Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

ROW80 Check-in #2

Hi folks, it’s time to ‘fess up again. So, as usual life got in the way, but not completely. Here’s what I managed on my goals since Wednesday.

One: Write something at least five times or more each week.
Yep, I did manage this. I posted in my blog and got started on a new novel, the second in the Novan series I started with the NaNoWriMo challenge. I also got in some editing on another WIP.

Two: Write a minimum of 2500 words each week.
True confession time, I fell short here by over 500 words. I will try to make it up this week.

Three: Publish at least six new novels in 2012.
I published the first novel of the New Year this week. Ok, so this one is a bit of a cheat since it was ready to go last month, just waiting for the cover. However I published it in January, so it counts. This book is Clan MacLeod, the third in the St. John’s series of romances in which the friends of Calan MacLeod find some closure and a new beginning. Here’s the book and where to find it:

Four: Read and review six or more first novels by new authors.
Started reading Karma’s a Bitch by Shannon Esposito. I’m really enjoying this book and will review it when I finish reading. You can find it here:

Five: do more to be supportive of new and struggling writers.
I’m doing my best here.

Six: Publish a small collection of erotic short stories.
It’s in the works, but I keep getting distracted with the research. What???? Hush!

Well, that’s it for today folks, have a great one.


  1. Yes, you're such a cheat! Now you're only going to write FIVE novels this year. =))

  2. Sally, it's worse than you know; I've already got one first draft finished. (hangs head and skates slowly to penalty box, feeling great shame)

  3. It sounds to me like you have made ooodles of progress. I have been busy with "other parts of life" for much of the New Year.... but now... full speed ahead!

    I love your passion for strong female characters. I get so upset by the lack of strong women in movies, in television, in my community... what a shame it is for our world to still not have caught up with reality. Women as we are need to stick together, don't we!

    Glad to find you here on ROW80! Keep up the truthful & positive forward movement.

  4. You did great on your goals, Prudence. Five hundred words, pish, you published a book at the same time you missing it, pretty sure that one can be considered a success. But, um, you still better make it up *grins*

    Have a great week!

  5. What Sally said. You're so prolific, Prudence! I have no doubt you'll be sucessfull in all your goals. Great start.

  6. Sally had me laughing out loud. Hehehe. You know she is complimenting you. Some of us are lucky to get one out a year. I think you are doing great! I want to be doing more to be supportive of my fellow writing friends as well. I am finding it so hard to carve out enough time to finish reading a book. Plus I am always fighting with the kids to get my ipad back. LOL Hard to read a book when I can't get to it. Ugh! It's a WIP I guess. :)

  7. Julie, Gene, Fabio, thanks for the encouragement. Debra, I know Sally was teasing, but I had to have a bit of fun with it. Yep, fighting the kids for a little computer time can be a WIP alright. I wish you luck. :)

  8. Okay seriously, six novels this year? Prudence, do you ever sleep? lol

    So I look at your goals and I think, what's my problem. I'm pretty sure we all each get twenty-four hours in a day. Holy Cow!

    But keep it up Pru. You're an inspiration!
    FYI: I'm only going to check in once a week. That way I can acually see the progress of my goals. Just saying.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)

  9. Wow, you already published a book this year? That's so cool! Congrats!
    And 500 words short is nothing ... I'm sure you'll catch up!
    Have a great week!

  10. Congrats on your new release! Sounds to me like you did quite a lot this week, even if it wasn't as much as you wanted - it's all worth celebrating! Most importantly, you're having fun with it - so good luck and keep up the good work!

  11. Hi Prudence. Nice to meet you! Your progress this week is inspiring.

  12. Wow, Prudence, you're doing great on your Row80 goals! Congratulations on your newest release. I love the cover and am going to go check it out right now. :)

  13. 6 novels in a year? how do you do it? I'm lucky if I can get 2 new projects finished a year. wow

  14. Ladies, thank you all so much for the encouragement. I love you all.


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