Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Hi folks, let me start the week by saying thanks you. Thank you for all the support and good words, and especial thanks to the three bloggers who presented me with a total of two different blog awards. Debra Kristi, thanks so much for awarding the Kreativ Blogger Award to me. I am honored.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

ROW80 check-in #8

Sunday evening. Weird day. I was away from the computer all day and nothing happened. No one mentioned me on twitter, no e-mail in my in box, no book sales (strange), nobody did anything on FB.  Whazzup? Time warp?  Ok, goal progress report.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Keeps Me Going

Have you ever had one of those days? You know what I mean, the kind of day when you wonder why the heck you keep doing what you do. When it seems like you’re bustin’ your butt for nothing, like you’re working harder for diminishing returns, do you ever ask yourself “Why do I bother?” Ever want to throw your arms in the air and just quit? Do you wonder if it is worth the effort? I sure do and I’ll bet you do to every once in a while. 

I was having one of those days. Sales were down, blog views were down, blog comments were down and the few I got seemed like the folk were struggling for something to say. Can we say depressing? When you hit that wall of despair you need something to tell you why you do what you do. Here’s what worked for me that day. (Yesterday)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ocean View

I’ve always loved an ocean view. It was always there as I was growing up. The pounding surf of the Bay of Fundy was my lullaby. The wind always blew, the waves always caressed the rocky shore, and that was the basis of my world. Once I grew up and tackled life I found myself away from the comforting view and lullaby
I spent some time on the Great Plains, but longed for the coast so I moved on to the west coast of North America. In all my travels I have always settled somewhere near the ocean. Perhaps not close enough to see it from my windows, but close enough to get there if I needed a fix.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Flat Tire

Yesterday was a bad weather day. I got to stay home and write, but others weren't so lucky. When K left the house for work, she noticed there was a flat tire on her truck. All right, I had nowhere to go in a hurry so she took my car. Not such a big deal.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ROW80 check-in #7

Wednesday is here and I’m not quite ready. However, it is a cold rainy day so maybe I can catch up a bit. Ah well, time to ‘fess up. Here’s the scoop on my progress towards my goals since Sunday.

Monday, January 23, 2012

People Watching Jan/22/12

A quick trip to the grocery store today gave me some great people watching opportunities. This time it was mostly children who caught my eye. The first was a girl of about ten. We were both talking over our shoulders. Reaching for a shopping cart, we grabbed the same one. That was the point where we became aware of each other.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

ROW80 check-in #6

Hi there, it is Sunday morning once again, this has been a productive week and I am very pleased. So without further ado, here’s the progress report on my goals.

One: Write something at least five times or more each week.
Yep, right on track here.

Two: Write a minimum of 2500 on my WIP words each week.
Mission accomplished. I should state clearly that this goal does not include re-writes or blog posts, just a new story unfolding.

Three: Publish at least six new novels in 2012.
I’ll have two new works ready to go soon. After that I will have to buckle down and get to work. Tee hee

Four: Read and review six or more first novels by new authors. (I don’t give bad reviews, so don’t panic, I’m friendly, honest. J
Finished and review Gorinthians by Justin Mitchell. Loved it. The lad has a bit of Robert Jordan in his style.
I’m looking for a new book right now, any suggestions? A new author, remember.

Five: do more to be supportive of new and struggling writers.
I didn’t get to as many blogs as I’d hoped last week, but I did manage a dozen or so.

Six: Publish a small collection of erotic short stories. Hey, I’ve been around for over sixty years, and this one is on my bucket list. I will make it happen in 2012.
I didn’t get much done on this one; the research is so distracting.

Ok, that’s about it for today folks. How was your week? Did you hit your targets? Let me know how it went for you.

To see how the Church and Witches join up to defeat the demons, read Dark Star. You can find it here:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fashion Slaves

Another day of people watching, and as usual I have encountered interesting folk. The first one to catch my eye was a young man, probably in his late teens. Men always grumble about women being slaves to fashion. Personally, I’m not so sure it’s just the women.
Take a look at the men you encounter each day; what do you see? Here’s what I’ll see nine times out of ten. Men over thirty: running shoes, jeans, T-shirt, grey-blue jacket with a yellow reflective stripe, and a baseball cap with logo. Men under thirty: running shoes, sweat pants or jeans, T-shirt and hoodie (hood up) and a skull cap.
Now back to my young man. He was in full uniform all right, all in light cotton. It was a cold damp day with a breeze that could cut through heavier clothing than that. The kid was half frozen and shivering, but he was stylin’. He was cold, hands in pockets, hard shivers, but he was sure to fit in with the men of his age group. The fellas over thirty have it all worked out. Most of those grey-blue jackets are down filled. Warm!
Oh yeah, it is definitely the women who are influenced by the fashion industry and peer pressure.

Later at the coffee shop, I was attracted to another man. Yes, you read it right, I was attracted to him. What made this man a standout? First, he wasn’t in the standard uniform of the men his age, he was dressed like someone from a B-movie. Work boots, green work pants, and black and white striped sweater. He had on a fisherman’s cap as well. The man had to be in his fifties, the lines in his face spoke of weather and laughter, his iron grey hair was cut short, and the salt and pepper beard needed a shave. His features spoke of Eastern Europe, as did the language he was speaking as he talked with his companion. His hands and body spoke of a life of hard physical work.
What I liked best about this man was his energy. He was all male; there was no posturing, no arrogance, no bravado, no leering at women or swaggering into other men’s space, he was just there, all man. Loved the guy. Whoever he was, wherever he goes, I wish him well.

So, have any of you seen someone interesting lately? Tell me.

Before you go, there’s a chapter from my soon to be released book here:
Feedback would be appreciated. J

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Day

Yep, we’ve another one going. Wow, I’ve see a snowstorms before, but this one is right up there with the best of them. I can hardly see the end of the steps. Now, just so you know that I know whereof I speak here’s a few pics of snows past.

I don’t really mind clearing it away; after all, it is an awesome exercise program. A day like today also gives me a perfect excuse to sit and write. (Like I need one, right?) However, the thing is, K is at work and I am going to have to clear the driveway whether the storm abates or not. I’ve done this before, trying to clear away snow that blows back fast than you can clear it away. Ah well, I’ve got a few hours yet, maybe it will quit.

So, how’s the weather where you are? Are there any fellow shovelers out there?

If you’re snowed in you could always read my book, Gifted. You can find it here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gorinthians Review

Cover for 'Gorinthians'

Recently I ready Gorinthians by Justin Mitchell. I waited a few days before writing this as I wanted to let it settle in my mind a bit. There are a few small issues with writing style, but these are completely inconsequential. These will disappear as the author gains experience. It is the story that grabs you and holds your attention. Justin makes you imagination work to keep up. Throughout this tale he explores many varied concepts that have intrigued me for years. Science is now beginning to believe that many of these things are possible.

The story of Gorinthians is a sweeping tale that will easily carry over into a full series. Fans of Robert Jordan should feel right at home with Gorinthians. It will leave you (like me) waiting for the next installment. So, sit back, relax and journey across multiple universes into strange and wondrous worlds. Gorinthians is a perfect escape from the day to day grind. Well done, Justin.

You can find more of Justin's work here:

Have you found any great new authors lately? Got a first or second book for me to read? Talk to me, people. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

ROW80 Check-in #5

I’m a little behind today, but things are going well. I have had a productive week so far, my editor is happy and so am I, besides I have a hair appointment tomorrow. I love getting my hair styled.
Ok, on to the goals.

One: Write something at least five times or more each week.
Yep, right on track here.

Two: Write a minimum of 2500 words each week.
Got this week covered already, life is good.

Three: Publish at least six new novels in 2012.
This week I wrote a new chapter to fit into another project that is soon to be finished. My editor loves the new chapter. I am thrilled with this one and believe it will be my best work by far.

Four: Read and review six or more first novels by new authors. (I don’t give bad reviews, so don’t panic, I’m friendly, honest. J
This week I finished reading Gorinthians by Justin Mitchel. I loved this and can’t wait for the next in the series. I will post a review tomorrow.

Five: do more to be supportive of new and struggling writers.
This one is a work in progress. I have read and commented on about a dozen blogs or more in the past three days.

Six: Publish a small collection of erotic short stories. Hey, I’ve been around for over sixty years, and this one is on my bucket list. I will make it happen in 2012.
This one is still in the works.

Well, that’s my Wednesday folks, how are all of you doing?

If you like Vikings and Aliens as well as world ending battles, check out Incoming here:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Short Story

Hi folks, I'm a bit behind today, so instead of a new post, here's a short story I first published back in the last century. I hope you enjoy it.

 Mary Cleary
Prudence MacLeod

The wind lashed the rain into a frenzy as the sky darkened. The stooped figure of Mary Cleary struggling up the long hill, bent lower as she leaned into the storm.  The wind howled and shrieked through the few abandoned houses that lined the old neglected dirt road. That road was swiftly becoming treacherous for walking as the rain turned it to mud. Pushing hard against the wind and rain the old woman continued to make her way toward the square shadow that meant home and safety.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sleezy Advertising

Today started out great. The air is really cold, but the sun is shining and the world looks bright. We chatted over breakfast then K went off to work. The dogs and I set out for a long walk. It was bitter cold out in the wind, but we managed to get into the trees often enough to make it a pleasant morning. After the walk I got all my daily chores done, made lunch, chatted with K about one of my books then went for the mail.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

ROW80 Check-in#4

Hi there, it is early Sunday morning, but I’m a bit excited about this past week, so here goes.
One: Write something at least five times or more each week.
Yep, right on track here.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Freya’s Day

It is Friday the thirteenth and it is snowing. That’s not such a bad thing. Most folks think of Friday the thirteenth as a day of bad luck, but is it really?  How did it get such a nasty reputation anyway? Well, it was all a propaganda ploy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hi folks, we’re back to playing the Versatile Blogger Award game again. Actually, I love this game of dishing our awards to fellow bloggers who deserve the recognition. I have received the reward many times, and I am deeply honored each time, but, due to time restrictions, have not participated as often as I would like. So, today is my day to play!
It is a cold (-12 and a lot more out in the wind) but sunny day. To get myself in the right frame of mind I took the dogs out for a brisk walk and now I’m wide awake and ready to play. Here are the rules:
1.      Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2.      Add the award picture to your blog if you so desire.
3.      Nominate other bloggers you believe deserve the award.
4.      Share seven random and unusual things about yourself.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

ROW80 Check-in #3

I woke up to a snowstorm today. This is both good and better. I have lots of time to write this morning as I’m snowbound. Ha, love it!  Take a look out my kitchen window.

So far I’ve had a productive week; here’s what I’ve got on the go.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Karma’s a Bitch

I just finished reading Karma’s a Bitch by Shannon Esposito and couldn’t wait to tell you all about it. I get excited when I get a chance to read a new author’s work, for I am often surprised and delighted. Karma is no exception. Shannon is a fine storyteller, and has a world of potential. Her style is easy to read, flows nicely, and her characters are great.

Darwin is truly a girl after my own heart. An innocent soul lost in a reality she doesn’t truly understand, Darwin never-the-less manages to survive and thrive, drawing a unique cast of characters to her side.
Karma reminds me of a powerlifter I used to know, big, strong, loyal, and all too often underestimated. When Darwin and Karma team up to solve a mystery nobody wants solved, they are unstoppable. Their sheer determination will force the issue to reveal itself.

This book is a delightful little mystery, with an engaging cast of characters, holds a number of twists and turns, and a surprise ending. I thought I had the crime figured out, but nope, surprise ending.
Here’s where to find the book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Cover for 'Karma's A Bitch'

Karma’s a Bitch truly left me wanting more adventures from these characters. How about it Shannon, any chances?

Monday, January 9, 2012

People Watching

Let me tell you about a couple of folks I met on my last trip to the city. As usual, while hustling through my shopping, I kept my eye out for interesting people. Now, they are not hard to find; if you look close everybody is interesting in one way or another.
The first one to truly catch my eye was walking toward me in a shopping mall. It was early, so most of the hurried and stressed out people I saw were on their way to work. I know that look; I wore it for too many years.  Suddenly there she was, a small woman with long silvery hair flowing freely down over her shoulders, her posture erect, her head held high, a dazzling smile on her face, and the sexiest pair of kick ass boots on her feet that I have seen in a long time.
As we neared I remarked on her smile as well as her boots. She graced me with that smile and told me she wore those boots every time she needed a boost to her day. They always make her feel like a million. I said she looked like a million and we chatted for a moment or two before going our separate ways. This lady had sure given my day a bright lift and I was determined to pass that along the first chance I got.
I got my chance a few hours later as I was leaving the grocery store. Standing in the check-out line, I was people watching once again. (surprise) The guy ahead of me caught my attention. This man was a bit scary because he had no emotion at all. He was stone cold. The checkout girl was drop dead gorgeous and as cheerful as you can get. I settled back to watch her melt the guy down, but it didn’t happen.
He wasn’t rude or anything, but he ignored her completely, paid with his debit card, and when she wished him a nice day he just turned his back and walked away. He was a good looking young fellow, and she had tried to get a response from him, but nothing, not a gig. I watched as her confidence fell, her attempts to engage him faltered, her shoulders slumped and her voice fell silent. She was shattered. I could have kissed the guy.
As I stepped forward she gave me a barely audible, “Hi, how are you today?” she did not make eye contact.
“I’m just fine, Gorgeous, thanks for asking. Don’t pay any attention at all to that grumpy bugger ahead of me, he just needs an enema to loosen him up a bit.”
“What??? You mean the guy I just served?” She turned to watch him walk through the big doors.
“Yep, that guy, besides, he’s gay.”
“You know him?”
“Then what makes you think he is gay?”
“Listen, Honey, if you couldn’t get his attention, he’s either dead or gay. Since he walked away, there is only one option.”
“You really think so?”
“Convinced of it, what other explanation could there be?”
I had the Reiki turned on full blast and she was smiling again, her confidence returning swiftly. By the time I paid my bill she was back to her cheerful self. She wished me a great day then turned the charm on the next person in line. I heard them laughing together as I walked away.
“Atta girl,” I thought as I walked through the big doors, “see how many people you can make smile today.” I’m sure there were many smiling people that day because a young and beautiful person did her best to cheer them up. I hope she keeps that attitude as she ages so one day she will be the smiling silver haired woman in the kick ass boots still making folks smile.

So, have you brought a smile to a stranger’s face today? Yes? Tell me. No? Well get to it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

ROW80 Check-in #2

Hi folks, it’s time to ‘fess up again. So, as usual life got in the way, but not completely. Here’s what I managed on my goals since Wednesday.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Post-Holiday Syndrome

I’ve been spoiled over the past number of years. I arise, feed the dogs, make breakfast, chat with K before she leaves for work, and then I relax with my second cup of coffee before I start my day. I usually put in a full day, but I love the gentle starts, the morning commute and rat race long since forgotten, and then we move to this small island.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Goals

ROW80 Check-in, Jan 4/2012

Here I go again, trying something new to see if I can do it. Missing the first check-in didn’t look too promising, did it? Ah well, family obligations played merry hob with all my good intentions over the past couple of weeks. With any luck at all I am back on track now, so here goes, goals for the next eighty days as well as for 2012.

This is my "You expect me to do what? Seriously?" look.  Yes, me old trout, we are going to do the following in 2012.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Carly's Conspiracy, a review.

Hi folks, 2012 is upon us, like it or not. As I have said before, this year I want to read and review the work of new authors, preferably their early efforts. Through these reviews I hope to introduce myself, and you, to some great new writers. So, here we are again with an author’s first effort.

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