Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Using Language Powerfully

I have come to understand that the only thing you can carry with you from this realm of existence to the next is the quality of the relationships you have developed and nurtured in this one. This is the focus of my life and the lens through which I see my world.
I know, I promised to help develop a positive life focus. Well, building loving, supportive relationships is a very positive thing in my book; keeping this in mind at all times will help you stay focused. The purpose here is to build that new and beautiful life we all want; this is one of the ways we go about it.
We all want to feel good; that is our prime motivation. Just as all things are made of a single substance (energy), all actions are motivated by a single desire, (the desire to feel good). Sorry folks, but if you look deep enough inside, and be honest with yourself, you will find that it is true. It is not a bad thing; it just is what it is. Knowing this, is the key to building those loving, supportive relationships. It is also the key to having a lot fewer bad days yourself.
Realizing what truly motivates folks, you can short circuit your own emotional responses to many situations. For example, an angry person who is shouting at you in traffic is not feeling good, and their anger is merely their way of trying to change that. If you become defensive and meet angry energy with angry energy, you both end up feeling bad. A better response would be to smile and say, “Gee, that poor soul is having a really bad day. I am so very lucky he didn’t actually smack into me.” Now you have used language and understanding powerfully to preserve your good feelings. That angry energy has failed to ruin your day.
Now, let’s take that to a face to face. An angry person is offended by something you have said, or was reported to have said. Returning anger for anger is a negative response; we want a positive response that leaves us feeling good. Better still we want a response that will make our angry friend feel good as well. Instead of, “Back off Jack, get out of my face!” you might try, “Obviously I chose my words poorly and offended you; I apologize; hurting you was not my intention.” Now the situation is diffused and you have a point from which you can build a better relationship with this person.
Also, the subconscious mind rarely actually hears the first word or two of a sentence. Eg. “Don’t forget to take out the garbage.” becomes “Forget to take out the garbage.” With a quick switch to positive use of language we get, “Remember to take out the garbage.” which becomes, “Take out the garbage.” See? It’s still the same message.
I hope that these examples will demonstrate how positive use of language can improve your own sense of well-being, and also help you build stronger, more loving, and supportive relationships, as well as help you have your needs met more fully.
It has been said that an evil thought first becomes an evil intent, then an evil word, and then an evil action. The other side of the coin is also true. A loving thought becomes a loving intent, then a loving word, and then a loving action. We think in language. By changing the way we use language we change our very thought processes, our habitual speech patterns, and the way we actually live and experience life.
Ok, it is time to have some fun here. Get a small notebook and keep it with you; you’re going to be keeping score. The object of the game is to make as many people smile as you can each and every day. They are worth five points each. After you reach five hundred points you can dispense with the notebook.
Some hints: Don’t just drop a tip on the table and run out of the restaurant, stop the waiter and thank him for the stellar service. If you like the sweater a woman is wearing, tell her so. Make brief eye contact with others as you pass on the street and smile; chances are they will smile in return. Instead of complaining of bad service, try complimenting folks when they give you good service. All this will make you feel better too, as well as help you build stronger relationships.
Remember, what we are doing here is using powerful language powerfully.  Now go forth and make a new and brighter life for yourself and others.

So, what do you think? Do you agree with what I have said? Disagree? Is there another subject you’d like to discuss? Drop me a line and let me know. Remember, I’m old and have a wealth of advice I’m all too willing to share. J


  1. I'm old, too, but have no advice. Just observations. :)

    1. Well you'd better find some, you are a gifted, talented, experienced and articulated woman. You will have many people seeking your advice.

  2. I agree for the most part but one thing to keep in mind; sometimes when we are triggered by an event that makes us angry it is a mirroring event. Meaning, the person is mirroring to us an issue that is going on within ourselves. So if you are seeing people getting angry, or you are becoming angry, it is wise to ask, "What am I angry about, or, what am I really angry about?"

    I am not old... I prefer the term wise because those that have been on this earth a long time, and have paid attention, are very wise. I think you are very wise. :)


    1. I keep trying to tell her that she isn't old, she just has years of experience. Old is a state of mind, and Pru is young. She just has a wise spirit.

    2. I think Morgan said it best, "have paid attention." There's the key, isn't it? Charis, do you remember those herds of woolly mammoths that used to to.... no, you are a bit young for that. Well they....

    3. Wooly mammoths? Nope the herds were gone by the time I came around, but I saw a solitary one a time or two, and the meat was still good in cold storage sooo....

  3. I am young. Well, youngish anyhow. I started trying to make smiles happen several years ago, when I realized that making somebody smile brought a smile to my face. When I first started doing it at the middle school where I work, I got a lot of apprehensive looks along with the smiles. Too many people thought that my admiring their shirt, coat, hairdo, or whatever else was a precurser to a favor. It took nearly six months before people started realizing that I was just expressing and honest admiration. This is something you can even do to someone that you don't get along with. Especially if the animosity is from their end. I throw out a compliment to these ones and walk away. Pretty soon, they realize that I am not being snide or sarcastic and their attitude toward me changes. I have acually changed to relationships from animosity to grudging respect by doing this. Everybody likes a genuine compliment with no strings attached. I agree with Pru completely. Go collect smiles! It's fun! I am now working on collecting smiles from people who do not want to smile because they are either angry, drepressed or have been hurt and are protecting themselves. A bit more of a challenge, but success feels SO GOOD!

    1. It is a sad world when a genuine smile or compliment is viewed with fear and suspicion. Well done girl, I admire your tenacity.

  4. Yes Prudence, I do agree with you. I too feel that people who are angry are not feeling good. As you may know, in Chinese medicine, the liver organ represents anger, or should I say where anger stems from. So if someone displays anger, that emotion starts out in his/her liver. Interesting isn't it. But also the person who is angry with you is more than likely really angry at themselves. But thank you for those helpful tips so we don't absorb their anger. I will remember them. Thanks Pru! :)

  5. That is some excellent advice! Sharing positive energy is like any other form of exercise; the more you do it, the stronger your capacity for positive energy becomes. Your positive energy muscles are quite obviously very well defined, lol. I hope you find the best receptors for your positive output, so you will receive maximum fulfillment for your efforts. Your positive energy flow has definitely made a strong impact on my life, and I'm sure it is the same for many others as well. Thanks for all of your great ideas and wonderful thoughts that you so freely share!

    1. Thanks SC. My positive energy muscles may be in great shape, but my abs need work. :)

  6. Having grown up in a household of depressives and fairly violent ones at that, it has taken me a long time to realize that I can smile at other people and they will smile back at me (sometimes). And it' has taken me equally long to feel I could speak up about the beauty I see, and tell someone I like their hair or their clothes without feeling like I was being fawning but simply sharing my own pleasure. It's a slow process, but each time it works, the better I feel. This post and your Language of Success post, Prudence, added to that. As has the ROW80 community... Joy does seem to build from joy.

    1. Hi Eden, I had similar experiences as a child. Yes, it takes a long time to get past the fear of appearing to enjoy something. Enjoyment and smiles should not bring reprisals from unhappy people. Thankfully, most of the time, they don't. Glad you're finding your way to a brighter world.


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