Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ten Random Things

Hi folks, this is a short post as I am still buried in the novel writing challenge. However, I thought this might be fun. The following is a list of ten random things about me. The challenge is for you to tell me just one random thing about you. Come on, it'll be fun, you know you want to.

1. I’m over 5’11” tall.  That may not seem like so much to some folks, but I have lived in places where it made me look like a giant.
2. I am actually quite shy, preferring small groups to large ones, although I have done quite a bit of public speaking.
3.  I love dogs, and have four rescues.
4.  I’d be a real shopaholic, given half a chance and a bigger budget. (Not to mention a bigger closet.)
5.  I love sea food.
6.  I play guitar, well, I do once in a while, but mainly it rests on the bed to keep the dogs off.
7.  I love eating in nice restaurants.  I’d go broke and get obese if I gave in to this fetish.
8.  I bake my own bread.  I just love the smell of fresh bread as it comes out of the oven.
9.  I’m a bit of a priss, preferring to spend my days in pretty dresses getting my hair done, but most days I’m in jeans and boots, walking dogs etc.  sigh
10. Above all I love people and listening to their stories. 

Ok, now it's your turn, tell me one random thing about you.


  1. I love home made apple pies and have one in the oven right now. Mmmmmm!

  2. Kathleen, I'll be right over with the cheddar. :)

  3. Fun! Random fact about me - Cheese is the one food I couldn't live without!

  4. - I get lost while driving from work to home every once in a while.

  5. Julie, K is the same, gotta have her cheese.

    Linda, I've done that too. Sign of a stressful day.

  6. What fun facts to learn about you. I would say a random fact about me is that I dance everyday, usually in the mornings when I'm getting ready. It puts me in a good mood and sets me up to have a good day.

  7. What a fun post with fun facts. I'm drawing a blank. I went to three different third grades because we moved a lot that year! Good luck with the writing. I need to get back to my NaNo story, too!

  8. I share your second random fact. Here's one of mine:
    I’ve lived in the same house for the last 16 years, but before that I moved 16 times.

  9. This is a fun way to get to know people! I have a brother who's 6'7. Hmmm...about me, though, everytime we move, I paint a wall bright orange in the new house :-)

  10. I really enjoyed reading those facts about you. I might have to do a blog post like that because I genuinely enjoy learning about others.

    Ok, one random fact … let's see.

    Ok, my husband and I met at Sea World where we were both performing in the Beach Blanket Ski Party water ski show.

  11. After reading all of your books so many times, I think I already knew the answers to most of those questions. I think you can definitely learn a lot about a person by the books they write.

    I love animals a lot more than humans. How's that for random? (grin)

    I'm so glad you are wearing out your computer keyboard so that we can have our stories! Marlaine just finished the last of them and is almost as excited as I am for the next one/two...(drool).

  12. Emma, what an awesome way to start the day. I love it and I'll give it a try. :)
    Lyn, Coleen, Shannon, Ginger, I get it. I too have moved around a lot, and one of the first things I do is paint a new place.

  13. My electro-magnetic field malfunctions in underground parking garages.
    I love that you are 5'11" tall and enjoy good food!

  14. Hi Julia, thanks for stopping by. My partner K is taller than me and slimmer. I don't think that's really fair. Hmmm, could be all that good food. You think?

  15. Chris, I never would have guessed. :))

  16. Prudence,
    I would never have guessed that you're shy, especially as you made a point of welcoming every member of WANA 1011 as we joined the loop. One random thing about me? I love planning trips and enjoy studying bus, train, and plane schedules. Right now, I'm thinking about France for 2012.

  17. Hi Pat, are you planning a hotel journey or B&B.?

  18. Okay, here's a random one for you. My first cat had two paws with six toes and two paws with five toes. One of each on the front and back. Meaning there was a paw with six and a paw with five toes on the front and the other set on the back. I loved that cat. He was a beautiful white cat with light grey running through his coat and his name was Cotton. He disappeared the same night as three other white cats in the neighborhood. Strange coincidence?

  19. Debra, that is too weird. Imagine a journey through sight and sound... (cue spooky music...)

  20. I have such a smile right now. You totally surprised me. I didn't know that I had a mental picture of you, but I apparently did. I love that so much of what you wrote here was unexpected for me! (I did know about the dogs though. Whew!) ;-)

  21. Hey J, a girl always likes to have a few surprises. :)

  22. I love your "10 random things." Will have to try this on my blog sometime. One random thing about me: My favorite song is "You Were Meant for Me" by Jewel. I know it's a depressing song, but I love it, and somehow, listening to it (and singing along) puts me in a better mood. Weird, huh? ;)

  23. Hi Janelle, not weird at all. Singing is uplifting, no matter the song. :)


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