbians nearly as much as they do gay men;-))

  22. It really doesn't seem to matter, just a bright smile and a pleasant word are all it takes to brighten someone's day. So, have a great day. :))

  23. It's so true how a smile or kind words can make us feel so much better. Nice post, Prudence.

  24. Thanks Lynn. here's a big smile for you. :)


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