Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Play and Success

First I want to talk about the play stuff. There’s a great new store on ETSY. Check this out. 

  I recently acquired several pairs of earrings and a necklace from this artist. I do so want more.
What brought this on? I was celebrating the successful achievement of a goal I set out in the New Year. I wanted to publish six novels this year and Shelly’s Turn was number six, so I rewarded myself with a few sparkly bits.

Ok, for the most part, ROW80 has helped me keep on track. In that vein I am setting out three major goals for round three. I will, of course, continue to read and comment on several blogs, probably daily. (Okay, so I’m addicted) I will also read as many books as I can manage to squeeze in and even review a few, but these are standard practice. These will be the new goals:

1.      Finish the first draft of my current project and get it off to my editor.  CM Crawford is a great editor and has very reasonable rates. Heck, she’ll even work for Amazon gift cards. The girl loves to barter. You can find her on her Facebook page here:

2.      Get the next project over 15K words

3.      If Ms. Crawford gets the first project back to me in time, finish the second draft during this round. If not then I will finish and hopefully publish it during the last round.

Yes indeed folks, play time is over, we’ve got work to do! I may need you to crack the whip at me from time to time.

So, one thing you can do to help is to go to my Amazon author page and hit the *like* button on the upper right side. Here’s the link.
 If you have an author page drop your link into a comment and I’ll go *like* it for you. Thanks for stopping by, good luck!


  1. good luck with round 3, Pru. I am amazed at all you've managed so far this year.

    1. Thanks Louise, I get lots done in winter then I start to slow down. :)

  2. Holy Sneakers, you've already hit six novels this year? You deserve so much more than a couple of pairs of earrings...

    Good luck to you this round!

  3. You really are having a wonderful year--six novels! The rest of us can only aspire…. Like you, ROW 80 helps me stay on track; like you, my goals for this round are general but measurable. I look forward to reading about your progress.

    Thanks for the editor tip; I've got her information! Hope this round brings you continued success.


    1. Hi Karen, I find ROW80 to be most helpful. I also have to sing the praises of Ms. Crawford. In a week she found typos, misused words, awkward sentences, messed up timelines, and so much more.

  4. Six books out = awesome! Congrats on your success, and enjoy your new bling - you certainly deserve it! And good luck in this round of goals!

  5. Congrats on the six novels. You are doing great. Off to check out your amazon page.

  6. HOLY WOW...six novels?! That is a huge accomplishment! I'm with Dahnya, you deserve SO MANY gifts to yourself :D Simple and focused goals for this round - I like it! (Seems like I've been typing that a lot today. Maybe we're all starting to wise up!) Have a great week, Prudence!

  7. Hi Lauren, thanks for the kudos. I believe you're right, ROW80 is teaching me to keep the goals simple, reachable (just) and that way it is easier to stay focused. Best of luck to you too and maybe I'll get in on a few of those sprints you do.


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