Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Return of the Witch

What, another book published today? Are you crazy? How are you doing that? I can hear you now, but I’m not cheating. I will explain. I’ve been writing novels for years, but was unable to sell them traditionally. Since I have started self-publishing them, it looks like I write a book a month. I could, and I have done so, but that’s not what’s happening here. Over the past year or so I have self-published most of my back list of completed manuscripts, plus written and published four new novels. There, my secret is out.

Now, on to today’s book. Last November I wrote and published a novel in three weeks for the NaNoWriMo challenge. I put it up for free to give folks an idea of my writing style, but I always intended to revise it and make it into a series. Last month I pulled Novan Witch down and began revisions. The revisions are now complete and I am well pleased with the book, so I have published the revised edition. Here it is, I hope you enjoy it.

So, that's it friends, that's how I get so much done. Now I am almost caught up on back list, so I will be down to four or five new book per year I guess. Sigh. There goes my reputation for super powers.

So, how about you folks, any secrets you'd like to share?  Aw come on, you can trust me, I can keep a secret.

Hey, if you've got the time and are so inclined, could you nip over to my Amazon page and hit the LIKE button? Thanks.


  1. Ahhh - so that's your secret. Interesting. I went through the WIPS I've written previously and winced. It's amazing how much you can learn about craft in a relatively short amount of time. I'd love to go back and work on those older stories - but some of them likely require an entire rewrite. Seems easier just to start over :/

    1. Yeah, I know. There are a few that will never see the light of day, but most of it I liked. Sure comparing some of the older romances with the latest shows an improvement in the writing, but I still like the old stories. Don't be too hard on your beginnings, there could be some real gems in there.

  2. Well, four or five books in a year is still a lot! It takes me at least a year to write one book! You are definitely a dynamo!

    1. Thanks Emma, there are upsides to retirement, like no kids, time to write, stuff like that. Even though my hobby has become my career, I still love it.

  3. Four or five books a year sounds like superpowers to me! I have a few trunk books (heck, they all are!), but my revisions and editing process takes forever, so I still don't look prolific. And once those are out, I'm probably looking at one book a year. Congrats on your new release!

    1. Thanks Jennette. I've got Time's Enemy on my Kobo. With luck I'll get in some reading time tonight.

  4. I second and third what has been said already. I take forever in the editing process. I may write a book in six months, but I'll then take forever and a year editing it. LOL You are still a Dynomite super power in my book!

  5. Agreed with all the previous comments. 4-5 a year!!! Geez. My process is way way much slower, I'm not even getting a book a year at this rate. Hmm another secret I can steal! I do have a back log of manuscripts. Perhaps I ought to dust them off . . . sneaks off to take a peak. . ..

    1. Hi Lynette, yes, for goodness sake, girl, dig out the back list, dust off a few, tidy them up and put them out there.

  6. So now that we know the secret, I still think it's a super power Prudence! :)

  7. Congrats, Prudence! I say the more of your work, the better. If I'm to read one to start with, which would you recommend?

    By the way, you remind me of the author I interviewed for my blog this week (R.J. Ellory) in your prolific, write-like-crazy nature. :) LOVE it!

  8. Hi August, yes I guess that describes my style alright. There's not a lot of planning going on here, just write like crazy and see what comes out. :)


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