Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ROW80 Check in and Book Review

Hi folks, it’s time for the old Wednesday check-in. This has been a good week so far and I’m expecting even better things as the week wears on.  So, on with the show.

The Goals

1.      Blog twice each week over and above my ROW80 check-ins
I’m right on track here. If any of you are wondering how to cope with turning forty, I’ll tell you how I did it in my next post.

2.      Continue to read and comment on the blogs of my fellow writers
This is an easy one as I have so many great blogs to choose from. I read and comment on a minimum of five per day.

3.      Write at least 2K words on a WIP each week
I’m right on track here with over a thousand words on my WIP so far this week. With luck I’ll cross the 2K tonight.

4.      I set out to publish six novels this year. I managed three last round, and two more between rounds, so that leaves me with one more novel to publish. I will see if I can get it out this round.
As I said last time, I now have two novels waiting on the editor. Life is good.

5.      Read and review two or more first novels by new writers this round.
I recently picked up a copy of A Patchwork of Perspectives Vol. 1 by Alberta Ross. This book is a collection of short stories, vignettes of life’s moments told from different perspectives. The best word I can use here is, delightful. I loved them all and I quite love Alberta’s voice, her style. 
I truly enjoyed the book, but the highlight for me was her description of a dog pack in action. I live with a pack of dogs, and know exactly what she described looks like. Wonderful.
The best part here is, you can read a story in a quick break.  Got a few moments to kill, read a story. You can find A Patchwork of Perspectives here:

6.      Publish two or more short works, between five and twenty five thousand words.
The first has already been published, The First Key. Here’s a coupon for a free copy. UZ27H

I also have two other possibilities for the next one. The first is a fantasy tale and the other is that small collection of Erotica I’ve been threatening to publish.

So, my fellow ROWers, how are you all making out?  Please don’t forget to “like” my FB page here:

Thank you so much for dropping by. 


  1. Ooh... Erotica? I say go for it, Prudence. Totally dig your rapid pace and productivity.

    1. You really think I should? I don't know, August. It might be a bit scary. tee hee

  2. Congrats on all your progress! I enjoy Alberta's blogs, so I'll have to check out her stories. And The First Key was wonderful - I owe you a review. :)

  3. I'm not doing ROW80, but my critique group has an accountability aspect, which is helping a lot. My biggest problem is keeping up with the blog visits when I'm having a busy week. I try to get around to as many as I can, but sometimes I just run out of time.

    1. I know, Marcy. You could spend all day and still miss a few. Thw WANAs have some great blogs.

  4. Hi Prudence! Good to see you! You always amaze me with your productivity. You're doing great with your goals. I thank you for the book review. Love the cover art. I will have to check this one out! How am I doing? I am so behind Prudence.Life does not stand still when you are sick. It takes off like a rocketship and leaves you in its wake. Thanks for asking and take care!:)

    1. Hi Karen, good to see you back in action. The trick is to forget about catching up. Just jump in and start from where you are. :)

  5. What a great review thank you so much - made my day that a fellow writer liked the stories. I haven't really pushed the short stories, but i do so like writing them.

    can't say about the choice - I'm not an erotica fan myself wheres as I do like a bit of fantasy:)

    thank you again and all the best for this weeks goals

  6. All my pleasure, Alberta. I quite enjoyed the book.


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