Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hi folks, today I have got a book review for you. The book is Shrilugh (Shree-loo) by Myndi Shafer. Myndi is a new author and this is her first book, I think. I can tell we’ll hear lots about her for many years to come. Her style is reminiscent of Jane Austen with a dash of Stephanie Myers.

Shrilugh is a rollicking adventure story, yet the author has a firm grasp on the emotional turmoil brought on when life insists you leave childhood behind and grow up. I found it fascinating to watch as Ayden struggles with releasing a past she can never re-gain and facing a future that terrifies her. If you like the Twilight series you will love this too.

I have only one small complaint about Shrilugh. The ending gave no relief, not even a small respite for Ayden. We know going in this is part one of a trilogy, but in the style of Tolkien, the story just cuts off leaving you hanging. I much prefer a J.K.Rowling style where you get some solution at the end of each book. Having said that, Shrilugh is a real page turner and I will be purchasing the next two installments as soon as they hit the e-shops.

I give Shrilugh four stars out of five. Great work Myndi. Well done.

Now for ROW80 goals:
Since I have published Hunter this round, I have only one main writing goal left. In this round I want to get my current WIP as close to 40K words as possible.
Progress: I hit 25k+ yesterday. Yay!

Thanks for dropping by folks. If you’ve got the time, could you hit the *like* button on this page for me? 

Thanks so much. Stay tuned folks, there'll soon be excerpts from my WIP to tease your reading appetite.


  1. Congrats on meeting another big ROW80 goal, Prudence! Hunter is definitely on my TBB list.

  2. Aw, thanks Jennette. I'm especially pleased with Hunter. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Congratulations on getting "Hunter" out. You are on your goals. And you sure did read Myndi's book fast. Dang!

    1. I get lost so easily in a good book, Debra. Usually I read three to five pages then decide if I want to read or toss it. This one is a keeper.

  4. I started Shrilugh late last night. It kept me up WAY past my bedtime, but I'm itching to read the rest tonight!
    Great job on your ROW80 goals and congrats on getting Hunter out! Another to add to my TBR list. :)

    1. So tickled it's keeping you up, Jennifer! *big grins*

  5. PRUDENCE! I'm so glad you liked Shrilugh. This post totally made my day...



    1. Stop playing around and get the second book ready. tee hee I put the review up on Smashwords. Is the book up on Amazon yet?

  6. It has been added to my TBB list. Still have to get Hunter..... Glad things are doing well for you Pru!

    1. Very cool! Hope you dig it, Charis!!

  7. Prudence, you are doing so well with your writing goals. Congratulations! It's really good to see someone pressing ahead steadily so far into this round. Keep up the great work and may your creative journey be a rich one.

    Cheers, Cate (ROW80)

  8. I have Myndi's book up on my Kindle right now as the next book to read. But after reading this, perhaps I should choose my start time carefully since I won't want to stop "_

    1. Marcy, make sure you have some reading time. Myndi's got the touch.

    2. I can't wait to hear whatchya think, Marcy! *big grins* Enjoy!

  9. Thanks for this lovely review, Prudence. Sounds like a winner! Super stoked for and proud of Myndi already.

    1. Hey August, Myndi a talent all right. You'll love her book, I just know it.

    2. Aw, thanks girlies. *squeeze*

  10. Excellent progress! Write on! I'd love to know what writing strategies work best for you.

    1. Hi Beth, my strategy is pretty simple. I sit to the computer and ask, "So, who wants to tell me a story today?" It doesn't take long before I hear the voice and start writing. I never know what is going to happen next. Great fun!

  11. Great review of Myndi's book. Looks like a good read. Good luck with your ROW80 goals! :)

  12. Oh, darn, I'm having a hard time commenting individually! Thanks, y'all, for the sweet words! I hope you enjoy Shrilugh! *big grins*

    And way to rock your ROW80 goals, Prudence!!

  13. Thanks Denise, yep, Shrilugh is a good read. Waiting for the next one now.


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