Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hitting Targets

Well, it looks like I’m back on track once again. It’s been a strange couple of weeks, but things are smoothing out a bit. Taking a short time out to refocus helped me get things going again. I’ve got some great stuff on the go and it looks like this month will see me publish two new books. One will be another of the romances that I wrote years ago, but couldn’t sell. I know why.

In the fading years of the 20th century, a friend of mine (a transsexual woman) grew tired of the abuses heaped on her head by the system that was supposed to be helping her. (Aversion therapy, shock treatments, humiliation therapy, this is helping?) She also grew tired of the constant mental abuse from her family. She took her own like in the most violent way she could find.

In the years that followed her suicide I wrote four novels with transsexuals as main characters. Not surprising, I was unable to sell them. However, these folks are people, just like everybody else, so I was determined to tell some stories for them. The first I self-published was “A Simple Twist of Fate.” Some of you may have read it. Later this month or early next, I hope to publish another of the four.

I have also finished the revisions to “Novan Witch” the book I wrote for MaMoWriMo last year. I wrote and published in in 19 days. (A friend did the cover for me. Bless him.) I left it up for free for months so folks could get a sense of my writing style. This month I took it down and let the editor have a go at it. The first revision is done and back to the editor it goes. With luck I will soon get it back up as well.
Ok, on with the progress report.

One: Write something at least five times or more each week.
Yep, right on track.

Two: Write a minimum of 2500 on my WIP words each week.
1200+ so far. I’m smiling.

Three: Publish at least six new novels in 2012.
See above.

Four: Read and review six or more first novels by new authors. (I don’t give bad reviews, so don’t panic, I’m friendly, honest. J
I just finished one book that shall remain nameless. It was bad, hopeless, and painful to read and I honestly couldn’t give a shit about any of the characters. I blew it off my Kobo and started another. Wow, rags to riches.
 So, I’m currently reading Phoenix Child by Alica McKenna Johnson. So far I’m loving it. This author has mastered the art of teenage angst, but I love the characters and will not abandon them. This one I will happily review.

Five: do more to be supportive of new and struggling writers.
See above

Six: Blog two or three times each week over and above the ROW80 check-ins.
So far so good. I’m on track here.

Ok, that’s about it for today folks. How is it going for you? Did you hit your targets? Let me know how it went for you.
Oh, and lets help each other out a bit here. Please go to my Facebook page, and my Amazon page, and hit the “Like” button. I’ll happily do the same for you.


  1. Yes! the tiger has recharged and the Valkyrie comes out fighting! YAY! So happy for you dear. I am sorry that your friend saw no other way out. There seems to be an epidemic of that around here, and for quite similar reasons. It's tragic, we have lost four that way in the last year. They were all regular customers, too. I dread the days when I walk into work and see the boss with tears in her eyes. My vote is PUBLISH, PUBLISH, PUBLISH. Especially you. Your characters fight the fight, but as passively as they can get away with. I loved Simple Twist of Fate and I wouldn't mind seeing more. I can't wait for Novan Witch to reissue! Hehehehe gonna make sure I have enough on my credit card in advance!!! Not gonna wait this time around!
    I saw on your FB page that you had started Phoenix Child, and it looked REALLY good so I put it on my wish list. I am glad to see you are enjoying it, I plan to get it today, along with whatever of yours I don't have! heee heee so excited!!!!

    1. I will publish them Charis, I owe Felicia that much. Looks like you're gearing up for a reading fest. Awesome!

  2. It must have been painful to pour so much of your heart and loss into those fours books an then not be able to find a market for them, Prudence. So glad to hear that circumstances have changed, as much by the willingness of publishing houses to explore more "controversial topics" as because our world is becoming more open to the image of the "other" who doesn't always look or act like us.

    It's an honorable thing to give this gift to your lost friend.

    1. Thanks Eden. The world has actually changed much in the past 15 yrs. We have a long way to go, but we are getting there. I have great hopes for humankind. :)

  3. Prudence, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, especially under those circumstances.
    You're back on track, good for you! I'm still amazed by your productivity. You're a role model for us WANA-ers and ROW80-ers.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Hi Fabio, thanks. It is good to be back on track. (rolls up sleeves and cracks knuckles)

  4. Such hard subject matter to tackle, Prudence. I'm glad you can get your voice out there now. Hope your productivity stays high! Have a great week.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Jess, and thanks for stopping by.

  5. Wow Prudence, I am always amazed at your productivity! I'm in awe! But you are also an inspiration for those of us newbies. You put your head to the grindstone and get to work regardless of what life throws at you. You Rock the ROW and WANA girl! Keep it up! :)

    1. Awe, thanks Karen. I've always had a strong work ethic. My father's teachings I guess. "The devil makes work for idle hands." I heard that all too often. :)

  6. I feel sad for your friend. It must have been a horrible experience for her to feel so alone like that. You're such a good friend to honor her in that way.

    I'm also glad you're on target with your goals!

    1. Hi Kristy, thanks. Yeah, setting goals and targets makes me work harder, all right.

  7. I got Pheonix Child and am having to force myself not to read the whole thing in one sitting. I agree, this woman does hold my interest and I feel for the main character. I will have to finish and reveiw it soon.

    1. Yep, I finished it and now I owe Alica a good review. I really enjoyed the book.

  8. Wow, Prudence... I'm so touched by your friend's story and your beautiful reaction. Writing is such a wonderful way to honor loved ones, lost or not.

    Thank you for supporting other writers as well. I'm not sure I know anyone as prolific as you are in regards to writing and reading. Alica's book sounds lovely!

    1. Hi August,thanks, yes Alica's book was a fun read. I loved it. Yes dear, it is easier to be prolific when you're retired. tee hee Thanks for stopping by.


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