Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One Man Band

Hi folks, 

As you can see, there is a new title for this blog. Hang on to your hat as it will now be the wanderings of a mind that has been around a while.

The first post in this new direction is me musing on the past five years as a self published writer. When you self pub you get to do everything. The writing is just the beginning. You end up feeling like a one man band.

Well, here a man who can tell you that a one man band can actually succeed. Enjoy!

Okay, this was just a test run. Let me know what you think. I warn you, the gods themselves don't know what's coming next, 'cause I don't either.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Climbing the Wall of Writer's Block

Hi Folks,

Yep, writer's block sucks and sooner or later, we all have to face it. For me it isn't a block, it's a whole wall and it happened last week. Three novels in progress and nothing. All the voices in my head had gone silent. Nothing. I had gone dry.

Now, it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. The longest stretch lasted over two years. That was scary, but I eventually learned how to climb that wall. This time I sat to the computer and played World of Warcraft for three solid days. 

Not the fun stuff, mind you, but the boring as hell stuff, fishing, cooking, pet battles and collecting, etc. Eventually my imagination came back to life out of desperation. The result? I awakened before the sun with dozens of story lines running through my head and later that day these came in the mail.

You can check them all out here: Reader's Delights

Okay, now I have to get back to work, I have more stories to write.


Friday, March 20, 2015


Hi Folks,

Well, it's the first day of Spring. What does it look like here on my island of stone? Well, we've got some of this.

With a threat of this. (Ice choking the dock.)

Okay, with this in mind I think I'll settle down with a good book like this one.

Okay, Okay, I'll spend a few hours working on a new one for you too. :)

So, tell me your Spring looks more like a proper Spring.

Oh yeah, if you're interested, check these folks out.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Still More New Stuff

Hi Folks,

I'm back this week with more new upgraded books for your enjoyment.  I have to say I am pleased with the new covers.  Here are the third and fourth books in the Nova Series, Beyond Nova and Claimstake.

Now for ROW80

Yes folks, I actually got some work done on the current WIP this past week. I deleted a chapter and wrote a bigger one. Nearest guess is about 8K new material. WIP now stands at 32K words.
The goal is to add another 3K this coming week.

These are both exciting times and frustrating times for me as my books get upgraded and my ribs slowly heal. Oh yeah, and winter is not over here. We're bracing for another major snowstorm tonight and tomorrow.

Here's hoping you all are having warmer and healthy days ahead.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Exciting News

Hi folks,

For the past couple of weeks I have had my head buried in rewrites and proofs, but I am thrilled with the results. My books are getting a new cover, edit, and are appearing in paperback as well as e-book formats. Here are three more and where to find them:

Keep a look out for more next week.  I'm also working on some new material which will appear in a few weeks if all goes well.

This past couple of weeks haven't seen a lot of new material written, perhaps a thousand words or so, but I do hope to up that game a bit in the coming weeks. I'll keep you posted on how that is going.

Meanwhile, my ribs are starting to mend nicely. Life is good.

May a rain of blessings fall upon each and every one of you in the coming week.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Amazing Abs.

Hi folks,

Yes, it's me (Pru) back from the land of TV. It seems that's all I've managed to do over the last two weeks is watch TV. (Gag sounds) I've been learning exactly how many body movements make use of the abdominals and where those abs pull when activated. Quite amazing really.

On the bright side, I did manage to accompany K on her walk with the dogs today. It was my first venture through the door since I fell. Dang, how good is fresh air? 

I'll keep you posted as I make my way back from the easy chair where I currently spend my days and sleep at night) to the desk (where I'd rather be, writing).

On a brighter note, Hell Comes Home is selling well and that makes up for all the bad TV I've been watching.


I wasn't able to do any writing this past week and I doubt I will do any this week coming. As you may well guess, this is driving me nuts.

Maybe I'll actually have something interesting to share by next time. Until then, may you all be blessed.


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