Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Monday started off with a bang. The bang was the sound of an SUV plowing into the side of my car at speed. I saw it speed up too late and hit the gas to take the impact behind me instead of on my door. The seatbelt held me firm; over thirty five years of faithfully clicking that on finally paid off. I walked away from this one, but not right away.

The side of the car was shattered and I was covered with broken glass. I cleaned myself off as best I could and phoned home to let K know I had been hit, but I believed myself to be okay. I waited for the firemen to show up and when they did they put me in a C. collar.

The ambulance arrived a moment later. The Jaws of Life were used to open my car door then I was placed on a backboard and strapped in. I’m a big girl and it took a few of the lads to get me out of the car. Anyway, as any good writer would, on the ride to the hospital I pitched my book to the Paramedic riding with me. I gave her my card and everything.

There was quite a back up at the emergency ward and I spent a long while on the backboard before they came to check me out. How did I spend my time? Why mentally composing my blog post and working on my WIP, of course.

Eventually it was my turn. They got me off the board, poked and prodded for a while, asked me silly questions to which I gave silly answers. Finally they pronounced me fit to go. I marched happily out of the building to see K just pulling up in the truck.  I’m a bit stiff and sore, but nothing really; I’ve been in worse shape from wrestling with the dogs.

As I always say, “Some days it is better to be lucky than good.” Monday was just such a day. The thing that is most humbling about this whole experience is the compassion of the people who saw it happen and took charge of the situation until the professionals arrived, the professionals themselves, and especially the wonderful friends I have on the internet.

You hear people say, “I have hundreds of friends on the internet.” You know what? I do. The compassion and concern shown for me by you wonderful people is both uplifting and humbling. I swear I will do all in my power to be worthy of such loving friendships. You folks are so amazing; I love you all.

ROW80 Check-in.
Since I have published Hunter this round, I have only one main writing goal left. In this round I want to get my current WIP as close to 40K words as possible.
Progress: I didn’t get much done here since my last check-in. I will try harder the rest of the week.

Thanks for dropping by folks. If you’ve got the time, could you hit the *like* button on this page for me? 

Thanks so much.


  1. Oh My God. How lucky were you? Did your airbag deploy?

    I'm laughing out loud at 'I pitched my book to the paramedic and gave her my card.'

    Sending you a BIG HUG and take care of yourself. Dodged a bullet this time, honey.

    Have liked the page, lol!

    1. Hi Christine, nope, the airbag didn't deploy. Yep dodged the bullet and made a sale. Life is good. Thanks for the hug and the *like*

  2. I'm so grateful that you are okay!!! My goodness! Love that you pitched your book to the paramedic. That's awesome. Rest up now!

    1. Aw, thanks Ginger. Sure I pitched my book. There was nothing else to do and, well, you know, indie writers are always promoting. hehehe

  3. So glad you are ok. I've been in two accidents which weren't my fault. One a head on collision and it usually took a few days to feel the full impact of the accident so be sure to take it easy and take good care of yourself.
    LOVE that you pitched your book to the paramedics. LOL! Awesomeness...

    1. Hi Natalie, yeah, I know it takes a few days to sneak up on you; I'm taking it easy. Of course I pitched my book, you would have done the same. Come on, admit it, you know darn well you would have. :)

  4. Prudence, you honestly are one of my favorite people online and I am so glad that you are okay.

    Yes as Indie writers (not there yet but plan to be soon!) we have to plug our book to everyone because no one else is going to do it. It shows how well you took the accident that you had the right frame of mind to do so.

    I went to your page, liked and tagged. May many enjoy the pages to tell others of it's wonderful read!

    A hot tub may do you wonders or just a good soak with Epson salts. In about four or five days seeing a good massage therapist would have you feeling good as new. (If I lived near you I would do it myself.)

    Very glad you are alright. Big Hugs.

    Peace to you,

  5. Thanks Morgan. Yep, a big soak was sweet. My partner is a Reiki Master so I've been well cared for. Hmmm, a massage wouldn't go astray though. Sure you can't come up for a day or two? hehehe

    1. Wish I could even though I am not sure where up is. Glad to know you both are Reiki Masters that helps a lot. I am currently busy trying to finish my MS that will hopefully be my first book published.

      When did you start writing; you have so many published. I hear that being a prolific writer is the best way to make a decent living at it. I am 48 and getting a bit of a late start.

      Glad to know you are in good hands. :D


    2. Hi Morgan, up is Newfoundland. I started writing many years ago so I had a back list of manuscripts to put up at first. I had about two dozen as I recall. I now have 32 published. Oh yeah, I started writing the year I turned 47. Get busy girl. hehehe

  6. So glad you're ok!! Gah, sounds terrifying, but at least you came out of it in one piece. :)

    1. Hi Kat, thanks. When you go to the movies and hear that sound of rending metal, it doesn't have the same effect. Hearing right at your ear as broken glass flies everywhere is much more impressive. I'd rather not do that again.

  7. What quick reflexes to step on the gas and get the car forward enough so you weren't hit right on. Some angel watching over you. Glad you are okay and sounds like you're healing okay and spirits are up. Glad it wasn't worse-heal up.

    1. Thanks Cora, I've always had quick reflexes and I never panic until a few days later.That's when I have the melt down. Yes indeed, somebody special was watching over me, there's no doubt.

  8. What an experience to go through. So glad you could "walk away." Amazing how we writers do dual-process in situations like yours. Hope you've journaled all those feelings that swirled around to use in your next book.

    1. Thanks Judythe, yes I have already started to weave some of it into my WIP. Can't waste an exciting experience, now can we? tee hee hee

  9. So glad you're okay! You made me smile at the book sale, and the blogging in your head while waiting in the ER. :) What else is a writer to do?
    Take care Prudence!

  10. I was thinking about you since I saw Charis' post on Facebook. So glad to hear you're OK! And LOL at pitching the books and composing blog posts en route to the hospital - a true writer!

    1. Can't help myself, Jennette, it's what I do. tee hee

  11. Slacking off a bit since you last check in huh? I suppose you think you can use this little adventure as an excuse? Mmmmm Hmmmm. Not buying it. You just felt lazy, probably sat around knitting...

    Glad you weren't seriously damaged, sweetie. Woulda really torn me up if you were. As for the sales pitch? You just saw an opportunity to flirt with a pretty girl. The sales were icing on the cake. ;)

    1. Dang, busted. Ok, so I was flirting a bit too, no harm in that, is there? tee hee

  12. OMG! I saw this picture on the FB ROW80 page. So glad you are okay. Wow. I love that the writer in you still managed to get word out about your book. Awesome!

    1. Thanks Tia, yeah the writer in my head just will not stop. hee hee

  13. Owie! Take it easy for the next few days!

  14. Wow, Prudence... It's great that you got a blog post out of this, but make it a once-in-a-lifetime thing, huh? :) Good thinking on your part to step on the gas pedal. Too many people would have frozen up...and maybe not walked away. Glad you're on the mend! Hugs. :)

    1. Hi Kristy, thanks. Hugs back to you. Hugs are healing. Yep, I don't want to try that again. That was too close for comfort.

  15. What a quick thinker you were, stepping on the gas! So glad you're okay. Maybe an opportunity will come up in one of your books where you need to know what's its like to be in an accident, you know the sound of the metal crunching, the smell, etc. Things you can only know through experience. Making lemonade out of lemons :-)

    1. Thanks Shannon. Hey I've already started that scene in my WIP. You knew I would. tee hee

  16. Gracious, that was quite the hit! The jaws of life!! Holy cow!

    I'm glad you were able to pitch your book though. When life gives you lemons . . .

    So glad you're okay, Prudence. Valkyrie Rising wouldn't be the same without you. Well, it probably wouldn't even be - period - so you're gonna have to stick around for a good long while!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Thanks Patricia, I guess I must be living right. tee hee I was back in town today and traffic is even worse. Long weekends. ew! I got behind a guy who would move, he was having a smoke and talking on his phone. I walked up up and asked if he wanted me to get him a coffee to go with it. he got embarrassed and darted out into traffic. Some guys have no sense of humor.
      Don't worry girl, I'll be with you all the way. :)

  17. That picture scares me. I didn't know that anyone could walk away from that and I'm so glad you did.

    I must say that I like your style and dedication. After such a traumatic event, wouldn't everyone compose a blog post while waiting in emerge? LOL! Good for you.

    1. Hi Patricia, don't worry, we MacLeods are viking stock. Just like the Timex watches we take a licking and keep on ticking.

  18. I am so glad you came out of this unscathed. You have a great attitude to the whole thing too. I have been involved in a couple of car accidents (and I don't even drive?) - the one before the last I recieved multiple skull fractures and severer whip-lash. My mum hurt her knee, the other passengers received minor whip lash. The car was old and the seat belt broke (unclipped) in the back. I have a large scar down the front of my forehead, my memory is awful and I know I'll never drive now, but it could have been so much worse. We have to be grateful for any mercy life throws our way in these circumstances. I'm not religious, so I thanks luck or fate or whatever else it might have been.

    So glad you are fighting fit and still focussed on writing goals rather than this potentially awful moment. Hope you get that car sorted without too much financial issue. (Can you get the driver to pay?) X

    1. Hi Shah, I am so sorry that happened to you. Sometimes fate just doesn't play fair. Yes, it could be worse. I have seen the carnage of bad accidents on the highway; it's not pretty. Forty years of defensive driving all came down to one split second, but it worked.
      Hey, since you have a Harry Potter scar, maybe you can do magic too. Just think of the possible stories in that one.
      Don't worry about the old car, she's a gonner. There won't be any issue there I don't imagine.
      SO, back to your magic, anybody can drive, but dang few can work magic. :)

  19. Goodness gracious! I'm glad you're okay. That car certainly took a hit. Take care of yourself. Our car got rear-ended this summer, and I was sore for a few weeks.

    1. Hi Julie, sorry it has taken so long to respond to you. I just found your comment in the spam folder. (fussy old Blogger) Thanks so much for the kind words and thoughts. It did take a few days, but all's well now.

  20. Congratulations! I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

  21. this article popped up in my bloger list and i just had to stop in. you've walked away from a tremendous experience which could have been all kinds of ugly. you know, of course, more than anyone how true that is. thank you for sharing this experience.

    1. Hi Grinelda, yeah, it was a close shave alright, but al's well that ends well. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  22. So glad you're ok! Car accidents are such scary things. Quick thinking on your part to speed up like you did. Hope your soreness goes away soon.

    1. Thanks for the good thoughts, Tammi. I am good as new today. Thanks for stopping by.

  23. How amazing that you had the presence of mind to speed up since that other car was headed right toward you! The photo makes it all real. And in a moment, everything changes. Good on you for remaining composed -- and for thinking about your writing. I believe that somehow this experience will wind up in your stories, but the best outcome is that you are well. Stay well. Keep writing!

    1. Hi Beth, thanks so much for the kind thoughts. Yes indeed, the sound of metal crunching and glass shattering will show up very soon. As writers we can't waste good material when we get it, now can we? tee hee

  24. This whole thing is amazing. You really do have a great attitude about the event that took place. I love your positive outlook. I'm so happy you walked away like you did. You're a lucky woman. I laughed when you said you pitched your book to the paramedic, but hey! why not? :D {{Hugs}}

    1. Hey Debra, thanks. Yep, I used up a bucket of luck that day. Of course I pitched the book, I was strapped down with nothing else to do. hehehe It seemed silly at the time, but I just couldn't help myself.


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