Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Check-in and Book Review

All right, here we are, getting down with round two.  This is going to be fun, as I believe I have set the goals within reach and still allowed myself a bit of breathing room. So, how am I doing so far? Let’s find out.

1.      Blog twice each week over and above my ROW80 check-ins
So far, so good. I posted yesterday and here I am checking in. Life is good.

2.      Continue to read and comment on the blogs of my fellow writers
I have read and commented on 16 blogs in the past three days.

3.      Write at least 2K words on a WIP each week
So far I’m just over 900 words and I have all week to get the rest. Looks good from here.
4.      I set out to publish six novels this year. I managed three last round, and two more between rounds, so that leaves me with one more novel to publish. I will see if I can get it out this round.
I’ve got one first draft almost ready for the editor.

5.      Read and review two or more first novels by new writers this round
Last weekend I read Time’s Enemy by Jennette Marie Powell. I really recommend you read this book. It is a great tale of time travel and the consequences of messing with the past. Jennette is a fine writer with a master’s touch at keeping up the tension. (You have to remember to breathe)
Time’s Enemy is Jennette’s first novel, or so I believe. This bodes well for the future for she will surely get better and, I for one, can’t wait for more adventures of Charlotte and Tony. You can get Time’s Enemy here:

6.      Publish two or more short works (between five and twenty five thousand words)
I have one story at the edit stage now and will soon need a cover for it.

All in all I am well pleased with my progress. How did you do? Any suggestions for future projects?
If you have enjoy this post, please join the site, click button is at top left, or go to my Amazon page and “like” me. Here’s the link.
Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. And she blasts off of the starting line!!! I think you are just taking advantage of the fact that some of us already have spring yardwork to do! Just wait till it gets toasty warm and you get to go play in those beautiful flower gardens that you two built!

  2. Ha, that won't happen any time soon. There's ice in the harbor today and the wind chill off the water is bitter. It's a great day to sit inside and write.

  3. Holy Hannah Prudence you are amazing.

  4. Thanks, Prudence. I signed up for smashwords so I could purchase "Time's Enemy". It's on my TBR list now!

  5. Prudence, I have no doubt that you will reach your goals! Your accomlishments are amazing! I don't know anyone else that gets things done like you do. You are so energetic! And what a wonderful review of Jennette's book. A must read now! Thanks! :)

    1. Awe, thanks Karen. Yep, Time's enemy is a must read. I loved it.

  6. Amazing, Prudence. You are really hauling buttinski! Nice review of Time's Enemy.
    Congrats to Jennette! Woo hoo!
    I'm not participating in ROW80, not at this point in my life, but I just got my 100th blog post ready to publish tomorrow!

  7. 100th post, Congrats! That's no easy task Lynn. Well done.

  8. Wow! I was having a rather up-and-down day at work, but opening up my feed reader and seeing this made it totally rock! Many thanks for your kind words - this means so much, especially now, when I'm in the last push before releasing the sequel (proofreading)! And as always, you are kickin' it in ROW80! You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work and have a great week!

    1. Glad I could brighten your day. You sure have the knack of keeping tension in the story. Great work.

  9. Excellent job with that word count! What a great way to start the week - heck the month! Cheering you on all the way - let's get those novels done and published!!
    *pom pom swish*

    1. Wow, a real pom-pom cheer. I am thrilled; do it again so I can watch, awe come on, you know you want to... Thanks Marie. :)


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