Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Check-in

It’s been a good week and I’m pretty pleased with the progress. Before I move on to the goals, let me remind you a free copy of The First Key can be had from Smashwords in any e-reader format you desire. Just use this coupon code:  UZ27H

On to the goals:

1.      Blog twice each week over and above my ROW80 check-ins
I believe I did manage it, but if not I will get in two next time.

2.      Continue to read and comment on the blogs of my fellow writers
I’m doing well here. Happy with this one.

3.      Write at least 2K words on a WIP each week
Here’s where I’ve been focused this week. I’ve got over 3K words done and am pleased with the way it is going.  I am especially happy with this as we have had some beautiful Spring days and staying at the computer has been a challenge.

4.      I set out to publish six novels this year. I managed three last round, and two more between rounds, so that leaves me with one more novel to publish. I will see if I can get it out this round.
I have two manuscripts ready for the editor, so I’m right on track here.

5.      Read and review two or more first novels by new writers this round
OK, I didn’t get a lot of reading time in, but I am buying a book today and will start it this evening. No more stalling. I have asked if you folks have a book you want me to read, I can’t believe all you guys are so shy. Wow.

6.      Publish two or more short works (between five and twenty five thousand words
The First Key is up and ready, remember to use the coupon.  The second is in the works.

I also made an author page on Facebook where you can keep track of my progress. Here’s the URL  Please drop by, check it out, and remember to hit the LIKE button before you leave. Thanks.

Well, that’s it for me folks, how are you all doing with your targets? Are you doing more gardening than writing? Come on now, ‘fess up.


  1. Well done on your progress. I was wondering if I could ask you a small favour? don't worry I'm not asking for money! (LOL) I am looking to get more experience guest posting on other people's blogs; I wondered if you would allow me to do a guest post on your blog some time? Don't feel obligated to say yes if you don't want to. I won't go and fling myself off a bridge if you say no! (LOL)

  2. Hi Janet, thanks for stopping by. Sure, I'd be open to a trade, you guest for me and I guest for you. Would that work for you?

    1. Hi Prudence,
      a trade of guest posts would be absolutely fine!

  3. Prudence, congrats on your progress, especially with all of the nice-weather temptation! I'm not a gardener so that's no problem for me. My problem is getting back into writing new material when I haven't in forever. I downloaded "The First Key" and have already recommended it!

    If you're looking for a good first book to read, may I recommend "Out of the Ashes" by Lori Dillon? It's a wonderful reincarnation romance set in Pompeii, and I blogged on Thursday about how I discovered it in a contest years ago (also a fun story).

    1. Thanks Jennette, I appreciate that. I'll see if I can find Lori Dillon's book.

    2. Hi Jennette, I picked up Out of the Ashes. I'll load it onto the KOBO tonight, Thanks for the suggestion. :)

  4. Wow! You sure do get a lot done in a week! You are motivating me to keep my focus on my WIP.

  5. What a good week you have had - I will go look see at smashwords:) I must have missed your invite - I am looking for book reviews for my series _ not expecting anyone to read all three:) but would like some updated reviews on the first so that I can garner some for the last if you get my meaning? - you can see what they are about on see if they they are the kind of books you enjoy reading

    all the best for this coming week

    1. Hi Alberta, I picked up the first of the series. I read the first short story already. I especially loved your description of the dog pack. Can't wait to read the rest. :)

  6. Just downloaded The First Key :) I've got a bunch of books in queue, but I'll get to it before too long at the rate I read lol. Sounds like you are doing great with your goals - keep it up!

  7. Sounds like you are doing great, staying on track with your goals. We haven't even started doing anything with our garden. Time to going shopping for flowers, etc.

  8. Pru, you've gotten a ton done this week, and I'm so jealous of all the writing you were able to do! Thanks bunches for the Smashwords coupon; I'll head over there now and download a copy. :D

    Let's see, in terms of book recommendations... I really, really love Lindsay Buroker's steampunk/fantasy series, "The Emperor's Edge," and her novella series, "Flash Gold." Sarah Diemer's "The Dark Wife," a YA/lesbian retelling of the Persephone and Hades myth, is also fantastic (lots of beautiful imagery and description, and a great twist on the ancient story, which I love). I also finished Maggie Stiefvater's "Lament: The Faerie Queen" (YA urban fantasy, I guess you'd call it? It's modern-day, with fae folk and magic and stuff), and recommend that as well.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Hi Lena, thanks for the recommendations, that'll keep me in reading material for a while. :)


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