Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Author, Shah Wharton

Hi folks, this will be my final post before Christmas. It’s time to introduce you to another great new author. This is one hard working great storytelling lady; her name is Shah Wharton.

Shah met many authors and bookworms galore when she began blogging in 2010, after she moved to Dubai with her husband. She’s since learned a lot about blogging and writing, mostly from the awesome advice of her online peer-group.
She uses her imagination to write short horror stories as well as poetry, but stumbled into writing her first novel after falling in love with Luna, a character in a short story she wrote back in 2010. That story grew into Finding Esta, the beginning of Luna’s journey to self-discovery. 
Finding Esta is her début novel and the first of The Supes Series.
Her passions include blogging, writing, reading, movies, photography, music, theatre, travel, and fine dining. Her qualifications include BSc (Hons) psychology, counselling, and mentoring and she's worked in retail, counselling, and social care. Her favourite genres include anything dark with fangs and/or that will make her squirm or jump or scream out an expletive. She is an avid Kindle abuser and adores the indie writing community and being part of the e-publishing revolution.
She also has one short story published 'The Dead Party' & two poems published in anthologies.

After three years of writing, re-writing, beta readers, editors, cover designing, book trailers, yet more edits and many agonizing hours of formatting, the first installment of The Supes Series if ready and finally up on Amazon. There are five e-copies (your choice of file: ePub/Mobi or PDF) up for grabs, so please have a go and get Finding Esta FREE for Christmas. It's $2.99 on Amazon, and will be for sale on Smashwords and Kobo in by February.

<a id="rc-01fc3111" class="rafl" href="" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a> <script src="//"></script>

BRIEF Blurb: A young journalist sets off to find Esta, but is unprepared for all she finds, and soon realises it's a journey from which she may never return. This is a new adult, urban fantasy about one woman's struggle to retain her identity while everything she knows crumbles around her. Finding Esta is the first book of The Supes Series.

Please enjoy the book trailer
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

An unusual young woman and fledgling journalist, Luna has various restrictive oddities, all of which prevent any kind of physical intimacy. Abusive parents take pleasure in Luna’s misery and isolation, yet Luna strives to make them proud, to finally earn their elusive love – something she craves almost as much as the painless touch of a lover.
When she learns of a tragic story involving the kidnap of baby Esta, she jumps at the chance to investigate, dragging her Shadows along for the ride within the murky depths of her mind.
Meanwhile, a dark stranger visits Luna’s dreams and stalks her reality. In lieu of the real thing, their intimate moments excite rather than terrify. Nestled within his presence, she begins to sense an urgent message of danger - a message she struggles to interpret, until they finally meet....
Her investigations lead Luna to a vibrant seaside town, hiding copycat aliens and an underworld of Supernaturals. Here, she comes face-to-face with her own, terrifying identity. Confronted with life-changing decisions and the harshest of truths, Luna questions her sanity, searching for logic, feeling deceived by both.
Is Luna trapped in a newfound supernatural world, or within her own delusions? And will anyone care enough to save her?

Get Social With Shah
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Praise to Derek Murphy at Creative IndieCovers who developed the incredible book cover
AubrieAnne at Who's Your Editor? who did a wonderful job of the final edit.
And huge thanks to all the beta readers, patient and enduring online friendships,
and to the mass of wonderful writer resources, all of which took me from thinking,
 "Could I do that?" to "Hell yeah!"

Happy Christmas to everyone and good luck on the giveaway!


  1. It's great to be with you today Prudence, and to be the last post of the year. Heres wishing you a wonderful Christmas and blessed 2013. X

  2. What a great review Prudence, I am sure Shar's book will do well. If she wants a free review send her over to me. I am afraid january's reviews are all taken now but if Shar wishes so I can put her in febuary's. My e mail is and my blog is


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