Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Nap!

Yesterday was a day of unexpected obstacles. Nothing seemed to fit. I bought the pieces to go through the wall to the chimney. (Remember the big hole in the wall?) Well, the hole didn't really meet up with the chimney correctly, so I had to enlarge it. Enlarging it meant spending nearly five hours swinging a five pound hammer.  Yes I succeeded in making it the right size, but today I am paying for the effort expended.

 New stove out of the crate. Still not installed. sigh!

I had many chores on my to-do list for today, but all were set aside in favor of the sacred Nap. It has been too long since I honored the Goddess of the Nap and today she demanded her due. After we walked the dogs I curled up on the couch and spend the day with the Lady of Rest. I awakened again about four, somewhat refreshed and ready to face the world once again. My beautiful partner changed the date on the to-do like to Monday.  Love her.

Okay, next post I will announce the winners of the draw. Someone will win a $25.00 gift coupon from The Purple Raven Boutique.

 and someone will win a $25.00 coupon from Powder River Editing. 

Now for round four of this year’s ROW80 efforts.  Life is extremely busy right now, so I will try to keep the goals within reach.

1.      Write 5000 words per week until first draft of WIP is complete.
2.      Accept more requests for interviews. (Currently I only do about one in five. Bad me! I’m told I need to open up and get over my shyness.)
3.      Read and comment on at least one blog per day.

Well, that’s it for me this time folks. If I manage to accomplish all the non-writerly things I have on my plate I may add a few more, but for now, this is it.  I wish you all great success with your goals and if I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hole in the Wall.

I’m supposed to be working on the house this week, but I will confess to sneaking in a bit of writing time. It’s always the same way; as soon as I start something else I get these great ideas for my WIP. 
Anyway, I have done a bit on the house too. We bought a wood stove as a back-up heating system for winter. The house has a chimney, but it was covered with drywall on the inside. I turned the task over to my alter ego, Chainsaw Angie. It did not take her long to find the treasure behind the wall.
Here’s the wall.

Here’s the wall with the chimney hole revealed.

And here it is sealed and waiting for the final install.

Hopefully, my next post will reveal the stove installed and ready for action.

Now on to the good stuff. Here’s the last chance to enter the draw for the goodies. The winners will be announced next week. Good Luck!

Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.
The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know so I can enter your name in the right draw.

October is almost upon us. Are you preparing for winter? How? Tearing any holes in the walls? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Magic Door

Well, not a lot of writing going on this weekend. Instead, we have been working on projects to prepare for winter. First up on the list was the new front door to keep out the wind and snow. The old door failed at this task. Here’s the old door.

Now here’s the hole after Chainsaw Angie tore the door and frame apart and threw them out on the lawn.

The structure in the wall was a mess so it all had to be rebuilt before the new door could be installed. Now here’s the new door she installed for us. Who is Chainsaw Angie? Why, she’s my alter ego. I only let her out to play when there’s rough stuff to be done.

Here’s a reminder of the free books and Bling offer. Folks, just as I promised, it is time for some giveaways. Why? Well, think of it as reader appreciation time. You wonderful people have been extremely good to me and I want you to know it. The outpouring of warmth and support after my car accident was both heartwarming and humbling.

So, here’s the deal. Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.

The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know so I can enter your name in the right draw. 

Last time I asked you when you last climbed a tree. Now I ask, “When was the last time you demolished something. Did you have fun letting off all that stress?”

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hi folks, I'm over at Jenn Oliver's blog today, she's got me on the hot seat. Come over and check out the interview.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chainsaw Angie strikes again!

I've been too focused on my writing this summer and have neglected some important things. The dead trees over at the neighbor’s fence for example. I was amazed that the hurricane didn't blow them down and cause a lot of damage. Today being a warm sunny day, it was time to deal with the threat. I closed my eyes and asked my alter ego to come out to play.

It took all morning, and it was necessary to climb some of the trees to attach a rope, but by noon the deed was done and Chainsaw Angie went back to sleep as I enjoyed a well-earned shower.

Now here’s a reminder of the free books and Bling offer. Folks, just as I promised, it is time for some giveaways. Why? Well, think of it as reader appreciation time. You wonderful people have been extremely good to me and I want you to know it. The outpouring of warmth and support after my car accident was both heartwarming and humbling.

So, here’s the deal. Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.

The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know so I can enter your name in the right draw.

Okay, Row80 progress. In spite of my protests to the contrary, I did manage another thousand words on my WIP. It now stands at 36K+ The target for the rest of this round was as close to 40K as possible. Will she make it folks? Only the shadow knows for sure.

Now, here’s my question for you. I know you have an alter ego; come on, fess up. So what is she/he like? 
What does he/she want to do that you would not? 
Best of all, when was the last time you climbed a tree?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kissed by Fire

Hi folks, as promised here the book review of Kissed by Fire.

Kissed by Fire is the second book in Shea MacLeod’s Sunwalker Saga. I read the first book, Kissed by Darkness several months ago and loved it. Kissed by Fire has been on my TBR list for some time and I finally got a chance to read it. I literally didn’t put it down. I curled up in my reading chair and read the entire book, completely lost in another world and the adventures of one Morgan Bailey.

Shea is a great storyteller, and in Kissed by Fire she does not disappoint. Madcap vampire hunter, Morgan Bailey, is more badass than ever, the mystery even harder for her to solve, and as usual, her lively libido will distract her from time to time.

Kissed by Fire is like a great action movie, the villains are nasty, the heros gritty, and the action fast paced. I had a lot to do that evening, but I sat and read the whole book instead; I’m not one bit sorry.
Great work, Shea. Five stars.

* * * * *

Now here’s a reminder of the free books and Bling offer. Folks, just as I promised, it is time for some giveaways. Why? Well, think of it as reader appreciation time. You wonderful people have been extremely good to me and I want you to know it. The outpouring of warmth and support after my car accident was both heartwarming and humbling.

So, here’s the deal. Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.

The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know so I can enter your name in the right draw.

ROW80 Check-in.

The goal for the remainder of this round was to get my WIP as close to 40K words as possible. I’ve reached 35K but I don’t think I’ll get much farther. There are two reasons for this. 

One, my computer died and I have ordered a replacement, but it will be mid-October before I have it up and running. For now I will be sharing with my partner who also runs a small business. This means my computer time will be limited.

Two, it is cooling off and I have a number of outside tasks to complete in preparation for winter. Now just seemed like the opportune time to get them done.

Anyway, I will still be shooting at that goal.  I know life gets in the way of writing. How have you dealt with this when your writing plans get derailed?

Remember to let me know which draw you want to be in.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hurricane Day

Yesterday was a storm day. We’d been on hurricane watch for a few days and I felt we were prepared. I had filled the larder, we had extra water, and everything from outdoors had been brought inside. There was nothing left to do but wait.

I awakened at six a.m. to the siren sounds of wind shrieking past the house and whistling around the front door. I smiled and snuggled deeper under the covers. I like the sound of wind.

A short while later the power went out, but was kind enough to let the coffee pot do its thing first. Ah, a hot cup of fresh coffee to start a stormy day. Life is good. Since I couldn’t work at the computer I have plenty of time to knit and let the characters from my next book talk to me. I finished a pair of socks I’d been working on and had some notes with great ideas.

The heavy rains that played hob with the rest of Newfoundland never did reach this blessed isle. By mid-afternoon the power was back on, the sun was out, and the winds had died off. The only damage we suffered was a few dead branches down from one of our old trees.

Now here’s a reminder about the Free books and Bling!

Okay folks, just as I promised, it is time for some giveaways. Why? Well, think of it as reader appreciation time. You wonderful people have been extremely good to me and I want you to know it. The outpouring of warmth and support after my car accident was both heartwarming and humbling.

So, here’s the deal. Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.

The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know so I can enter your name in the right draw.

I know I promised a book review and it will be my next post.
So don’t be shy folks, I’m a good storyteller and I’m giving stuff away. Please enter and check out the possibilities. You did? Awesome, thanks so much and good luck.

Now, Row80: the goal for the rest of this round is to get my WIP as close to 40K words as I can. I just hit 34K this morning. Creeping up there and very pleased to be so.

So, if you like what you’ve found here so far, please consider joining the site so you can stay on top of the action. J 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Free books and Bling!

Hi folks, just as I promised, it is time for some giveaways. Why? Well, think of it as reader appreciation time. You wonderful people have been extremely good to me and I want you to know it. The outpouring of warmth and support after my car accident was both heartwarming and humbling.

So, here’s the deal. Two of my books will be free for the rest of September. If you download a book, let me know and I will enter your name for a draw at the end of the month. There will be two draws, so let me know which one you want (or both). Next month will a new contest so keep checking back.

The first draw is for a $25.00 gift certificate from The Purple Raven Boutique. Here's an example of what is possible.

The second draw is for a $25.00 coupon towards editing services from Powder River Editing. Go ahead all you writers, check them out.

Okay, now on to the free books. If you like romance, here’s a coupon for Moira. Just click the link and use this code: HX83V

If you prefer action, adventure, aliens, psychic attacks, with a bit of romance tossed in for spice, here’s the code for Hunter. GK96A

Remember to let me know when you download so I can enter your name in the draw.

ROW80 Update:
It has been a crazy week with a lot going on, but I have managed to get my WIP up to 32K words. The goal is to get as close to 40K as possible this round. So far, considering all the distractions of late, I’m rather pleased with how much I have managed to get done.

Here’s hoping you folks are having a world of success. Please let me know how you’re doing. I love hearing from you.

Please consider joining this site to make sure you stay tuned in to the contests.  Next post will be a book review of Kissed by Fire, a novel by Shea MacLeod.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Gentle Morning.

Since my brush with fate last week, I’ve been taking things a bit less structured. This morning, instead of burning up the keyboard, I spent some time outside in the fresh air, just appreciating the good life I am blessed with.
First I checked the giant Rhubarb.

Then I walked the dogs.

And then I puttered around a bit. Here’s the view from the hill as the ferry boats pass close to the beach.

All in all, not such a bad way to spend the morning.

Now for that overdue ROW80 update.
I have managed to get my WIP over 30K words and I am very pleased with that. As soon as I hit 60K I’ll start giving you peeks into the story. Right now, here’s a peek into my latest book, Hunter…

They left the sheriff’s cruiser and walked down the path toward the old mine shaft. They didn’t see August watching them from the tall grass. The path was quite well worn with lots of recent footprints. The tracks led right into the mouth of the tunnel. As they drew near, Tracy stopped, then, with a look of sheer terror, screamed a warning and ran.

Tracy made it to the car, then turned, gun in hand. There was only Cal and the sheriff behind her. She looked all around, but saw nothing. She lowered her gun, and then straightened the glasses that had slipped down her nose. Her hand was visibly trembling.

“What was it, Tracy,” puffed Cal, as he arrived at the car. “What did you see?”

“Something I haven’t seen since the day my father was killed over twenty years ago. What did you see?”

“I didn’t see a damned thing,” puffed the sheriff, as she arrived.  “Damn, for a city girl, you sure can run.”

* * * * *

Stay tuned folks. Starting this month and continuing until after Christmas, I will be putting up one of my books for free. The Coupon will be time limited and will only appear on this blog. The first one will appear in my next post.

As always, I love getting feedback, so let me know what you think of the post and/or the teaser for Hunter.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider joining my site. Thanks for dropping by.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Courage and scars

Hi folks,
 I just read an amazing blog post about courage and scars. Thought I'd share it with you. Just click on the picture of the puppy and away you go.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

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