Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dear Mr. Ford

Today I was up before the birds, choked down a fast breakfast (prepared for me by K) and hit the road. The truck had to be in at the Ford dealer for a regular check-up. I made the trip to the city in plenty of time and arrived early at the dealer. Then I sat waiting for the service to be done.
As I sat waiting I had a feeling of doom settle over me. Soon I saw the man coming toward me with a pile of papers in his hand. “Ma’am, there’s a problem.” Saw that one coming. Somehow every time a woman takes a vehicle to a dealer there’s a problem.
“Tell me.”
“Well, when the technician tried to remove the back wheel to inspect the brakes, there was a difficulty. He forced the wheels off and found corroded parts inside, several of which had broken as he forced off the wheel.”
“The vehicle will be kept here for a week while parts come from the USA. The bill will be just under $1000.00.”
“I have an extended warranty.”
“It expired yesterday.”
“You won’t honor that warranty?”
“No, it expired yesterday.”

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dog Walk Meditation

How to meditate and walk dogs at the same time.

First you pull on your dog walking togs.  Sounds easy enough, except when all four canine supervisors begin to micro manage the process at the same time.  Stress, right off the bat.  By the time the boots are on and you have attached the leashes, they’re ready go.  Out the door and down the street at a brisk march to burn off last night’s ice cream and their enthusiasm. 

The march gets you breathing deeply and rhythmically, the endorphins kick in and you feel wonderful.  Soon you arrive at a dirt road leading to an expanse of open fields and forest.  You unclip the leashes and they’re off and frolicking.  You can march easily now, no one pulling you this way and that. The sun is warm on your back, the air filled with the sweet scent of wild grass and trees, and the gentle breeze off the water cools your face.  You set your mind free, focusing only on the sensations your environment provides, reveling in the oneness with the living earth, and feeding your soul from the sheer joy your canine companions take in accompanying you through this wonderland.

At length you reach the end of the path and it is time to clip the leashes back on.  They are all panting now, tired and ready for the long march home.  There is no pulling on the leash, they just trot along beside you, enjoying your company.  You keep a steady pace, matching your breathing to the rhythm of your boots on the pavement, lost in the magic of it all.

You reach home, unclip and hang up the leashes, give the dogs fresh water and a biscuit, then settle in with your coffee and computer.  Meditation is finished, you are refreshed and ready for a Wednesday ROW80 check-in.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Writer's Goals

Hi folks, I’m back, did you miss me? Tee hee My better half had a week off so I pretty much took a week off too. We don’t get to spend nearly enough time together, so when opportunity knocks I try to be at home.

I know I missed last Wednesday’s check-in and today is a day late for Sunday’s, but at least I’m here, I’m here. Let the bells ring out and the banners fly, I know it is too good to be true, but I’m here! What, no fanfare? No cheering crowds? No dancing girls?  Sigh

Friday, May 25, 2012

Diverse Opinions

We were in the coffee shop yesterday when I had another great chance to observe humanity in action.  A couple came in and sat at a nearby table. She was quite tiny, but he was a tall imposing man. As they sat he pulled out his phone and began to dial. As it rang he waved her toward the counter. She went; he began to bark into the phone in a loud commanding voice.

Leaning forward, this fellow gave the person on the other end a long list of instructions as though he was speaking to an inattentive child. The call was still going on as the woman returned. She set the coffee and snack in front of him and he acknowledged her with a nod as he continued to direct the person he had called. We all could easily hear him.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Guten Morgen

Let me tell you about some of yesterday’s adventures. There was a family gathering to attend so I set out early. It was a warm sunny day, so I spent much of the boat ride outside gazing over the rails. As I stood enjoying the view, a rather large man came up the stairs. (Read ship’s ladders, a cross between a ladder and a set of stairs with handrails. This man was overweight, in his sixties at least, and he was struggling for breath. My heart went out to him.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Human Hive

The past few days have been sunny. Now you would suspect this to be a good thing, and it is. However, there is something about human when the first sunny days of Spring happen along. Yes, this Spring is no exception.
Sitting at my computer in my dark little work space, I suddenly found myself unable to concentrate. I felt like I was in the center of a bee hive. First the neighbor on the right came out with the ride-on lawnmower. An hour or so later the ride-on was exchanged for the push power mower to do the edges, then the gas weed wacker to finish the job. Before that was finished, the neighbor on the left came out with his ride-on mower, then the push mower, and then the weed machine, but before he was finished the guy next to him got out the ride-on and…
All right, so you get the idea. I know, I know, it has to be done. Why? I cry to the wilderness? All that grass could feed a small herd of cattle providing meat for the winter. Perhaps put in gardens that could supply enough food for the whole neighborhood. Why must we spend fortunes and pollute the atmosphere tending that inedible crop and then import food from China?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chainsaw Angie

Ok, I admit it, I should have posted days ago; I'll confess, blogwise I’ve been slack. Sunny days can do that to me. Why, just yesterday the sunshine got to me and I blanked out. My twin sister (read alter ego) took over my body. She took off the dress and heels, hauled on a plaid shirt and jeans, grabbed a chainsaw and ran outside to play in the sun. I Prudence, am a priss and I admit it, but Angie is all redneck. Watch out for her, she’s a little crazy sometimes. Here’s her picture.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Soft Underbelly

Hey there, I don’t often write about this sort of thing on my blog, but the event and results are remarkable. The past couple of weeks I’ve been struggling a bit, as irritable as a half-starved alley cat, and on the edge of a massive depressive episode. Not really such a fun place to be. I was holding it together, but only just, until last night.
Now, there was nothing unusual about last evening. K and I chatted happily over dinner, cleaned up and went for a short drive. It was a sunny evening so we stopped and strolled along the cliff foe a bit then went for an ice cream cone, first of the year. We then came home, spent a pleasant evening then went to bed as usual. I was still a bit on edge.
Here’s where it gets weird. I awakened at three, wide awake, with the memory of a sweet dream and a big smile on my face. I padded off to the bathroom, attended to the paperwork, then returned to bed, still wide awake and smiling. I didn’t get back to sleep last night; I just lay there basking in my first real good mood in weeks. As I write this, I am still smiling, happy, and enjoying the memory of that dream.
What was the dream?  Well, I dreamed I was nuzzling the soft underbelly of some young woman, causing her to purr like a kitten. Come to think of it, K was smiling too. Hmmm Anyway, it was a sweet and delicious dream and apparently just what I needed to change my state.
Now, on with the ROW80 progress report.

The Goals

1.      Blog twice each week over and above my ROW80 check-ins
Nope, didn’t manage any of that in the past few days. I still have time though.

2.      Continue to read and comment on the blogs of my fellow writers
I’m still on track here.
3.      Write at least 2K words on a WIP each week
Oh yeah, I’m good here and then some. J

4.      I set out to publish six novels this year. I managed three last round, and two more between rounds, so that leaves me with one more novel to publish. I will see if I can get it out this round.
Working on it.

5.      Read and review two or more first novels by new writers this round
Nothing new to report here; still hunting for that elusive novel to read.

6.      Publish two or more short works, between five and twenty five thousand words.
Trying to choose which of three to publish next. Maybe that erotic collection I keep threatening to publish.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Successful Resolution

Hey there, fellow ROWers, last check-in I asked for some feedback to use as guidance in deciding on my next writing venture. I’m happy to say you didn’t disappoint. Through the comments, Twitter, and e-mails, the consensus was that the rejected manuscript should go on the shelf for now and something new should be started. I have indeed followed that sage advice. I now have the sequel to Immortal Tigress in the works, and a new romance as well. Thank you all for the support; it was extremely helpful to me. I am now happily hard at work once again.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


It is time for the ROW80 check-in again and this time there’s a problem I rarely face. I have no idea at all what to do next. The bomb fell last night. I have been all pumped because I had a manuscript being edited and she seemed to like the story. Last night I got the verdict. “I love this. It is a sweet story and I just love the characters, but… there isn’t nearly enough angst or challenges here to hold the average reader.”

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Shopping Trip.

Ok, yesterday was one of those days. I’d been planning a shopping trip for a while and it was my day. Here’s what Mother Nature had in store for me. These photos were taken by Sandra Mills on her Iphone. Believe it folks, that was yesterday.

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