Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Perfect Day

 Today I’m having one of those special days. You know the kind, when everything goes right from the start. I woke up to see a beautiful face smiling at me. As I said, “I love you” I heard tails begin to thump on the floor. I greeted the boys then let them out before taking at first look in the mirror. My hair look great and so did I; yes, I even had my glasses on. My joints weren't even a bit stiff.
So I started the coffee pot then fed the dogs before starting up the computer. I checked on FaceBook and WANAtribes to find that at least three of my friends had books in the Amazon top 100, two nearing the top 50 and one shooting for the top spot. That gave me a real boost. I then made boiled eggs with barbequed salmon with a side of blueberries for brunch to share with my beloved. Life is good.

Now, on to the ROW80 goals.

1.      Finish the first draft of my current project and get it off to my editor.  CM Crawford is a great editor and has very reasonable rates. Heck, she’ll even work for Amazon gift cards. The girl loves to barter. You can find her on her Facebook page here:
The WIP is now well over 53K words and I am pleased with the progress; time to start thinking about a final title and a possible cover.

2.      Get the next project over 15K words
3.      If Ms. Crawford gets the first project back to me in time, finish the second draft during this round. If not then I will finish and hopefully publish it during the last round.

Goals two and three must wait until I can complete goal number one. It is all connected. J

If you are willing, could you go to my Amazon author page and hit the *like* button on the upper right side. Here’s the link.  If you have an author page drop your link into a comment and I’ll go *like* it for you. Thanks for stopping by, good luck! Hope your day is even better than mine.


  1. Congrats on your accomplishments! And may the rest of the day be as lovely as it's been so far. :)

    1. Thanks Jennette, it was a great day. Thanks for the support.

  2. so glad you had such a beautiful start to your day!! may it progress in kind.

  3. I "Liked" your Amazon page. Congrats on making your goals and enjoying life along the way. ;-)

    1. Hi Elizabeth, thanks for the *like*; appreciate it.

  4. I woke up Sunday wondering what day of the week it was. Looks like you are doing awesome on your goals. Keep up the good work and best wishes this round.

    1. Hi Gloria, yep, and now it's Monday. hehehe Thanks for the good wishes.


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