Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Advice Taken, Problem Solved

Hi folks, sorry this post is a bit late. I had internet connection issues and was off line for a few days. Actually it was a bit amazing what all I managed to get done without the distraction. It is a bit scary really.

Last post I was in a bit of a quandary as to the direction I should take with my writing. I got lost of great advice and feedback, some in the comments section and some by e-mail. The consensus seems to be that I should write whatever story my muse is telling me and not try to schedule it.

Heeding that advice, I began the third book in the Novan Witch series. Assassin of Nova should be coming in late January. The working title of the third installment is Beyond Nova and I hope to get it out by summer. Wish me luck. I've already got a good start on it.

Now for the ROW80 check-in.

1.      Write 5000 words per week until first draft of WIP is complete.
I've already managed 4000 words on a new project.

2.      Accept more requests for interviews. (Currently I only do about one in five. Bad me!
I’m told I need to open up and get over my shyness.)
No requests for interviews this week.

3.      Read and comment on at least one blog per day.
I love reading blogs and am always on the lookout for something new. This one was easy and I may have set the bar a bit low here. Ah well, it was a success and I’ll take it.

Well, that’s it for me today folks. It is getting harder and harder to stay focused with Yuletide almost here. How are you doing? All ready for the holidays? Yes? Good for you, you’re my hero. 

No? Welcome to my world. Stress! Eek!


  1. Good luck! I know you'll kick this one out of the park. :-) I definitely find that going where the muse takes me works far better than trying to schedule things. Usually my schedule and my muse are in agreement, but sometimes...not so much. The schedule gets altered and life goes on. And I think my writing is better for it.

    1. Thanks Shea. Yeah, if you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your schedule. :)It just isn't any fun at all when the voices in your head won't talk to you.

  2. Sounds like you got good advice! But maybe you need to raise the bar on your blog reading/ commenting for the next ROW 80. :)

    1. I did Jennette, and you're right, I was a bit slack with that one. hee hee

  3. Good decision, Prudence. Now focus and you'll get it done then you can move on to the next one. This way, you have things ready to go when you're done with the first thing.

    I am not ready for Christmas. I suppose I'll get most of the remaining stuff done this weekend, but some folks may get unwrapped packages. They should just be thankful they're getting a gift.

    Happy Holidays!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Yes ma'am, that was the right decision all right; things are flowing nicely once again. Now if I could just get the Christmas thing going. :)

      Happy holidays to you and yours.
      Bless, Pru

  4. jolly good - agree best go wih the flow:) the festicities even eat into my time and I dont do Christmas - the endless round of lunches and dinners so difficult!:) all the best:)

    1. Yes, Alberta, going with the flow was the answer all right. Girl, if you don't do Christmas, take the opportunity to get some rest and writing time.

      All the best to you and yours.


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