Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Soft Underbelly

Hey there, I don’t often write about this sort of thing on my blog, but the event and results are remarkable. The past couple of weeks I’ve been struggling a bit, as irritable as a half-starved alley cat, and on the edge of a massive depressive episode. Not really such a fun place to be. I was holding it together, but only just, until last night.
Now, there was nothing unusual about last evening. K and I chatted happily over dinner, cleaned up and went for a short drive. It was a sunny evening so we stopped and strolled along the cliff foe a bit then went for an ice cream cone, first of the year. We then came home, spent a pleasant evening then went to bed as usual. I was still a bit on edge.
Here’s where it gets weird. I awakened at three, wide awake, with the memory of a sweet dream and a big smile on my face. I padded off to the bathroom, attended to the paperwork, then returned to bed, still wide awake and smiling. I didn’t get back to sleep last night; I just lay there basking in my first real good mood in weeks. As I write this, I am still smiling, happy, and enjoying the memory of that dream.
What was the dream?  Well, I dreamed I was nuzzling the soft underbelly of some young woman, causing her to purr like a kitten. Come to think of it, K was smiling too. Hmmm Anyway, it was a sweet and delicious dream and apparently just what I needed to change my state.
Now, on with the ROW80 progress report.

The Goals

1.      Blog twice each week over and above my ROW80 check-ins
Nope, didn’t manage any of that in the past few days. I still have time though.

2.      Continue to read and comment on the blogs of my fellow writers
I’m still on track here.
3.      Write at least 2K words on a WIP each week
Oh yeah, I’m good here and then some. J

4.      I set out to publish six novels this year. I managed three last round, and two more between rounds, so that leaves me with one more novel to publish. I will see if I can get it out this round.
Working on it.

5.      Read and review two or more first novels by new writers this round
Nothing new to report here; still hunting for that elusive novel to read.

6.      Publish two or more short works, between five and twenty five thousand words.
Trying to choose which of three to publish next. Maybe that erotic collection I keep threatening to publish.


  1. hee hee hee! I love the power of the dream girl! And always nice when she is there when you open your eyes!

  2. Nothing like a good dream to help you wake up on the right side of the bed. ;-)

    1. valid point Miss Rosa!

    2. Hi guys, I know this isn't my normal kind of post, but some things are just too good not to share.

  3. It's crazy how our subconscious mind works Prudence! You wake up in the middle of the night and your depression is gone. That's a relief! You should have a better week ahead! :)

    1. Hi Karen. Yes, a writer's mind works in mysterious ways for sure.

  4. Sounds like a great dream! As for new novels, have you read The Stream: Discovery by Bill Jones Jr? I really liked it. It reminds me on a older novel before the pacing had to be crazy intense for our ADD culture.

    1. hey Alica, it was a great dream, I'm still smiling. tee hee I'll check out the book, thanks.

  5. Sometimes we just need that kick -- who knows what it will be -- to get us out of a funk.

    Nice job on the goals. Can't believe the amount you write!

    1. Yeah, I will volunteer for a kick like that anytime. Thanks for the good thoughts.

  6. Maybe I could be part of your goal number five. ��

  7. Glad to hear you still on your dream high! Good job on your goals.


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