Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Knitting Patterns and NaNo Burnout

It is true confession time folks. Each time I do the NaNo I hit burnout afterwards. Usually I don’t do much except whine about it for a week then go back to work. Tee hee!  This year is different. I’ve had a number of requests for the knitting pattern for those fingerless gloves.

The problem is, the pattern is in my head. So this week, the only writing I’ve managed is to try to get the pattern into a document. If it doesn’t work, please don’t shoot, this is my very first attempt to write a pattern.

Knitting Pattern for Fingerless Gloves
Supplies needed: worsted weight yarn (two balls), four 5mm double pointed knitting needles, one cable needle, one stitch holder, and three stitch markers.
Instructions for smaller size in brackets.
Left glove:
Cast on 32 stitches as follows: needle #3= 8 (6), needle#2=17, needle #1=7 (5)
Set stitch marker and Knit one round.
Round 2: Needle #1=K7 (5) / Needle #2= K2, P1, K1, P2, K6, P2, K1, P1, K1 / needle #3= K8 (6)
Round 3: Needle #1 K7 (5) / Needle #2= K1, P1, K1,P3, K6, P3, K1, P1 / needle #3=K8 (6)
Round 4: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2= K2, P1, K1, P2, slip three st. onto cable needle and leave at back of work, K3, K3 from cable needle, P2, K1, P1, K1, / needle #3= K8 (6)
Round 5: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 K1, P1, K1, P3, K6, P3, K1, P1 / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 6: needle #1K7 (5) / needle #2 K2, P1, K1, P2, K6, P2, K1, P1, K1 / needle #3K8 (6)
Round 7: needle #1K7 (5) / needle #2K1, P1, K1, P3, K6, P3, K1, P1 / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 8: needle #1 K7 (5)/ needle #2 K2, P1, K1, P2, K6, P2, K1, P1, K1 / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 9: needle #1 K7 (5)/ needle #2 K1, P1, K1, P3, K6, P3, K1, P1 / needle #3 K8 (6)

Repeat rounds 4 through 9 until work measures 6 inches or desired length to thumb.

Begin making thumb gusset as follows.
First round / Needle #1: K5 (3) place st. marker, lift bar between stitches to make knew stitch, Knit through back, K1, make another st. the same way, place marker, K1 / needle #2; continue in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Second round: needle #1, K9 (7) / needle #2, cont. in pattern / needle #3, K8 (6)
Round 3: needle #1 K5 (3) make 1, K3, make 1, K1, / needle #2 cont. in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 4: needle #1 K11 (9) / needle #2 continue in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 5: needle #1 K5 (3), make one, K5, make 1, K1, / needle #2 continue in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 6: needle #1, K13 (11), / needle #2, in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 7: needle #1, K5 (3), make 1, K7, make 1, K1 / needle #2 in pattern / needle 33 K8 (6)
Round 8: needle #1 K15 (13) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 9: needle #1, K5 (3), make 1, K9, make 1, K1 / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 10: needle #1 K17 (15) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 11: needle #1 K5 (3), make 1, K11, make 1, K1 / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 12: needle #1 K19 (17) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K8 (6)
Round 13: needle #1 K5 (3), slip 13 sts between markers onto st. holder, K1 (now 6 (4) st on needle #1, needle #2 in pattern, / needle #3 K8 (6)

Continue pattern with 6 (4) stitches on needle #1, 17 on #2, and 8 (6) on #3 until measurement from thumb gusset to end reaches two and one half or three inches as desired for finger length. Cast off.
Divide thumb stitches onto three needles and knit four rounds. Cast off.

Right Glove:
Begin as left glove and proceed to thumb gusset.
Right thumb gusset:
Round 1: needle #1, K7 (5), needle #2 in pattern, needle #3, K2, add marker, make 1, K1, make 1, add marker, K5 (3)
Round 2: needle #1, K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K10 (8)
Round 3: needle #1, K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K2, make 1, K3, make 1, K5 (3)
Round 4: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K12 (10)
Round 5: needle #1, K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K2, make 1, K5, make 1, K5 (3)
Round 6: needle #1, K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K14 (12)
Round 7: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K2, make 1, K7, make 1, K5 (3)
Round 8 needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K16 (14)
Round 9: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K 2, make 1, K9, make 1, K5 (3)
Round 10: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K18 (16)
Round 11: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K2, make 1, K11, make 1, K5 (3)
Round 12: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3 K20 (18)
Round 13: needle #1 K7 (5) / needle #2 in pattern / needle #3, K2, slip 13 sts between markers onto st. holder, K5 (3) seven sts left on needle #3
Continue in pattern to desired length and cast off.
Pick up thumb sts on three needles, K 5 rounds, cast off.
Tidy ends and you’re done! Congratulations!


  1. I do love those gloves. Can you come to my house now and teach me how to knit so I can use the pattern? :P

  2. I don't know how to knit, so that pattern looks really complicated!

    I know what you mean about burnout. It's like the brain is tired after cranking out all those words in such a short time. I know mine is! So I'm trying to finish a revision, AND do all the extra things we have to do for the holidays. Good luck with your pattern, and congrats on your NaNo win!

    1. Hi Jennette, I'm not sure how it happens, but when I hit burnout I find myself knitting and wondering how I got from the computer to the rocking chair. :)

  3. I am another non-knitter but I do love to crochet. I crocheted a lovely glove pattern last year that I had a lot of fun with. They didn't look as warm as yours though. Congrats on your completing NaNo this year!

    1. Hi Morgan, learning to crochet is on my list of things to do in 2013.

    2. I might know of a crocheter that could help with that.... She might trade for knitting lessons

  4. It was helpful to know you experience burnout after Nano. I wondered what was going on with me.

  5. Woot! I think I can follow that. The double point needles frustrate me - always lose stitches, but I'll give it a whirl. Thanks so much for putting this down. Printing pattern now... :P


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