Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Monday started off with a bang. The bang was the sound of an SUV plowing into the side of my car at speed. I saw it speed up too late and hit the gas to take the impact behind me instead of on my door. The seatbelt held me firm; over thirty five years of faithfully clicking that on finally paid off. I walked away from this one, but not right away.

The side of the car was shattered and I was covered with broken glass. I cleaned myself off as best I could and phoned home to let K know I had been hit, but I believed myself to be okay. I waited for the firemen to show up and when they did they put me in a C. collar.

The ambulance arrived a moment later. The Jaws of Life were used to open my car door then I was placed on a backboard and strapped in. I’m a big girl and it took a few of the lads to get me out of the car. Anyway, as any good writer would, on the ride to the hospital I pitched my book to the Paramedic riding with me. I gave her my card and everything.

There was quite a back up at the emergency ward and I spent a long while on the backboard before they came to check me out. How did I spend my time? Why mentally composing my blog post and working on my WIP, of course.

Eventually it was my turn. They got me off the board, poked and prodded for a while, asked me silly questions to which I gave silly answers. Finally they pronounced me fit to go. I marched happily out of the building to see K just pulling up in the truck.  I’m a bit stiff and sore, but nothing really; I’ve been in worse shape from wrestling with the dogs.

As I always say, “Some days it is better to be lucky than good.” Monday was just such a day. The thing that is most humbling about this whole experience is the compassion of the people who saw it happen and took charge of the situation until the professionals arrived, the professionals themselves, and especially the wonderful friends I have on the internet.

You hear people say, “I have hundreds of friends on the internet.” You know what? I do. The compassion and concern shown for me by you wonderful people is both uplifting and humbling. I swear I will do all in my power to be worthy of such loving friendships. You folks are so amazing; I love you all.

ROW80 Check-in.
Since I have published Hunter this round, I have only one main writing goal left. In this round I want to get my current WIP as close to 40K words as possible.
Progress: I didn’t get much done here since my last check-in. I will try harder the rest of the week.

Thanks for dropping by folks. If you’ve got the time, could you hit the *like* button on this page for me? 

Thanks so much.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hi folks, today I have got a book review for you. The book is Shrilugh (Shree-loo) by Myndi Shafer. Myndi is a new author and this is her first book, I think. I can tell we’ll hear lots about her for many years to come. Her style is reminiscent of Jane Austen with a dash of Stephanie Myers.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sunny Day

Hi folks, I was feeling bad for pushing the new book so hard lately so I thought I’d share a sunny morning with you. This is me being domestic just before heading out to coffee with friends yesterday. It was a perfect day. In fact, for the most part it has been a beautiful summer.

I hope you all are enjoying your summer too. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

People Watching

It had been another great day of people watching as well as shopping and an afternoon movie. Such decadence, I know, but there it is. I confess I do sneak away from time to time for such simple pleasures.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I have been asking for feedback about my next book cover, and as many of you know it was a bit of a process. When I ask for feedback, I truly do want it. Heeding the suggestions you gave me, and with your help, we sifted through many different versions of possible covers until, finally, success smiled upon us. Here is the final version of the cover, created by the extremely talented Melinda VanLone. Melinda, I can’t thank you enough.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Another Excerpt

Hi folks,
 We’re still working on the cover for Hunter. However, since we still need a day or two to get it all finalized, here’s another excerpt for you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Cover

Okay, last time I asked for some feedback I got it. Now lots of people might be disappointed with what was said, but I sure wasn’t. I knew the options I had weren't right, but wasn’t sure what to do about it. I guess I am too close to the project. Anyway, after some constructive feedback, the cover for Hunter has been reworked and we’re happy with it now. The question is; what do you folks think of it?

Monday, August 13, 2012


Now we’re coming down to the good stuff. It is time to choose the cover for the new book. The general opinion was that Hunter should be the title and I do agree, so Hunter it is. Now let take a look at two possible covers for Hunter.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

More Options

Hi folks, as you may recall from my last post, we are trying to decide the title of my next book. The manuscript is ready; all we need now it the final title and a cover. Last time I posted an excerpt that leads to Hunter as the title; today I will post another that hints at the second option, Offspring. We’ve already met the hunter, now I will introduce the offspring. Here’s a look at one of the characters. Guess which one she is.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

Hi folks, here’s the boat I was on when I decided to ask for your help. Yes, the same boat where I got stalked. J  The Gulls? Oh yes, for all you whale watchers, when you see large numbers of gulls wheeling about over the water like that, it usually means whales are feeding in that area. So, on to my dilemma.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Running Man

 He was behind me; I could feel the presence of the man. I still my breathing to listen and sure enough, I could hear footsteps. They were drawing nearer. Nearer and nearer he came until I could almost feel his touch. Suddenly the steps quickened as the boat shifted under him. Wild shrieks of joy burst past his lips as he caught his balance and continued on past me, his mother close behind urging him not to run. The world is all brand new to this delightful fellow, and so he ignored her and continued his explorations. With her permission I present to you this evidence of my tiny stalker.

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