Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

In a Fog

Sometimes it is a blessing, having to wait. It is an odd thing about living on this small, almost forgotten island, the longest waits for ferry boats seems to be on Sunday mornings. As it happened, the day in question was Sunday, and there I was, waiting for a boat.
It had been a hectic morning, but I was sitting in the truck in enforced inactivity, a chance to catch my breath and reflect.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Great Start

Hi folks, today got off to a great start. Here’s how. I opened my e-mail to find this short, but delightful letter. May all you writers out there have many such starts to your days.

Dear Ms MacLeod,

This book was probably the most fascinating love story I have ever read.  I truly thought it was one of a kind until I found your website and discovered you had written dozens of others that appear to be similar.

I now own four of your books, and will be reading them soon.

I have read Deliberate Love twice, now, and it was even better the second time through.  I have nothing but praise for this novel.

So there you have it folks; a great way for a writer to start the day. Have any of you had sudden delightful starts to your days? Care to share?

Oh, I still need more *likes* for my Amazon author page. The *like* button is on the upper right hand side of the page. Here’s the link.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Serious Neglect

Dear Blog,
Remember me, you know, your writer? Yes, I know I have neglected you lately. I have no acceptable excuse. Call it a brain short circuit. I have so many story lines rattling around in my head; it has been difficult to get focused on anything else.

Yes, dear blog, I do understand that you too have needs. You have readers who come to visit and find the same old stale offerings when they so richly deserve something new and fresh.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Experiment Ended

It’s over; the great experiment is finished at last and it will not be repeated. At least, not by me. What the heck is she talking about, you ask. Why the Kindle Select exclusive for ninety days book promotion, of course.

Friday, June 15, 2012

At Last

Ok folks, no more teasing with small excerpts. Shelly's Turn is finally up on Smashwords and should be available on Amazon later today or early Saturday. I also want to give a big thank you to Charis Maloy for her painstaking and insightful edits. If you're looking for an editor, Charis would be a fine choice. You can find her here:

Okay, on to Shelly's Turn. This is the third and final novel written in tribute to my friend Felicia. I hope you enjoy the story. Find it here:

It did take me a lot longer to get this book ready than anticipated, but I am quite pleased with the results. Of the three I wrote at that time I have always liked this one best.

If you do read Shelly's Turn, a short (but glowing) review would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Quality Time

Hi folks, I promised another excerpt from Shelly’s Turn and here it is along with my Wednesday check-in for ROW80

“So do we get to spend some quality time together tomorrow?”
“Sure thing, Dad, I’ll be cleaning out the garage, cutting the grass, tidying up the flower beds, and stuff like that. This place has been neglected since Charlene died. I could sure use the help if you don’t mind.”
“Terry, I thought we might take in a ball game or something like that.”

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Book

Hi folks. Here’s a sneak peek at my next book, another Transgender romance, this time chronicling the struggles of a teenage girl to be. This is the third novel I wrote to honor my friend who took her own life. Some of her struggle is woven into this story. Through this simple tale I hope to shed some light into a seldom seen corner of our society. So, here’s the cover and an excerpt. With luck the book will be out by the end of this week or early next.

Smiling with child-like delight, Terry sat on the bed and carefully dumped out the contents of the envelope. There were several things there, including an eight by ten photograph of a very beautiful woman. It was just a head and shoulders shot, but he could easily see that she was dressed for a very formal occasion. There was also a sealed envelope addressed to ‘Whoever finds this.’  With a shrug, Terry tore it open.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boats and Braids


It was a wonderful start to the day. It was cold and rainy without a lot of promise, but that was soon to be dispelled. I drove to the docks to wait for a boat, and to my surprise, there she was just coming in.  Great, no waiting. Once I got aboard there was an even nicer surprise.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Friend Power

Lately I’ve been in a bit of a “Now what can I do to get some momentum happening?” kind of mode. The old “What can I do to stand out as a writer?” question falling from my lips far too often. Fortunately I have friends who don’t hold back. As they began to run out of patience with the whining, solid advice began to appear. Ladies, (and guys) I love you all; I want you to know that.

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