Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Hi folks, let me start the week by saying thanks you. Thank you for all the support and good words, and especial thanks to the three bloggers who presented me with a total of two different blog awards. Debra Kristi, thanks so much for awarding the Kreativ Blogger Award to me. I am honored.

Karen DeLabar and April Plummer awarded me the Versatile blogger award.

Ladies, thank you all so very much. This is indeed awesome. Now, here are the rules of the game. You get the award and you must:
1.      Thank the person who gave it to you. (done and happily)
2.      List a number of random facts about yourself, ten for the Kreativ Blogger Award and seven for the Versatile Blogger award. So ten should do the trick.
3.      Pass the award along to other deserving bloggers, six for the Kreativ Blogger and fifteen for the Versatile Blogger. Then you have to let them know they’ve won.
4.      If you so desire, display the awards on your blog. You can pick them from this post easily.

Ok, here goes, ten random things about me.
1.      I bake my own bread.
2.      I’m nearly 5’11” tall.
3.      I love wearing heels.
4.      I had a huge comic book collection as a child.
5.      I smoked a corncob pipe when I was in my twenties. (For about three days on a bet)
6.      Peanut butter is a staple in my home.
7.      I’m a big She-Hulk fan.
8.      I learned to swim by falling into very deep water.
9.      As a teenager I had a massive crush on Jayne Mansfield.
10.  I think intelligent, yet humble, men and women are downright sexy. 

Now to pass along the shiny awards to folks who truly deserve the recognition. First the six Kreativ Blogger awards go to:
1.      Myndi Shafer
2.      Barry Crowther
3.      Colin Falconer
4.      Karen McFarland
5.      Fabio Bueno
6.      Gene Lempp (Gene’s probably got this a hundred times already, but what can I say? His blog rocks.)

And now for the Versatile Blogger awards: These pretty things go to:
1.      Asrai Devin
2.       August McLaughlin
4.      Coleen Patrick
5.      Colleen Chen
6.      Sharon Howard
7.      Tawna Fenske
8.      Medeia Sharif
9.      Susie Lindau
10.  K. B. Owen
11.  Samantha Warren
14.  C. C. MacKenzie
15.  Sheila Seabrooke

Now folks, two things, first, there is no requirement to participate if time does not permit. Also, if you do have the time, please check out these blogs, there is a world of interesting stuff there to entertain and educate. I love them all.

My book about Vampires is almost ready to publish. Keep your eye out. The first draft of the first chapter is here:


  1. Congrats on the awards. Hey, I bake my own bread too ... just kidding ... but peanut butter is definitely a staple food for moi.

    1. Yes my dear, peanut butter is the staff of life. Gotta love it!

  2. Congrats on your awards, Prudence! And thanks so much for sharing it with me! *hugs*

  3. Congrats on your well-deserved accolades, Prudence. Wow. I'm so touched that you passed one my way. Thank you!

    I love that you bake bread, too. Nothing smells or tastes better. Totally ruins store-bought bread, right? I hope you'll post about that learning to swim experience... I have chills just thinking of it!

    1. Hi August, I'll be baking tomorrow. Come on over and we'll get into the peanutbutter. :)
      I will post that first swimming lesson one day. :)

  4. Thank you so very much for this wonderful award Prudence and congratulations to you!

  5. Thanks for sharing the blog love. The folks you honored are all lovely and talented people.

    And kudos to you! You're 5'11" tall and yet you wear heels!

    And there is nothing in this world better than fresh homemade bread!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Thanks guys, baking again tomorrow morning. Come on over, coffee will be on.

  6. Thank you Prudence!! Congrats to you on your awards--well deserved, you have an enjoyable blog! I am curious to hear about the deep water story..

    1. Thanks Coleen. By popular request I will publish the swimming story tomorrow.

  7. Why thank you Prudence for the award! And congrats to you for your awards! You do have a way with people. And you were the first person in our wana class to help me. Thank you Pru! I really appreciate all your support! :)

  8. Congratulations to you on your awards, Prudence! And you're so generous for sharing one with me. Thank you so much!
    Your random facts are great. Like Patricia, I am amazed that you're 5'11'' and wears high heels. Maybe trying to be as tall as She-Hulk? ;-)
    I am also waiting for your swimming lesson story :)
    Thank you!

    1. Fabio, I love being tall. Yep, swimming story tomorrow.

  9. Oh my gosh, Prudence! First, congrats on your well-deserved awards. Yay YOU! And thank you very much for passing one on to me. I'm honored and thrilled! Mucho-Hugs!!

  10. Thank you so much for passing an award to me, Prudence.

    I love homemade bread. I wish I knew how to bake it.

  11. Woot, thanks Pru! Let's see, this is my second Kreativ, although I have ten Versatiles, or something like that *grins* Thanks for the award and the awesome compliment, it means a lot to me :)

    1. Gene, you da man. I'm looking for great things on your blog tomorrow.

  12. Love your 10 things. Congratulations on the multiple awards Prudence! You totally deserve it. :D

  13. Thanks for the Versatile award - I'm honored! And congrats on (almost) finishing your novel!

    1. Thanks Jennette, I'l celebrate properly when it is for sale. :)

  14. Congrats on your awards! You know, it doesn't surprise me that you had a huge comic book collection. LOL. I don't know why. You're 5'11, and you wear heels? I LOVE heels. Couldn't live without them. I have nearly 100 pairs, if not 100. But I'm 5'2. That says a lot about your confidence that you where heels and are already so tall! LOL. I'm sooooo with you on #10, and of course, the PB. But you already knew that. I keep my shelves stocked with several kinds. Speaking of which...I have to switch back to my breakfasts of oatmeal and PB. I'm done with egg whites and chicken sausage for now, good as it's been this week. :) LOL

    1. Ah, April me lass, spoken like a true Scot. Just remember, if the spoon canna stand on its own then it's nae oatmeal. :)


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