Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

ROW80 check-in #6

Hi there, it is Sunday morning once again, this has been a productive week and I am very pleased. So without further ado, here’s the progress report on my goals.

One: Write something at least five times or more each week.
Yep, right on track here.

Two: Write a minimum of 2500 on my WIP words each week.
Mission accomplished. I should state clearly that this goal does not include re-writes or blog posts, just a new story unfolding.

Three: Publish at least six new novels in 2012.
I’ll have two new works ready to go soon. After that I will have to buckle down and get to work. Tee hee

Four: Read and review six or more first novels by new authors. (I don’t give bad reviews, so don’t panic, I’m friendly, honest. J
Finished and review Gorinthians by Justin Mitchell. Loved it. The lad has a bit of Robert Jordan in his style.
I’m looking for a new book right now, any suggestions? A new author, remember.

Five: do more to be supportive of new and struggling writers.
I didn’t get to as many blogs as I’d hoped last week, but I did manage a dozen or so.

Six: Publish a small collection of erotic short stories. Hey, I’ve been around for over sixty years, and this one is on my bucket list. I will make it happen in 2012.
I didn’t get much done on this one; the research is so distracting.

Ok, that’s about it for today folks. How was your week? Did you hit your targets? Let me know how it went for you.

To see how the Church and Witches join up to defeat the demons, read Dark Star. You can find it here:


  1. Congrats on all your progress. Keep up the good work. It's motivating to see that you are doing it. It means that I can find the balance, too!

    1. Thanks Emma. I hope you find the balance you seek.

  2. Good job, Prudence! You had a great week! I am in awe of your goals, lol. I've been very disappointed in mine the past couple of weeks but am set to get back on track now. I hate colds! :)

    Much luck this week in continuing to meet your goals!

    1. Hi Kristy, a cold sure can suck the joy and ambition out of life. Feel better soon and watch your energy come back.

  3. Congratulations Prudence! Once again you are rockin' it! Way to go. I hope I can learn from your example. I am praying that this next week will be much better for me than this week was.

    1. Hey Debra, some weeks are just like that. I've been pushing pretty hard, but having fun so far. I'll be cheering you on this week.

  4. Okay, Wow Prudence, I'm impressed. Your getting a lot done. See this is the thing. You can't do it all. I'm trying to get back to writing my WIP but everything (life) keeps getting in the way. I'm hopeful that things should be settling down now that my husband is home recuperating. Yikes, it's been crazy. And I find that I get cranky when I don't have a chance to write. What is that all about? Anyway, keep up the great work Pru! You done good girl! :)

    1. Karen, I am so amazed at you. You have a sick hubby to nurture and a thousand other things on your plate, yet you always find time to support everybody else first before you tend to your own stuff. Woman you rock.

  5. Way to go, Prudence! Here's to another great week of ROW80!

  6. Great job this week, Prudence. Two new titles coming out soon you are a production master. And an inspiration in that aspect as well.

    Have a great week and stop getting "distracted" with your research :)

    1. Thanks Gene. I can't help the distraction though, this personal research is ... well... distracting. :)

  7. My accomplishments came in just a leeeeetle wide of my targets.


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