Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

People Watching

It had been another great day of people watching as well as shopping and an afternoon movie. Such decadence, I know, but there it is. I confess I do sneak away from time to time for such simple pleasures.

The day was hot and the sun burned down fiercely, so I sought the cooler interior of the boat’s main lounge on the journey home. That’s where I saw her.

The girl was fairly tall; five foot ten or better. She wore her rich brown hair long and straight with square cut bangs. Tight faded jeans and a form fitting T-shirt showed off her lush young form to great advantage, but she ignored the appreciative looks she garnered.

Her perfect features were drawn in sorrow. She sought the corner bench furthest from the rest of us and shrank into it. Curling up into a tight foetal position, she closed her eyes and feigned sleep, effectively shutting out the world around her. As I watched her hand curled into a tight fist and slowly pulled close to her mouth is a gesture of sorrowful denial or comfort; I am unsure which.

It was heartbreaking and as much as I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her, it was obvious she wanted to be left alone. I turned back to my knitting and silently sent her healing energy.

ROW80 Goals

My original goals for this round were fully met and I am delighted to report that Hunter has been published. I am so very pleased with it. 

However, that leaves me with a few more weeks of this round to. I need a new goal.
New goal: I will attempt to get my current WIP (20K words) up to 40K words by the end of the round. Charge!!!

Now folks, here’s the thing, I need help here with marketing Hunter. If you can, would you go to
 and *like* the page? That would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you have the time to review Hunter for me I would be happy to provide a free copy of the book.  Thanks.

If you would like to be on my mailing list, please drop me a quick line here:  Just put the word *list* in the subject line.


  1. Yeah for goals!

    People watching is great inspiration for characters. Unfortunately, some people don't care to have random strangers snapping pics of them...

    1. Yeah, this poor girl didn't look like she'd appreciate that. I thought it best to let her be. Still wanted to hug her though and tell her everything would be all right. Maternal instincts.

  2. I would have the same reaction to the girl--maternal instinct never goes away, I guess.

    Hurrah on publishing Hunter! I will definitely go like the page; I wish I had time to read it for a review, but I'm not in a good place right now, and I would hate to let you down. I'm sure you will find some great reviewers.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, when things settle down for you let me know and I'll give you a copy to review. Hoping all works out for you. :)

  3. Love your piece - the emotion, the observations. Lovely.

    Oh! The marketing/promotion. I struggle to market as well. I'm slowly learning how to best market as I go - with the help of veteran writers urging me forwrd! Best of luck on that front.

    1. Hi Nadja, it seems that marketing is a very organic and fluid process. Good old trial and error with a steep learning curve. It is all part of the fun I guess.


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