Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Alien Seed Pod

Hi Folks,

It's time for another progress report from the farm. Last week saw us with nasty weather, plus a birthday and a wedding, so the farm sort of had to look after itself for a while. That's one joy of no livestock. You can take a day off if necessary.

So, what did they do without me? Well, here's the alien seed pod pretending to be a rhubarb. I'm 5'11" and that is nearly up past my ears. Wow.

Everything is well up now and tonight, once it cools off, I will spend considerable time watering and fertilizing. Actually, I'm just the union labor. Here's a pic of my supervisor taking the situation to the board.

So, that's all for today, but I should have more to report in a few days. Until then, may your days be blessed with sunshine and happy smiling people.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Blue Review Down on the Farm

Hi Folks,

It's been a cold rainy few days, but the garden is loving it. I've been able to spend a bit more time at the computer writing. Life is good and I have to take advantage. Soon I will be harvesting and preserving. That will leave little time for the writing.

So, what's new? We re-released Lady Blue with a new cover, edit, etc. The response has been great . Here's the cover plus a review.

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Absolutely loved it and I have always been a Super Hero fan. Especially the female ones. I hope we will see these characters again.

Just looked out the window. Yep, it's still raining and the green kids are all happy.

ROW80 check-in

It's the last check-in for this round and I am pleased that I managed this week's target. With trying to establish a small urban farm I set no hard targets for this round. However, I am about halfway through the first draft of this novel, so for the next round I will aim to finish it and get it off to the editor. 

That's all for me today, folks. May this day be filled with joy for you and may a rain of blessings fall upon you with no warning at all.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Busy Days

Hi Folks,

I've got some great news today, so I'm going to reverse the usual order in which I share these things. First we go to the ROW80 check-in.

This week I did manage to reach my goal of 1500 words plus a bit more. I'll hold to that target for the coming week. Also, this week saw the re-lease of Lady Blue. She's had a new edit, new cover, and a new publisher. So, for your reading pleasure, in the Y/A genre, is Lady Blue!

Lady Blue is the story of a bullied teenager who is suddenly granted great powers. What will she do with her new found strength? What will she become, devil or angel?

Okay, now for the news from the farm. Yesterday began at 5:00 a.m. We emptied out the greenhouse, transplanting everything into the raised beds or pots. We also moved the compost to it's new home and tidied up the flower beds out front. The final watering finished near sundown, about 8:00 p.m.

That was a long day in the hot sun. Too much sun, not enough water, headache, sunburn, and tired. Today is going to be a lot slower and shady.

So, that was the excitement for this week. I hope you are all having a wonderful fun filled day today.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Another Rainy Day

Hi folks,

Well, we've got another rainy day here, great for the garden. Not so bad for the writing either. 

So, while everything outside is busy growing, here's another peek into the current WIP. A sequel to the Immortal Tigress. The revival of a vampire slain by fire.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Turning Green

Hi Folks,

Well, we've had a couple of days of rain and our world is turning green. The rain is also helping the seeds to germinate. All, from a gardeners perspective, it's a good thing.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Done! (For a day or two)

Hi folks,

Well, it's done for the moment. All the raised bed scheduled for this year have been built, seeded, and fenced in. Now I get to do other stuff for a few days while I wait for it to grow. That should be just enough time to get the rest of the yard work caught up. tee hee hee

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Organic Fertilizer

Hi folks,

It's been a busy few days here on the farm. A sudden frost bit through the row covers and into the greenhouse, killing most of the tomato plants inside and all the cucumbers outside. 

On the bright side, the squash and onions loved it. As well, the tomato roots survived and are sending up new foliage. I've got two of the beds planted and three more just about ready for planting. A friend brought us two pick up loads of organic fertilizer, aka horse manure, well rotted. 

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