Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lucky Seven

Ok, my turn on the lucky seven. First, my apologies to the many of you who have tagged me already. I meant to jump in early, but life got in the way, and in the confusion that ensued I have forgotten exactly who all has tagged me. On that note, I will offer a do-over. Leave a comment reminding me of your tag and I’ll have another go expressing my thanks for your kind thoughts.
However, for this time, I will first thank Charis Maloy for her tag.

Now the rules: Go to page 77 of your WIP then go to line 7. Post the next 7 lines, just as they are, into your blog post.
If your WIP is not long enough, go to page 7
Next tag seven bloggers you like.

Oddly enough, upon close inspection, I actually have 7 WIPs, so here the excerpt from one.

“On a primitive planet, at the galactic rim, you will find she whom you seek,” Modra whispered into Jen-jen’s ear, then she collapsed back onto the bed; her spirit had left, and Modra was no more. She still had that blissful look on her face. Young Branah shivered to his core and looked away.
            As Jen-jen gently removed the cloak of office from the old woman’s body, a page burst into the room and ran toward her.  “Master Jen-jen, you are commanded to attend the Emperor at once,” he shouted as he stretched to his fullest height.
            Jen-jen smiled and patted him on the shoulder as she stepped past him.   “Tell the emperor that I am busy at the moment, but I will grant him an audience at the first moment of opportunity,” she said clearly.  The page’s face went ashen.  His head would soon leave his shoulders if he were to deliver that message to the emperor.”
Ok, there it is in all its first draft glory.  Now for seven bloggers you should check out.
Melinda VanLove:
Susie Lindau
Jennette Marie Powell:
Ok, folks, you’re it.
Remember to leave a comment if you have already tagged me and I’ll do it again. Thanks for indulging a forgetful old lady.


  1. Replies
    1. I know, I know, (hangs head and shuffles feet) but I get an idea for a story and just have to write it down. If I counted re-writes it could go to ten. No, Sally, don't shoot.. aaaahhhhh!

  2. Sally's comment made me burst out in laughter. I can't have multiples going at the same time either or I mess up my mojo - so to speak. Something about that entire first paraghraph speaks to me. Nicely done, Prudence. :) Thanks for the tag! I posted my seven here. They fell where they fell. Meh.

    1. Loved your excerpt, Debra. Now I want the rest of the story.

  3. You are gonna love this, Chloe was in my lap when I pulled up this page and immediately piped up with "that's Pru bein' silly" Then promptly wondered where the pictures of Pru and I together are! try explaining an internet based friendship to a four year old!! too cute!

  4. Wow, 7 WIP's, that's amazing. I enjoyed your lines and now I want to read more!

    1. Careful! Pru is very addicting! Kinda like an excellent chocolate! Just can't get enough!!

    2. Hi guys, this is from a short work I hope to publish soon. Just have another edit or two then a cover.


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