Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reviving an old Tradition, the Nap

Now here’s something I’ve been wondering about for a while. How come I’m so dang busy all the time? Better yet, how did I manage before I retired? I mean, I’m retired, I’m supposed to have a lot of leisure time. So, where the heck is my front porch, rocking chair, and sleeping dog?
Well, I do have the sleeping dog; he’s right at my feet. Ok, that much I’ve got. My rocking chair is across the room, piled high with cushions, my shawl, and K’s drum. The porch? The house doesn’t have on right now, but the studio does because we just built it.
I’m not really whining (honest), just wondering how it all got this way and why I let it happen. Actually, that was a while ago I was wondering, then I decided it didn’t really matter how it happened, I have to make it stop. I need time to breathe.
In keeping with this line of thought, I decided to revive an ago old tradition for those of us who are in old age. I’m a pretty traditional gal, I bake my own bread, knit my own socks, and repair my own roof, so I naturally looked for a traditional solution. I chose the nap.
Napping is just the tradition I need. In days gone by when most women were stay at homes, we could catch a quick nap in the afternoon before the rest of the family came home. The men would arrive home, eat their dinner, then plop their ass in a chair before the TV and promptly fall asleep. Nap time. A badly neglected tradition in this high speed society of ours.
nap in progress

So, what did I do? While K was busy cleaning the bathroom, I sneaked off to the couch, curled up, called a dog over to share the sinful delight, and went to sleep. I was only vaguely aware when she pulled the drapes behind me, covered me with a blanket, and kissed my forehead. Yes indeed, I am spoiled rotten and loving every minute of it.
Now, a tradition is more than a one shot deal. I am going to make the effort to catch a nap at least four or five times a week from now on, but I can’t do it all myself. I need your help, especially those of you who are retired. I will be expecting you to check in and report where, when, and how you managed to sneak in a nap, a sinfully delicious and refreshing nap. Go forth now, fellow traditional warriors, and snooze.


  1. I count myself among the tribe of busy retirees. Since leaving a thirty-seven year stretch of career, I've felt busier than when I was salary slave. But at least I'm occupied these days with creative occupation. And by the way, could you spare a minute -- after your next nap -- to teach me how to write so well and fast as you?

  2. Awww, that was sweet of K. You furballs are adorable. I think the nap idea is spot on. Here in the desert we take siesta's in the middle of the day and spend a little more time awake in the evening, after it cools down.
    As far as leisure time, you can't have any until you finish your next book, lol. I just re-read Hope again, and Barbara reminds me of you with her hundred mile an hour lifestyle. Just remember to stop and smell the roses, but don't weed or prune them. Just enjoy them, lol.

  3. Anthony, there's a lot of us busy retirees, and most of us aren't sure of how we got this way. Actually, I write like I talk, constantly. tee hee

    Chancellor, the book is coming along nicely. Now it is time for a nap. zzzz

  4. Hi Prudence! I'm here from the #wana1011 crew!

    It's so funny -- when I was a kid, I hated naps. I used to pretend to sleep in each morning, because I knew that if I did, my grandmother (who babysat me) would let me skip naptime and watch cartoons instead. When I got to grad school, though, I realized that the only way I'd make it through is to take naps on a regular basis, so now I try my best to squeeze in a couple of hours in the afternoon, especially if I'm pulling an all-nighter, or getting up at some ungodly hour (i.e., 6 am).

    Good luck trying to squeeze in your afternoon resting time!

  5. Hi Lena, go easy on those all nighters, they can wear you down. Grandmothers can be such an easy touch,and I too used to love afternoon cartoons. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. A nap sounds so delicious! Nice post Prudence :)

  7. Thanks Coleen. I think I will grab a few winks this afternoon. Thanks for dropping by.


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