Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Focused Thought

Focused thought.

Where you focus your thoughts will dictate your experience of reality. Please ponder this for a few moments and let that sink in, it is vitally important. Here is a small example of what I mean:

A man has a huge fight with his wife before leaving for work. In his anger he drives too fast and gets a ticket. At work he is still seething and cannot seem to concentrate; his work suffers, he snarls at his co-workers, they snarl back, and everyone gets to have a bad day. Worse yet, his boss is displeased with his work and chews him out. This poor soul is not having a lot of fun, his life isn’t working for him, and we’ve all been there before. Focus on the negative and it shall be provided.

Now, here’s what thinking like a master can do for you. Our hero stops at the car and asks himself a question, “This day is going to hell in a hurry; how can I turn this around and enjoy the day?” He turns back to the house where he apologizes to his wife and takes full responsibility for the fight. (Regardless of who started it, or who was right or wrong.) He promises to make it up to her that evening, then drives carefully to work, aware that his adrenalin is high and he needs to keep himself in check.
Once he arrives safely at work he turns to his co-worker and asks her for suggestions, explaining how his day got started. She laughs and says she will help but he is buying the coffee. Now he has an ally instead of an enemy.
With a plan in motion to smooth out the home front, our hero turns his focus to his work. Now he asks, “Today got off to a rough start, but it is looking better all the time; I want to keep the improvements going. How can I improve the quality of the work I do today and enjoy the process?” At the end of the day the boss praises his work; he has his co-worker’s list of ways to fix his relationship, and is on his way to the florist.
He arrives home just as his wife gets home from work; she has a six pack of his favourite brand and an action movie with her. She has had time to cool off as well, and accepts her role in the dispute. He gives her the flowers, tells her where he’s taking her for dinner, and they enter the house arm in arm; happy ending and nobody had to have a bad day.
Ok, so this was a best case scenario, but you can win a lot more often than not, if you think like a master.

Here’s a real example, a story told to me by a Reiki student of mine. Bob (not his real name) was a classic type A personality, especially behind the wheel of a car. One day, after a near miss in traffic, he called and we talked. He called again a few days later; Bob was laughing. An angry man had cut him off in traffic, shaking his finger out the window as he did so. Instead of chasing him down and having a brawl, as was his custom, Bob just waved at the man and called out, “Thanks for not hitting me.” This time, only the angry driver was having a bad day. Bob was well pleased with himself and had a wonderful day.

These little stories will help us to understand the simple reality of the motto.  Where you focus your thoughts will dictate your experience of reality.

Live joyfully my brothers and sisters; laugh lots, love much, Pru

                       A scene of peace to help you refocus.


  1. Thanks for stopping by the Cottage, Pru, and I'm so glad the Smashwords posts will help for your writing group!

    This is a beautiful post. I'm a big believer in the effects of positive thinking vs. negative thinking. We are our thoughts. I'm looking forward to reading your blog and getting to know you! Good luck on your own literary journey :)

  2. Wonderful, Pru! The ripple effect of positivity is such a powerful thing. :-)

  3. Yes, yes and yes again! How we feel draws our experiences. Thoughts become things, choose the good ones.


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