Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Dreaded To-Do List

The Dreaded To Do List

I had fought the good fight, for lo these past eons, but I have lost. The sheer odds had overwhelmed me and I capitulated. Alas (yes I do actually use that word when I speak. J ) the time had finally arrived when I could carry on the battle no longer.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year Resolution

This Christmas I my darling K presented me with a Kobo e-reader. As I pondered just which books to download I decided to start with a book I’d won, The Temple by Heather Marie Adkins. It was a great read; I quite enjoyed it.

At a recently spoke with another struggling author who had received a similar gift. He beamed as he told me he had installed the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe on his e-reader, with plans for more of the classics as well as some of the day’s top sellers.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Book Review

Hi folks, we’re almost at a new year, so it is time to start something new. Santa (K) gave me a KOBO for Yule so I started my e-reader career with a book by Heather Adkins. Heather is a relatively new young writer. This lady has a world of potential. Her book is called The Temple.

Monday, December 26, 2011

An Early Start

It sure isn't the best way to start the day, but some days are just like that. Today was that day. Christmas was fun, and there was more to come. Today was to be the big family brunch, so we set the clock for early. Nope didn't need it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

To all my family of on-line friends I wish a merry and fruitful holiday season. Blessed be your journey.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Weirdness, sometimes it can work in your favor. Take yesterday for example. Every time you move to a new home, the closet ogres hide things from you. These things may never be seen again, no matter what you do or how hard you search. Yesterday it was my cookie cutters. I’ve had them forever, but no longer. We hunted high and low, but all to no avail.
By evening we had abandoned the search; obviously the ogres had struck again. We have a number of odd socks, three left handed gloves, and now no cookie cutters. We’re on the lookout for a one legged, one armed, closet ogre who likes to bake. She will be the one who has our stuff. Ah well.
Since I had no cookie cutters, I didn’t feel like baking. “Are you going to bake cookies anyway? K asked.
“Nope, I don’t feel like it. I guess this will help me stay on my diet,” I sulked.
“Do you mind if I bake brownies?”
“Those chocolate ones you make that are to die for?”
“Yes, I have to take some to work this week.”
“By all means, be my guest.”
“You can’t eat them, they’re for work.”
“Ok.” Deep sigh and pouty face.
Dang they smelled good coming out of the oven, but I behaved myself and left them alone. I can be strong when I have a mind to. Eventually I went to bed, but K stayed up to work on her knitting. I was almost asleep when I heard a soft voice. “Hey Sweetie, you still awake?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Sit up in bed for a moment.”
“Ok, what’s up?”
“I just couldn’t leave you like that,” K smiled as I struggled up in the bed. She passed me a small glass of milk and one of the brownies. What can I say folks, I’m spoiled rotten and I love it. I went to sleep with a smile on my face and chocolate on my lips. Life is good.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Manic Monday

Let me tell you about a Monday, just one Monday, an up and down Monday, last Monday.
It started early; K had an appointment in the city to get her knee scoped. It was an early appointment, so we had to be on the go early. It snowed the day before, so I was on the go even earlier, clearing a path to the car and a path out of the driveway. It was all a bit of a mad push to get ready, feed the dogs, gulp down a half cup of coffee, and make a run for it. It was still snowing a bit, so I had to drive carefully. Yep, arrived to see the boat sailing away from the dock. Monday.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Hi folks,

Today I want to tell you about a great new author interview site and introduce you to Y Correa, the interviewer, a gifted author in her own right. Y interviewed me about my writing and my book, Novan Witch. You can find the interviews here:

Here is the book in question.

Enjoy the interviews as well as the book, and check out Y's work as well, you'll be glad you did.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Seasonal Drama

We all have drama in our lives, we can’t escape it completely, especially at this time of year. As the excitement and expectations build, so does the stress, and all too often, the drama. Also, there is the age old problem of trying to suppress all the past likes and dislikes, as we try to enforce a family get together into something it cannot be, for Utopia can rarely exist in the same arena as a group of humans.
We can, however, avoid a lot of  the drama, and the more we practice, the more we can escape it. Drama, for the most part, is the work of an ego that is desperately seeking attention. This is a distraction that we do not need. Drama is like a fog that clouds your view, your judgment, and destroys your sense of well being. It blocks your ability to learn, to focus externally, and is almost always focused on the negative.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Evolution of a Studio

Hi folks, I have been promising a full look at the studio, so here it is, from start to occupation.

We started here, with bare ground. The land here is a thin coating of soil over stone, so we didn't even try to gig down. Here's day #1

A few days later we were at this point.

From there to here:

And then to here.

Needs a roof, so the Prudent carpenter gets to work. :)

On go the shingles.

Now to the siding.

One coat of paint plus windows and door.

Inside with electrical installed, drywall in and painted, plus shelves getting loaded.

And last, but not least, ready for the season.

Thanks for all the encouragement during the long process as K and I built the hobby studio all by ourselves. May you all enjoy a loving, gentle, and heart warming holiday season, and may the gods of prosperity smile upon you in the coming year.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Moving Day

It was an exciting weekend, watching K move all her hobby supplies in to her new studio, seeing the huge smiles as she loaded the shelves for the first time. Most of these things have been in storage since last March when we packed up the old condo. This was her first chance to explore her treasures since then. She lovingly loaded the shelves, her graceful hands pausing to caress a colorful fabric, trace the lines of an object, or to gently re-adjust the position of a tool or instruction book.

Her grandparent’s old house was demolished a few years ago and she managed to secure the mantle-piece from it. That is now on the wall of her studio. I hope to get an electric fireplace to put in it. We also took a leather chair from the house to put beside the mantle, a place I plan to curl up in with my laptop while she creates many beautiful things.

On Sunday we took the dogs for a long walk. The sky was clear, but the wind off the water was bitter cold. That didn’t seem to matter to the boys, they were having too much fun racing about and snuffling everything in sight, so we had to tough it out for a while. That coffee was truly welcome when we finally got back into the warmth of the cottage.

In the afternoon we moved on to another of our traditions, the decorating. This is a delightful process and we like to drag it out a bit. K puts up the tree and decorates it as well as the house. I hold things, pass stuff to her, fetch things, observe and advise, make tea and serve it; just generally being the go-fer. We chat, discuss, look, confer, change things around, observe again, etc. This is my favorite part of the season.

Here’s another member of the supervisory staff checking things out.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Guitar Is On My Bed

My Guitar is on my bed. What about it, you might wonder, but it is like that blank page that just won’t cough up an idea. It lies there, accusingly, waiting for inspiration or the guilts to hit. Well, it won’t be the guilts, Elvis, me old trout. Yes, Elvis is my guitar’s name; I told you I’m old.
You see, Elvis has a special job in my house. He not only makes pretty sounds, but he keeps the dogs off the bed. As I’ve said so many times before, home is where the dog hair sticks to everything except the dog. Elvis makes sure I have a dog hair free place to lay my head at night, and I do love him for the fine job he does as well as his mellow voice.
Now, I said it wouldn’t be the guilts that got, and it won’t. Guilt is a wasted emotion, besides; I did my housework, ran my errands, wrote my pages, and edited my chapters. It has been raining torrents so I don’t feel guilty about not walking the dogs. Nope, I’ve had a busy and productive day, so Elvis can just lay there and do his job.
I don’t have a good picture of Elvis right now, so I’ll just show you the four shedders, my beloved boys.

Aw crap, I just got word the boats have tied up for the day. High winds are making it too dangerous for them to carry passengers, so that means K is stuck in the city for the night and sI’m on my own. …Sigh… snif… think I’ll go hug Elvis; I feel a sad ballad coming on.
So, who keeps the pet hair off your bed?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I am so excited, really. Just like every child in the land these days, but for a different reason. I want K to come home early from work so I can show off what I have done. What have I done? Well I’ll tell you.
Some of you have been following the progress of the studio as it marched from the dirt in August to a secure snug building in November. Well, I’ve been steadily puttering away at the inside for weeks now, as the cash flow allowed. The electrician has been here, I hung the dry wall myself, managed an Ok job on the plaster and last weekend I painted it. K chose the colors (three walls in light purple and one in deep purple, the ceiling left in white)
Yesterday I managed to get the floor tiled. I did a pretty darn good job, if I do say so myself. So, today, the big day. Today I installed the base boards, the crown trim, and the door casings. I then carried all the heavy stuff from under the house so she wouldn’t have to go into the hobbit hole. (she keeps banging her noggin) All she has to do now is start setting it up.

Ok, so this is just a picture of the outside, but as soon as K has it all set up and we have the Christmas lights on it, there will be more pictures.  I may even do a post of pictures that chronicles the whole process from start to finish. As for now… I’m so excited, I can’t wait for her to get home from work. Ahhhh!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Book #24

Well here I am, tooting my own horn again. I have just published book #24. Ok, so, even I’m not that good. *blushes shyly* Some of the books I have put up over the past few months were written long ago. I had just never found a venue to display them before now.
A case in point is the five book series I call the St. John’s Series. I had lived in St. John’s before and quite loved the old city. I wanted to honor her in some way. I also wanted to help some folks I was corresponding with to understand that, no matter what has happened to you in the past, if you’re still breathing you can make a better future. The first three books of the series explore this in depth, but really need to be read in order of one, two, and three. None of the series is truly a stand alone.
Anyway, that’s the story of the St. John’s Series, the second of which is called Angela. I’m sure you will enjoy the wedding scene for sure. It has just been published on Smashwords. Here’s the link. 

I hope you enjoy this story.  

Again, my heartfelt thanks to the super talented Justin for the cover art. Dude, you rock.

Friday, December 2, 2011

People Watching / The Waiting Room

Yesterday I spent the morning in a hospital waiting room. I was there as moral support for a friend. Once she was called in to see the doctor I had the opportunity to people watch. I had an hour or so to kill, so what else would I do in a waiting room? Why, people watch and take notes, of course. Here are a few of the folks I saw.
An elderly lady with a walker. It had tennis balls cut open and stuffed onto the bottom of the walker so it would slide easier along the floor. I’m not sure if that was a good idea or not.
A young man, small of stature, with a lot of tattoos and a shaved head. He was trying to look dangerous, but that hard to do with your arm in a sling. All he managed to do was a look of extreme pain. I quietly beamed Reiki energy to him until he relaxed a bit.
A teenage girl with too many facial piercings was sleeping on her mother’s shoulder.
A buxom redhead with great glasses and the most awesome curls in her long hair.
A woman in a wheelchair wearing a pink helmet, her foot in a cast. Another was pushing the chair, and was making sure everybody knew how angry she was.
There was a tall thin man with big ears wearing a long brown coat. When he smiled the whole room seemed to brighten up. That smile was like a true blessing for us all.
Another wheelchair appeared with an older fellow wearing a plaid coat getting the ride. His foot was in a cast. His hair was white, his beard cropped into a neat goatee and his blue eyes fairly danced with mischief.
At this point the woman at the desk loudly asked if anyone had a number between one and seven. “What do I win?” I asked. Only the old guy in the chair chuckled. The woman frowned so I shut up. Sigh. No sense of humor, I wrote on the paper in my lap.
A tall blonde came in wearing a neon pink scarf with a lime green coat. “Must have a vision issue,” I thought.
About this time I did a double take as a tall man came in on crutches, his foot in a cast. One look at him and I shuddered in fear and looked away. This guy was a dead ringer for Imhotep, the bad guy from the movie “The Mummy”. I struggled to move my legs far enough to allow him to pass unhindered. He took a seat across the room, facing in my direction. I could tell that he knew that I knew he was the evil mummy in disguise. I fought myself to keep from kneeling before him intoning, “Imhotep, Imhotep” as I prostrated myself on the floor at his feet.
A short woman, maybe four foot ten, came in. She was wearing a great pair of glasses and I told her so. It made her smile.
That’s when Imhotep stood up and headed for the washroom. Again I struggled to give him room as he limped past, but he knew, and I knew that he knew. This was not going to end well for me. I could feel the disturbance in the force. As he returned, our eyes met for a moment before I could look away. Oh yeah, he knew that I knew alright. This time he stepped just a few inches closer, forcing me to fold my long legs that much further to let him pass.
As I straightened out again after he passed the buckle on my boot caught the fabric of my stocking and ripped a hole the size of Nova Scotia in the knee, causing a giant run down my leg. “Imhotep, you bastard,” my mind screamed. Was that a smirk on his face? Was it? I’m sure it was. That’s what I get for not showing proper worship when I clearly recognized who it was. Sigh. My bad.
Just then my friend returned and we headed for Starbucks for a latte. It was a busy place. Oh boy, more people watching. Everywhere I looked was a tiny Starbuck’s table, one intense human busy working on a laptop computer, latte at hand.
Now, I’m not quite sure what this says about Starbuck’s customers, but there were only Mac computers to be seen. Whoops, there’s a Dell over there, poor guy must be a student. Me? I had my trusty pen and paper. Say what? How did she get in here? OMG, paper? Seriously?
My friend slapped my arm and told me to behave. It almost worked. Now, we all know just how small those damn tables are at Starbucks, and the chairs aren’t a lot bigger. Nearby was a couple who nearly broke my heart, for a minute.
These two folks were struggling, both to find enough chair to sit on and to get close enough to the table to function. The girl had a small baby in her arms and that wasn’t helping either. I looked for a free table to pull up beside them so they could put the baby stuff on it, but there was none to be found. I was about to find the manager, but it all went sideways.
The male half of the couple turned in his tiny chair and bent over to get a bottle from the baby bag at his feet. As he did so, his sweat pants remained behind where they were. Yep, the entire moon shone pale and wan in Starbucks. Nothing was left to the imagination and there was no place to hide either, for it drew the eye like a spotlight in a dark room.
I bit my tongue until it nearly bled and looked around. My friend was shaking her finger at me, and everybody else seemed to be in one form of shock or another. The woman at the next table had eyes as big as dinner plates, and when we made eye contact I grinned and winked at her. That did it. She clapped both hands over her mouth and raced to the washroom. I could faintly hear her howls of laughter over the music.
Meanwhile, the young fellow had retrieved the bottle and righted himself as well as his pants. Now, here’s where a man with real class arrived on the scene. The manager had seen the whole thing, and, may the gods bless his gentle loving heart, found a spare table which he brought to the couple then helped them get the baby stuff up where they could easily reach it. I liked that manager for that and I will return to his café many times because of it.
Well, that’s my tale of yesterday folks. What adventures have you had lately while people watching?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Need A Coffee

It is early morning and I’m on a boat headed for the city. I desperately need a coffee; you’ve all been there, I know.
We arose at six a.m. and leaped into action. I pulled on my jeans and boots then headed out the door with the dogs. They were still half asleep. Reluctant hounds.
I took a moment to enjoy the night sky. There’s not a lot of back scatter out here, so the sky was filled with billions of stars. What an awesome sight. The air was crisp and frosty; plumes of white mist arose from the dogs as they snuffled at this and that.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Why I do What I do

Hi folks, the following is a repeat of a guest post I did a while ago. I am re-posting it here to answer a number of questions that have been asked of me recently.

Why I write what I write.

Let me tell you how I came to have a passion for writing what I write. Many years ago a dear friend, a psychologist, suggested I write a self-help book. She knew that I wrote fantasy and sci-fi, but so loved my life philosophy, she felt I should share it on a broader scale.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Day in Newfoundland

Yesterday it was Thanksgiving in the US. Here in Newfoundland? Perhaps not so much at first glance. Let me explain. For two weeks now I’ve been waiting for payday to arrive so I could get the snow tires installed on the car. That was yesterday. I went to sleep the night before with bare roads, I awoke to a blizzard. Hello? A day early! As they say in Australia, “Bugger!”

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NaNoWriMo Completed

Hi folks, today I want to review in my own mind what I learned from the NaNoWriMo experience. It is a busy time in my life, and taking this on was a challenge to say the least. However, I enjoy a challenge every once in a while, and this seemed right up my alley, so I jumped in.
The first thing that happened was a mild panic attack. Oh Crap, Deadline! As usual, I set to work with a will. (Thank the gods for spell check, etc.) I have an idea for a series, and this seemed like a good chance to test the waters.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Call Me Crazy

Call me crazy, but I actually had fun today. I found myself facing a life decision, well, maybe not a major life decision, but a toughie none the less. You see, K’s brother is a super handyman, and he usually does the messy jobs for us, especially any plastering jobs. The problem? He is back in school pursuing the career change thing. Sigh

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lighthouse Keeper

Hi folks, since I have been so busy with the NaNoWriMo writing challenge, I have had little time for my poor blog. So, today, instead of something enlightening, edifying, educational, or amazing, I offer you this short story about life on the Atlantic coast a century ago. It was written and first published in the late '90s. I hope you enjoy reading it.

The Lighthouse Keeper
Prudence MacLeod

John Ellis Morrissey sat by the warm wood stove with a wool blanket thrown across his knees, dozing as he listened to the storm outside. Soon he would have to rouse himself again to check the big light. On a stormy night John Ellis never really slept, he just caught a nap here and there as he could. When the storm passed he would rest.
“What do you think of a night like this, Tommy?” he asked his only companion on this rocky island. The big Newfoundland dog just thumped his tail on the floor in answer.   “Yes boy,” said John Ellis, “I couldn’t agree more.” The dog sighed with contentment and went back to sleep.
John Ellis rose and stretched, then climbed the stairs to the light tower high above.  He did not even look out into the raging North Atlantic; he simply adjusted the light and returned to the fire. This was a pretty remote part of the world and there was little chance of any ships being out there at this time of the year. Ah well, the isolation pay was good and John Ellis preferred Tommy’s company to that of other men these days. With a sigh he settled himself back into his chair.
He was just starting to drift off when the dog’s head came up. Ears forward Tommy rose swiftly to his feet, head cocked slightly to the side. “What are you at, Tommy?” asked John Ellis. “Is there one out there?” The dog barked once. That bark sent John Ellis scrambling back up the stairs.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ten Random Things

Hi folks, this is a short post as I am still buried in the novel writing challenge. However, I thought this might be fun. The following is a list of ten random things about me. The challenge is for you to tell me just one random thing about you. Come on, it'll be fun, you know you want to.

1. I’m over 5’11” tall.  That may not seem like so much to some folks, but I have lived in places where it made me look like a giant.
2. I am actually quite shy, preferring small groups to large ones, although I have done quite a bit of public speaking.
3.  I love dogs, and have four rescues.
4.  I’d be a real shopaholic, given half a chance and a bigger budget. (Not to mention a bigger closet.)
5.  I love sea food.
6.  I play guitar, well, I do once in a while, but mainly it rests on the bed to keep the dogs off.
7.  I love eating in nice restaurants.  I’d go broke and get obese if I gave in to this fetish.
8.  I bake my own bread.  I just love the smell of fresh bread as it comes out of the oven.
9.  I’m a bit of a priss, preferring to spend my days in pretty dresses getting my hair done, but most days I’m in jeans and boots, walking dogs etc.  sigh
10. Above all I love people and listening to their stories. 

Ok, now it's your turn, tell me one random thing about you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Chasing the NaNo

Hi folks. Normally I don’t write about writing. I prefer to share other things here on my blog. However, since signing on for the write a novel in a month challenge, there have been changes in my life, or should I say changes in the way I use my day.
No longer do I linger over my second coffee of the day, chatting with friends on Twitter, catching up on other folks’ blogs, etc. now life is different, more structured. If I had been this damned efficient twenty years ago I’d probably still be in business.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Things I Love Sunsets

So here we are again with things I love. Today I want to share a sunset with you. All sunsets are special, everywhere. I know for I have a goodly number of them over the past sixty years or so, and I have loved them all.
As a child, sunsets were special, mainly because the work stopped. Winter was even better as they came sooner. I can remember standing in the trees at the edge of the forest, watching the sun set behind the cape, waiting for the darkness to encroach before crossing the last hundred yards or so to the house.
Walking across crisp snows, hearing the crunch beneath my boots, and watching the sky turn a myriad of colors was nothing short of magical. Why was I in the forest? I slipped out of the house and ran there to watch the sunset, of course.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hi folks,
I have been up to my ears in the NaNoWriMo challenge these past few days. As a result I have neglected this blog a bit. At a loss for something to share with you, I shall stoop to the easy way out and give you the opening salvo from the novel I hope to complete in this challenge. So, without further ado,

The tall woman darted from boulder to boulder, taking cover behind each in turn. All around her were the pings of projectiles ricocheting off the giant stones, and the hiss of energy weapon’s fire. She took a quick glance then faked a leap from her hiding place. Several weapons fired at once. Had she actually taken that leap it would have been her last. She darted from the other side of the boulder and raced to the next. In this fashion she crossed half a kilometer of battle zone.
Suddenly there was a shout of recognition, and a hail of covering fire was laid down for her. She raced to the shelter of the overturned land ship, and the soldiers hunkered down behind it.
“Woman, what the nine hells are you doing here, and where are my reinforcements?” The officer before her was huge, and he was chewing on a tobar root. This told her he had probably not eaten for days.
“I am Lessa, a healer. I have come to tend the wounded. I know nothing of reinforcements.”
The big man sighed deeply and spat out the root. “There are plenty of them here for you, just behind that ridge. Use the tunnel, it is safe enough.” She nodded and started away, but he spoke again. “Help those you can; dispatch those you cannot.”
She paused slightly, but did not meet his eyes. “Understood.” With that she trotted behind the ragged men and vanished into the tunnel.

Hope you are intrigued enough to want more.  
Happy writing and reading. Prudence

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Under Pressure

I’ve always said I work better under pressure. I even used to have a poster of a guy in a duck press, saying, “Go ahead, turn the screw, I work better under pressure.” on the wall of my office. So, when I first started hearing about a novel writing challenge, I of course entered, then set up several other things to get done at the same time. Some are writing goals, others are winterizing projects around the home.  Let me tell you how this works.

Monday, October 31, 2011

To cheat or not to Cheat

Warning, this is a classic Prudence MacLeod rant.

To cheat or not to cheat, that is the question. My answer is a big fat not. Oh, I wanted to, still do, but I just can’t. What the heck am I talking about? National Novel Writing Month, or whatever it is called.
You see, like a fool, I signed up for this at one of the busiest times I’ve had in years. Ok, 50,000 words in thirty days is tough, but I’ve done 80k+ in less time than that, so I know it is doable. So, how could you cheat? Well, the thing is pretty much run on the honor system, so I could pull a half finished manuscript out of mothballs and finish it off.
Yes, that would be a cheat, but I’m not alone here. I’ve seen several writers on Twitter boasting of how they already have their outline finished, characters sketched out, plot mapped out, and worlds created ready to go. So, I know I’ll catch a lot of flack for this, but it is a cheat. They’ve already got a month’s work done and only have to flesh it out. How is that different from me?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Things I Love Old Dogs and Small Children

The line in the song goes, “Old dogs and children, and watermelon wine.” Now, I’ve never tasted watermelon wine, but I can vouch for the old dogs and children.
There’s nothing as sweet or comforting as an old dog, sleeping with its head in your lap, tail occasionally thumping. Old dogs will share space with you, filling it with gentle loving energy. Dogs channel a special energy anyway, but older dogs bring that contentment energy. An old dogs, sleeping in the sun, exudes that level of contentment we would all love to achieve.
Picture this, it’s a blustery night, the wind howling the house, I’m in my chair, knitting in my hands, and the Labrador lying on the mat by my feet. I lightly rub him with my toe and he rolls onto his back for a belly rub, his tail wagging as he does. There is a special bond between us that cannot be explained, only enjoyed.
Have you ever spent any time with an older dog? It is a true blessing.
Small children, on the other hand, are at the opposite end of the scale. Their energy is pure exuberance. Is there any sound more delightful to the ear than a child’s squeal of laughter? I think not. Just listen to the sound of a child being tickled by its mother or tossed into the air by its father.
That is the sound of pure joy. It is pure, primal, delight, unsullied by debt, relationships, job stress or peer pressure. It is the song of a young spirit, newly arrived on this plane, one ready and willing to explore all the wonders life has to offer. That sound is soul nourishing, and I draw deeply upon it each time I hear it. Don’t you?
Well, that’s enough of my ramblings for now. Until next time, smile, life is too short to frown.
Remember folks, you can ask me anything about anything. If I don’t know the answers, or have an opinion (unlikely), I’ll make something up.

Friday, October 28, 2011


It’s that time again, you know, the part where I blow my own horn. I’ve just had my 22nd book published. I am especially pleased to bring you the tale of Calan MacLeod (no relation, honest). This the first story in a series of five that already exist in first draft. As the months, and the revisions, roll by I will bring out all five novels in sequence. Hopefully one each month.

Calan MacLeod has not had an easy life, but she has risen to, and met every challenge that came her way, surmounted every obstacle, overcome every setback, and now has achieved all her goals.
So what’s next? Calan has arrived, sure, but she has issues that just might prevent her from taking the next big step. Can she face the demons of her past and take that next step into a greater life? Will young Angela be her savior or the catalyst that causes her carefully constructed world to implode?
Here’s what one reader had to say:

“This book has it all; you laugh, cry, love, and then love even more. You can't help loving these characters and feeling their fears, hopes, dreams, and above all, love. I was completely enraptured from the moment I started reading until I regretfully finished. It thrills me that this is just the first book in a series of five. You could make a whole quote book with all of the poignant quotes that are tastefully scattered within these pages. I found myself highlighting sentences and paragraphs regularly. This book is SO worth reading! Thank you very much for the wonderful stories!

Again, thanks go to the very talented Justin for the cover art.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Things I Love #12 People Watching Revisited

I’ve had a number of requests for more people watching posts, so I thought I’d give it a go. A huge spider crawling around the front step reminded me of a people watching episode many years ago.
I had gone to the local mall to do a bit of shopping. Having finished my treasure hunt, I bought an ice cream cone and sat on a bench to people watch for a while. I was near a pet shop, and enjoyed watching the children drag reluctant parents inside. I also made note of different shoppers hurrying about on errands of their own.
I was nearly finished my treat when I first saw her. She was a big woman, not tall, but big. I’d guess her to be in her late forties or early fifties. I took her for a farm wife, as she was dressed for the barn, not the mall. Her plaid shirt and mud splattered jeans had seen better days, as had the turned down rubber boots she wore on her feet.
The woman looked tired, for her shoulders sagged and her step was slow and ponderous. A face that had been quite beautiful at one time looked out at the world through sad eyes. I smiled as she passed my bench, and she gave me a wan smile in return.
Now, as so often happens in life, things can change in an instant, and so they did for this girl. She was not far from my bench when a panicked young woman bolted from the pet shop. “Nobody move, the tarantula has escaped.” Everyone instantly froze, except our farm girl.
With a scream of mixed fear and rage, she took to the air like Hulk Hogan about to land on King Kong Bundy. She gained an impressive amount of air before descending with full fury to the tiles below, a small black object disappearing beneath her boot. Still roaring her battle challenge, she continued to pound that thing with a beat that would have sent Disney’s Thumper slinking away in shame.
By the time the young clerk reached her, the tarantula was dead on the floor, no longer a tall spider, but now thinner than a sheet of paper and bigger around than a dinner plate. The woman was gasping for air, her hand over her breast.
“You’re going to pay for that,” declared the clerk as she pointed angrily at the splattered spider on the floor.
With her hand still on her breast, and drawing in long ragged breaths, the woman laid her other hand on the girl’s shoulder. “I already did, Honey. I already did.”  With that she turned away, her back straighter now, and her stride firm and strong. Yep, adrenalin is a great thing, takes years off your shoulders.
Until next time folks, happy people watching.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Great Blogs

A while ago I received a blogging award, my first one, versatile blogger. Sue there was a catch, I have to pass it along to a group of bloggers I like. No problem there, that will be fun. First, let me say a great big “thank you” to Ginger Calem whose blog can be found here;  Check it out, you’ll be glad you did.

Now I’m supposed to tell you seven random things about me. No problem, I’m a random kind of gal.
1.      I’m 5’11” tall. (scary huh?)
2.      I learned to play guitar fifty years ago.
3.      It’s been 20 years since I’ve been to Scotland
4.      I can’t touch type. (Thankful for spellcheck too)
5.      I’m an early bird by nature.
6.      I often re-paint the walls when I’m bored.
7.      I believe in magic

Now for the fun part. I get to pass this award to a number of other folks whose blogs interest me. This is so cool. Here goes. The award goes to…  Jess Witkins blog is all about spooky stuff right now.  Cynthia knows writing. Read her blog and learn as you are entertained. Melinda VanLone, another believer in magic. Rachel Funk Heller is always fun, check out her blog. Diane Capri is always thoughtful, well worth a read. Sonia Quinones, this gal can write just about anything, and does. Kristy K James’ blog is well worth a read.  Every list of blogs should have Gene Lempp’s name on it. Seriously. Myndi Shafer’s blog has a new home, check it out. Lynn Kelly’s blog is always fun. Samantha Warren. Dragon tamer/farm ninja, what more can I say. Check her blog, it’s great. C.G.Powell’s blog, interesting, thought provoking, and visually delightful. Check this out, S.J. will give you a completely different slant on things.

Ok, this list is a completely random sampling of the blogs I like. I now pass the mantle of the Versatile Blogger off to you folks. Here’s how it works, first you thank the person who presented the award to you, list seven random facts about yourself, then pass the award on to a dozen or so of your favorite blogs. Have fun with it.
If time constraints prevent you from participating, no worries, just enjoy the award and know that you’re getting it right.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things I love #11 Playing Dress Up

Ever play dress up as a child? Of course you did, we all did. You tied a towel around your neck for a cape and gained super powers. You put on your mom’s shoes and became a princess or an elegant lady on her way to a ball. Dad’s hard hat changed you into a logger, mom’s apron helped you become a wife and mother; we all did it.
Some of us still do. True confession time; I’m one of them. Yes, I see you at the back of the room waving your hand, you too I see. Ok, so I’m not alone, good to know. A friend says I suffer from eternal childhood syndrome. Yep, there’s no cure and frankly, I don’t want one. I love dressing up.
It is different now, since I spend most of my days in sweats or jeans and have for most of my adult life. Often now dress up is just that. When the day’s work is done, the nails driven, the weeds pulled, floors cleaned, dishes washed, laundry… (you get the idea); I play dress up. I take my time and enjoy the process of girling-up, as I call it.
To see me then you might think I was on my way out for the evening, but no, I have a hot date with a computer. It is writing time, and I like to look like a successful author when I do it.
Actually, we all still do the dress up thing, we just don’t think of it the same way. We put on the power suit for that important meeting, the special make-up for that special date, etc. dressing up allows us to tap into another part of our personality, one best suited for whenever the occasion calls for. We all have a magic cape or two around the place.
Here I am in my carpenter's disguise

This time of year is especially magical, a time when it is Ok for everybody to play dress up and become someone or something else for a night. It is a time to let that childhood imagination run free once again. How soul nurturing is that? Right?
Once again this year I will don my dark robes, fishnets and heels, flip up my hood, grab my wand and let the delightfully wicked witch of the east out to play once more. With wand in hand I shall cast “smiling spells” on everyone who crosses my path so their up coming year will be filled with smiles. Hmm, maybe I’ll throw in a “buy my books” spell too. Couldn’t hurt…

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Things I love #10, People Watching

People Watching.

Things are a bit rushed this morning; I’m on my way to the city once again. Since it pays to be early to ensure a spot on the ferry, I have a bit of time to sit and wait, for such is the nature of life on an island. It gives me an opportunity to indulge in another thing I love, people watching.
I love people watching. I love the sheer variety of shapes, sizes, and colors that we humans come in. I will now describe a few I can see from here so you can share the experience with me.
There are several small groups of men standing around, smoking or with hands in pockets, shoulders slouched, drinking coffee from Styrofoam cups and complaining about life in general. Grey cloudy mornings can do that to you.
There stands an older man, quite bald, absentmindedly smoothing his comb-over down in the breeze. His younger companion has a small goatee and shaven head. Go figure. That has to be a generational thing.
Here comes an interesting fellow. He’s a big man, heavy, wearing loose clothing. His clothes are worn, but clean, his boots run down and old. He wears his graying hair cut short, mostly hidden beneath a cap with some sort of logo. His face has seen many years in the sun, deep lines surround his eyes and line his face.
It would be easy to dismiss this man as an old fat guy who was down on his luck. Let’s take a second look, for I have an idea his appearance is deceptive. Yes he has some fat on him, but that could just be a side effect of good living. His back is too straight, his shoulders too wide, his hands look like the could crush stone, and there is an easy grace to his stride.
I smile as he walks past the car. With a wink and a nod he returns the smile and now I can see where all those lines in his face came from. That is a face that has smiled a lot over the years.
He’s gone past now, but there comes an old truck, a working man’s truck, but that’s not who is driving. The door opens and a young woman steps out. She is well dressed, in heels, tall, slim, blonde, and beautiful. All eyes are on her as she alights. She smiles and calls a greeting to one of the men, who waves and smiles back.
All the men are standing taller now, their backs straighter, tummies pulled in, cigarettes cast aside, and their scowls gone. She stops to chat with different groups as she makes her way to the coffee shop, and again on her way back. She has a smile and a good word for everybody she meets on her way back.
By the time she reaches the truck everyone is smiling. Conversations have gone from complaints to idle chat about more pleasant subjects. I’m not sure if she is aware of the effect she had on everybody, but I do hope she is. I’d like to think this woman used her youth and beauty to brighten the day for everyone she encountered.
For that is exactly what she has done. Through her a goddess came and lifted the gloom from the hearts of all the people scattered about this parking lot. Because of her a number of people, men and women alike, are facing the day with a much brighter outlook.
Whoops, there comes the ferry boat. Thanks for people watching with me folks, it is one of my most favorite things to do.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Things I Love #9 An Ocean View

I’ve always loved an ocean view. I know that most folks do, and I understand that. There is something quite magical about all that restless water. It is almost hypnotic. Just a few moments of watching the waves crashing against the rocks is so very refreshing, soul nourishing, if you will. I have always felt this way.
I grew up on the Bay of Fundy. I was lulled to sleep each night by the sounds of wind and waves. When a storm comes with lots of wind, most folks stay awake, ready to run at the first sign of danger. I fall asleep.
As a child I loved the savage winter storms. Our house was old, yet sturdy, and she had withstood the storms of winter for generations before I came along. I would sit by the window and watch as the huge waves crashed against the beach, knowing there would be treasure washed ashore. I would be one of the first on the beach after the storm passed. There was always treasure of some kind.

I also loved the still times. There would be times, especially during summer, when the tides were slack and the waters would be as smooth as glass. I would sit near the water’s edge, listening to the soft lapping of the tiny waves, waves that barely curled as they lightly kissed the gravelly shore.
As an adult, I have always lived close to an ocean, although, sadly, not often with a view. I lived for many years, and both my children were born, near the Pacific Ocean. For a time I lived on the Arctic Ocean. (with a great view) and now I am back to the North Atlantic Ocean again. Our cottage is in a sheltered area, (no view) but the view is ever near. I walk my dogs almost every day, and much of our ramblings provide us with a magnificent view of the restless waters.

I guess I have the best of both worlds now, a snug home, protected from the brunt of the weather, yet with an awesome ocean view just steps away. Life is good.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reviving an old Tradition, the Nap

Now here’s something I’ve been wondering about for a while. How come I’m so dang busy all the time? Better yet, how did I manage before I retired? I mean, I’m retired, I’m supposed to have a lot of leisure time. So, where the heck is my front porch, rocking chair, and sleeping dog?
Well, I do have the sleeping dog; he’s right at my feet. Ok, that much I’ve got. My rocking chair is across the room, piled high with cushions, my shawl, and K’s drum. The porch? The house doesn’t have on right now, but the studio does because we just built it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Hey folks, it is time for me to blow my own horn again. I recently published my twenty-first novel on Smashwords. I had been saving this one for a while, not sure if I should publish it, but eventually I came to believe these stories need to be told. Over the years I have been blessed to have been able to assist a few abused women to escape to a new and better life. Some of their stories are woven into the tale of Mary Hope MacLaren.
Sadly, not everybody reaches a happy ending, but I have known a few who did. Some of that is included here as well. It was my desire to expose a dark underbelly of our society, yet not to bury you in guilt or pity because of it, just to make you aware. I also wanted to point out that, no matter how hard the past, anyone can create a better and brighter future for themselves.
Here is what one reader had to say about Hope.
I couldn't put this book down! This will definitely make it into my top 20 list, (top 10 is no longer sufficient). This story shows one of the most tragic circumstances in our world; the violence of an abusive spouse. With her natural affinity to positive energy, Prudence MacLeod turns a ruined life into a dream come true for Mary Hope. I was very sad when I reached the final page. I am definitely looking forward to more from this author! Thanks for the great story!"

Here is the link to the book; I do hope you will check it out and enjoy the story.
I thank the very talented Justin for the cover art. As usual, great job.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Making things, the Studio, #4 Just like the Three Little Pigs

Hi folks, here we are again, still working on the studio. The construction continues to move along, slowly, painstakingly, yet inexorably toward completion. You know, if the second little pig had built his house of sticks as strong as this one, it would still be standing. This was the long weekend, and we spent all of it trying to get the siding on.
Sticking with the older style, we decided on clapboards. Yes, it is harder to install and needs to be painted, but then,  you can change the colors if you wish. Clapboards also add thickness and strength to your walls, something vinyl siding cannot do.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Things I Love #9 Reconnecting With Folks

One thing I have always loved to do, as I am sure everybody does, is reconnect with folks we haven’t seen for some time. Recently, I was granted just such an opportunity.
It was a cold and stormy day, the kind I love. The dogs and I spent the day together in out snug little cottage, them sleeping, and me working at the computer. As the winds shrieked around the house and increased their speed, the dogs came closer. We had a fine cuddle, just enjoying the pack bonding experience.
It was those fierce winds that blew a golden opportunity my way. The winds became so strong the ferry boats were unable to dock at the island.  A number of people were stranded for a while. K brought two people home with her.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Things I love #8 Stormy Autumn Days

A Stormy Autumn day

It is a stormy day on the island of stone.  I had another trip to the city planned, but that got cancelled by the weather. The wind is so strong the boats cannot run, too rough trying to dock. It is coming through in waves, sudden powerful gusts, driving a lashing rain before them. It is a perfect day to hide indoors.  The wind shakes the little cottage, but not much. At just the right angle of wind there is a shrieking whistle around the front door. Always gives me a shiver and a smile. Ok, I’m weird, I love storms.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Things I Love #7 Riding the Ferry Boats

Once again today I was riding the ferry boat to the city to help a friend. Yesterday there were high winds and it was an exciting ride home, I loved it. Today was very different, the waters were completely calm, like polished glass. The view from the rail was awesome.

I spent much of the trip writing in my notebook, and listening to the voices of the conversations around me. Perhaps I should say, half the conversations. Years ago, as I rode the ferry boats of the BC coast, I would hear the conversations, and often was invited to join in. Today things are different. People talk on cell phones instead of each other.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Things I love, Making Things, part 3

Hi folks, time for another studio update. The building has changed somewhat since I last brought you an update. First, we completed the roof, shingles and all. This was a lot harder than we first envisioned. It also took a lot longer than expected. The steep pitch of the roof was the issue. We couldn’t stand on it and work, we had to work from the ladder, shifting here, there, and back again.

The next step was the window and door installation, three windows and one door. As K was working long hours, I completed this task on my own, again, spread over several days, but I did manage it. The great thing is, when you buy new windows or doors, they come with instructions. Yea!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Things I Love #6 Hanging Out At the Coffee Shop

Recently I had the opportunity to indulge in one of my favourite pass times, hanging out at the coffee shop with friends. I have always loved this. I could enjoy being a lady of leisure as long as I had company.

A few days ago K and I hopped the boat and headed for the city. We were meeting a new friend at Starbucks. Taking an evening during mid week to goof off is pure luxury, and we meant to enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things I Love #5, My Dogs.

Hi folks, time for another entry in the one hundred things I love. This time I will tell you a bit about my dogs. I love these wonderful beasts more than you might imagine. They are all rescues, cast aside as unwanted by others. Not to worry, it all turned out for the best. Friends say that they want to come back as one of my dogs in the next life.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Making Things, the Studio, Part Two

Hi folks, we’re here to take another look at the evolution of the studio. In part one I spoke of the beginning phases of the construction, setting the foundation, framing and insulating the floor, putting up the walls, etc.

The next step was the upper section, the storage loft, the rafters, sheeting the roof, and last of all the shingles. Today I put up the last of the shingles and the ridge cap. All that ladder climbing has taken a nasty toll on my poor old body. I now ache in places where I didn’t know I had places. On the bright side, I’m in better shape now than I have been in years. A few days rest and I’ll be ready for anything.

That's my beloved up the ladder, isn't she cute, and a fine hand with a hammer too.

I will add a part three once we have the door and windows in, the siding on and painted, etc. Dear gods, there’s no end to it, is there? Tee hee

Friday, September 23, 2011

Book #20

Wow, I can hardly believe this myself. This is book number 20 published. I wanted something a little different for this one, so I have added a twist to the characters. In this story, a hard fisted, homophobic, redneck, is thrown into the company of a timid transsexual woman. What happens next is anyone's guess.

 Without further ado, I present, A Simple Twist of Fate. Cover art by the delightful and talented, Hayley M. Thanks Hayley, this rocks.

I hope you enjoy reading Fate as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

19th Book Published

Hi folks, here I am again, blowing my own horn. I have just published my 19th book and I am thrilled for several reasons. It is always exciting and gratifying to see your work in print, but this one is special as it took a bit longer to get ready than I originally intended.

The problem was finding a cover photo. I knew what I wanted, but couldn't seem to get the time to go out looking for it. After complaining to a friend, he volunteered to create a cover for me. I am absolutely thrilled with what he has designed for me and I proudly present to you, Fortunate Fire. A tale of love in an unlikely place under strange circumstances.

Cover art by the incredibly gifted Justin. Justin, my friend, I cannot thank you enough for donating your time and skills to help me get this story into publication.

Folks, I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have enjoyed it's evolution. Happy reading!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Things I love #4, Walking

I have always been an athlete, as long as I can remember. I grew up in rural Canada, in a small farming/fishing village. Much of my time was spent out of doors, doing chores, hanging out with friends, playing games, etc. In school I was on every team I could get on, soccer, basketball, badminton, and more. Lots of youthful energy.
As a young adult I got into distance running, but an injury sidelined me when the children were small. I turned to bodybuilding to rehab myself. That eventually gave way to powerlifting, combined with mountain biking, and, well, you get the idea.
In recent years, since acquiring four dogs, I have discovered the joys of walking.  I love breathing deeply, the sun on my back, the breeze in my face, moving swiftly with long strides across the face of the earth. Walking allows my body to take over and let my imagination take a stroll of its own. I don’t need to focus on the task, psyche myself up, or anything, just walk and enjoy.
Today for example, I took the boys out as usual. There was a cool breeze off the water, yet the sun was still warm. As we headed down a dirt road I was able to push my pace a bit; they had no problem keeping up. Soon we reached open fields of tall grasses with an ocean view in the distance.  As they raced about, snuffling everything they could find, I climbed a small rise to stop, catch my breath, and enjoy the magnificent view.
After a while I whistled them in and we headed for home. Again I set a strong pace, enjoying the freedom and movement of my body as I swung along, the boys trotting along beside me. When we reached the house I was breathing deeply, sweating, and feeling as alive as I have ever felt. I love it, walking, good for the body, good for the soul.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Celebration Contest

Hi folks, it’s celebration time. I have eighteen books already published, with two more almost ready to go. We’re finished editing and are just waiting for the covers. The first should be ready any day now. So, to celebrate the upcoming event, we’re holding a contest. Leave a comment on this blog, any post you choose, and your name goes into a hat for the draw. 
The prizes? Three names will be drawn, each will win one of my books, winner’s choice. That’s right, you win, you choose which one you want. Remember to leave me a Twitter handle, or some other way to find you. The winners will be announced on this blog as soon as the names are drawn. Draw date is September 21st, the International Day of Peace.
I thank you all in advance for playing this little game to help me celebrate, and for reading my books. It is truly humbling to know someone has read and enjoyed my writings.  Good luck!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Review and Response: three star review

The following is a new review of my book, Deliberate Love. It is an honest review, but one which I would like to respond to.  First the review, then the response.

“This book is well written and edited. I liked the setting in Edinburgh / Canada and the characters. Two things I didn't like: first the implication that if you set your mind to it you can change being gay/straight. I am sure that there is much more fluidity between the two extremes than most are prepared to admit (although the McKinsey studies were quite clear about it), but since fundamentalists esp. in the US go to extreme lengths on this position and hurt people I would have liked a bit more complexity on this question. Secondly, this was all sweet, easy romance without any hassle and tension. I get the point that the author wants to promote but still life happens and it is not always only sweet and easy. Esp. in a novel I would like to see some "dramatic" development - it doesn't need to be drama.
And BTW this novel takes the lesbian u-haul-joke to a new level.

Ok, now to respond to the critique.  “This book is well written and edited. I liked the setting in Edinburgh / Canada and the characters.”  Thank you for that.  I am pleased with this.
Now to address the two areas of disappointment for you. #1. “the implication that if you set your mind to it you can change being gay/straight.”  Obviously, I did not make the point clear in the book.  At no time did I say any such thing, nor did I ever intend to. I tried to make the point that one can overcome, if one so desires, the natural inclination one way or the other.  Colleen knows Brianna is heterosexual, and always will be. Brianna will always be attracted to men, but she loves Colleen, and so must focus her attention there. I know this can be done because the woman I have been married to for fifteen years is actually heterosexual.
You cannot change what you are. If you are gay, that’s what you are, but you can be whoever you choose to be. I believe this because I live this, my life is good and sweet and K says the same. 
More tension, fair to say.  I wrote this at a time of great tension in my personal life, so I guess I wanted to create a place of peace. Bad idea for a writer, duly noted.  I will try harder, I promise.

#2 Dramatic development.  Ok, it didn’t work for you, I accept this.  It didn’t make it for you.  I promise to try harder next time.  Thanks for the critique.

Now, the lesbian U-Haul joke?  I don’t understand, what joke?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another great review.

Hi folks, time to toot my own horn again, or, perhaps allow this happy customer to toot it for me.  Here is a review of my latest book, Mildred and Cecile.  I hope you all enjoy it as much as Justin did.

"I was so excited to see a new story after I finished the last of your other novels. I was definitely not disappointed. This book was so wonderfully written, I felt like I was actually part of the story. Grandma Elsie was absolutely perfect. She is the icon everyone wishes for a grandmother, who accepts who you are even when she strongly disagrees with your decisions. I really got a good laugh when reading about gap-toothed Bob, as I think he moved over to our neck of the woods. I wish I would have broken the reading up a bit so I still had more to read, but you have a habit of making that very hard. Thank you so very much for another amazing story!


PS. Now hurry and crank out another one!"

You can find the book here:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stuff I love #3 Making things

Making things, the studio.

I have always enjoyed making things with my hands. I knit, mostly socks and sweaters, I bake my own bread, I have made a few pieces of furniture, lots of handicrafts, but this time we took on a big one. K and I decided to build her studio ourselves, completely from scratch. So, armed with a few books on the subject of construction, a few tools, some borrowed, and a determination to succeed, we began.
First we decided to build it on blocks as the ground here is too hard to dig through. Island of stone and all that. We removed the sod and set the blocks then proceeded to build up the floor. That took two days of work and we were so stiff and sore, it was a struggle just to get socks on in the morning, but we did it.

The next item of business was the walls. We build the first three lying down, put on the sheathing and house wrap, then stood them up. Our neighbors came over to see how we were doing. He was a carpenter, but lost his sight. The man is amazing, he knew every measurement before I even put the measuring tape down to check. He was always right.  He helped us stand the walls up and fasten them in place. All the while his wife was helping, holding things, passing things, and cracking jokes. She and K had more than one fit of the giggles. They blamed it on the heat.

The last wall was build standing and that took a bit longer, but now there were four walls where none had stood before.
Isn't this a great picture of me?  Sexy!

Yesterday we set the beams in place for the storage attic, laid the floor on them, then covered it all with tarps as a storm was approaching.  It has been years since I have been this stiff and sore, but I am thrilled.  There is a deep sense of accomplishment when you create something lasting with your hands.  K will surely enjoy her studio, as will I, but all the more so because we because we built it with our own hands.

This post is only the first part of the whole, for I will continue to chronicle the evolution of the studio as it matures.  Stay tuned.

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