Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ocean View

I’ve always loved an ocean view. It was always there as I was growing up. The pounding surf of the Bay of Fundy was my lullaby. The wind always blew, the waves always caressed the rocky shore, and that was the basis of my world. Once I grew up and tackled life I found myself away from the comforting view and lullaby
I spent some time on the Great Plains, but longed for the coast so I moved on to the west coast of North America. In all my travels I have always settled somewhere near the ocean. Perhaps not close enough to see it from my windows, but close enough to get there if I needed a fix.

Sometimes I have been close to the sea. While living in St. Anthony we were able to see the harbour from the back deck. One bright sunny day K and I sat having coffee on the deck while watching the whales frolic in the shallow waters of the harbour. Ice bergs were also very close by every spring.

These days I live on a small island in the huge bay just off a bigger island. This morning I took the dogs out for a walk through the fields. The sky was dark and cloudy, but in the distance, across the bay, I could see the sun shining on the towns over there. It was a beautiful sight and I stopped for some time just to take it all in.

How about you? Do any of you have an ocean view? What can you see from your back deck?

What would a second chance at life be like? Check out Second Chance here:


  1. Nope. No ocean view. I see a little patch of trees and other houses. But that's okay. I love our house, and we live in a quiet, if suburban, neighborhood. Not our ideal, but it's good. I do love the ocean. When we retire, we plan to live by one. :)'ve been nominated! :)

  2. Hey April, glad you're enjoying your spot. Oh, you don't scare me, little girl. tee hee

    1. Well, good! I'd be devestated if I scared you away! LOL

  3. I'm an ocean person, too, and always have been. But, I live in a city and am also a city girl. So I always thought that you had to choose. I figured I would like in the city, but be close enough to the ocean so I could drive there in an hour or so. And then I went to Miami and it completely changed me. It is perfection. A vibrant city and the beach. All in one. I love it! So, now I know you can live by the ocean and still be in the city. And, yes, I'm now starting the day-job hunt. Miami, here I come!

  4. I'd kill for a view like that. It always puzzled me how me father, an old Newfie, spent his retirement years in Arizona ... he claimed he loved the desert ... go figure.

    1. I expect the desert was kinder to his arthritis. There are days when I think of the desert with a warm thought.

  5. I'm about four miles from an oceanview and if I ever win the lottery, I will have the ocean as my backdoor :-) Right now we live on a lake, so at least there's water.

    1. Shannon, yes indeed, lakes are good too. As long as there's water. :)

  6. No ocean view here. But I plan to have one someday.

  7. It sounds lovely, where you live, Prudence. I do adore the ocean, and miss it so much living in Arizona where there is none. Everywhere else I lived has been near the water, and we lived on an island for four years. I'd love to get back to the ocean someday!

    1. Hi Cynthia, you're welcome on my island anytime. Just let me know when you're coming.:)


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