Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hurricane Day

Yesterday was a storm day. We’d been on hurricane watch for a few days and I felt we were prepared. I had filled the larder, we had extra water, and everything from outdoors had been brought inside. There was nothing left to do but wait.

I awakened at six a.m. to the siren sounds of wind shrieking past the house and whistling around the front door. I smiled and snuggled deeper under the covers. I like the sound of wind.

A short while later the power went out, but was kind enough to let the coffee pot do its thing first. Ah, a hot cup of fresh coffee to start a stormy day. Life is good. Since I couldn’t work at the computer I have plenty of time to knit and let the characters from my next book talk to me. I finished a pair of socks I’d been working on and had some notes with great ideas.

The heavy rains that played hob with the rest of Newfoundland never did reach this blessed isle. By mid-afternoon the power was back on, the sun was out, and the winds had died off. The only damage we suffered was a few dead branches down from one of our old trees.

Now here’s a reminder about the Free books and Bling!

Okay folks, just as I promised, it is time for some giveaways. Why? Well, think of it as reader appreciation time. You wonderful people have been extremely good to me and I want you to know it. The outpouring of warmth and support after my car accident was both heartwarming and humbling.

So, here’s the deal. Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.

The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know so I can enter your name in the right draw.

I know I promised a book review and it will be my next post.
So don’t be shy folks, I’m a good storyteller and I’m giving stuff away. Please enter and check out the possibilities. You did? Awesome, thanks so much and good luck.

Now, Row80: the goal for the rest of this round is to get my WIP as close to 40K words as I can. I just hit 34K this morning. Creeping up there and very pleased to be so.

So, if you like what you’ve found here so far, please consider joining the site so you can stay on top of the action. J 


  1. Glad the hurricane went easy on you. Whew!

  2. We were braced and ready Pat, but we escaped altogether. Quite a relief, actually. Thanks for stopping by. Shall I put your name in the draws?

  3. Oh wow Prudence. A hurricane is nothing to kid about. Glad everythings okay. One time my husband and I came home from a vacation and found a four by four fence post in our backyard snapped in two along with half our fence. Apparently there was a small tornado that passed through our yard. So happy we missed it. But nature can raise its ugly head from time to time. Take care Pru! :)

    1. Hi Karen, yep, things can get wild from time to time. The thing is, we were prepared for the worst, and much of Newfoundland got just that, but our blessed little isle went unscathed. Life is good!


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