Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rainy Day

Hi folks,
It’s a cold rainy day here. I won’t bother showing you a picture as I’m sure you can picture it in your mind easily enough. The bright side of it all is I’ve got lots of writing done today. Yay me. J
Anyway, yesterday was a different matter, clear and cold. Of course me and the boys took advantage of a chance for a walk in the sun.

Last week I got a flat tire on my car. Since it flattened in the driveway I thought nothing of it, just call my buddy in the garage down the street and get it fixed. That was the beginning of the downward spiral for the poor old car. (and my bank book) He tried to pump up the tire to drive the car to the garage where he could fix it easily. No go, the hole was too big.
He jacked up the car and took the tire to the shop. The hole was still too big and the sidewall was ruined. I ordered two new snow tires. He got them in and tried to mount one on the injured side. Couldn’t do it. That’s when he noticed the broken coil spring that had punched through the first tire.
He then tried to take off the spring to order a new one, but the entire strut assemble was rusted out. Car you see where this is going? Argh. Anyway, by tomorrow I will have two great new tires and a new strut. (And an empty checking acct.) Sigh. Ah well, it has kept me home and at the computer.

Now for the ROW80 check-in

The projected release date for the new novella had to be pushed back a week because of illness. (Not mine, thanks) However, I have high hopes for later this week which will still make it a January release.
On the new book front I have managed over 12K words on the new project along with some savage plotting. I am well pleased with that.
Next week’s target is another 10K words and a book release. Wish me luck.
Okay, so now it’s your turn. What have you all been up to? Drop me a line and let me know. I do love to hear from you.

Bright Blessings


Sunday, January 19, 2014

It’s all a Plot

Hi folks,

Well, today I confess I am in a bit of a quandary. I’ve just finished up a novella (50K words) and gave it to the editor. Darn good thing too as I have already started on the five book series scheduled for this year. The quandary? Well, all five of them are talking to me at once.

Let me explain. This is how I write a book. I sit to the computer, put my hands in place and say, “All right, somebody tell me a story.” A character comes, often with friends, and so it begins. I have no idea what will happen next until I write it down.

So now I have five sets of voices trying to tell me a story all at once, all are interconnected, and each is unique. Argh. Sadly, I know the answer to the quandary all too well. I fear I must sit down and write an outline for each story. I must plot and plan.  All I can say is, “Wish me luck.”


Last week I set out my goals for this year. This week saw some progress on that march. I have sent the 50K novella to the editor and started on the five book series. I’m about 10K into the first one, but realize I have to stop and outline all five so they can fit together properly.
So, the goals for this week are: get the outlines written plus at least another 5K on the lead book. I also hope to get a cover ready for Frankie. (the novella)
We also hope to get the newsletter out this week. As always there will be a coupon for a free book as well as  excerpts from upcoming books, info and news I don’t share anywhere else, and more. To sign up for the newsletter just go to the top of the page. The link is on my smiling face at the right.

Drop me a line and let me know how you’re getting on. I do love to hear from you.
Until next week,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Scattered Mind

Hi Folks,

Today is a cold bitter rainy day; the kind of winter’s day that makes you want to curl up by the fire and nap until it goes away. I’d love to do just that, but with the amount of work I have set out for myself this year, maybe I should write a bit first. I won’t even think about all the ice that will appear when it turns cold again.

No, today I want to share with you a common writer’s ailment, a scattered mind. Here’s how it works, voices are talking to you, each trying to get your full attention to their story. You try to sort them out and stay sane, but every once in a while you realize that one of those voices was actually someone in the room with you. “Pru’s off world again,” is a common statement at our house.

Right now K is talking to me from another room, the Labrador is barking to get in out of the rain, I’m trying to focus on this post, and all I can think of is an abandoned mansion with footprints in the dust on the floors.
If you are in any doubt about a writer’s mind being scattered, just re-read the above. No, I don’t have children, but I do have three cats, four dogs, and three other adults and all of us in our tiny cottage. What distractions? Tee hee hee

Now for a ROW80 check-in.

Here’s the plan for 2014, and I will be the first to admit it is a bit ambitious. The first thing is to begin a number of revisions and upgrades to some of my earlier work. This has already begun with the release of Lady Blue which was originally released as Gifted.
The second part of the plan is to complete a five book series of romance novels.

The third part of the plan is to write and release two stand-alone books, one a romance and one action adventure.
Well there it is. I will admit I have other project running through my head, but this is all I am willing to commit to at the moment. I declare 2014 the year of the writer.

All right, for the first round of ROW80 I want another revision, one romance, and the first novel in the new series. Wish me luck.

So, what have you folks been up to? What are your thoughts on the mind of a writer? Talk to me, I love to hear from you.
Until next week,


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mayhem, disaster, and rolling blackouts, welcome to 2014.

Hi folks,

Mayhem, disaster, and rolling blackouts, welcome to 2014. Let me tell you how 2014 started for us. Jan. 02. I arose early to feed the dogs as usual. No Water. So, fed the dogs then went under the house to see what was what. Yep, frozen. In my attempts to free up the pipes the valve connecting us to the town water supply exploded.

Great. K called the town to come shut off the water while I went to buy a new valve. We then searched for and found the outside shut off and dug it out. By noon we had a new valve installed and by four we had water back. Fun what.

However, it wasn’t over. Jan. 04 an arctic storm blew in with a vengeance. This time the drain pipe from the kitchen froze as did the pipes to the laundry. As I was trying to deal with that the power company had a massive failure. Thank the gods for the wood stove. 

While so many others were huddling in warming centers we were snug as bugs with a roaring fire in the stove. I sat in a comfortable chair, surrounded by sleeping dogs and cats while the family played Canasta by candle light. Their laughter and warm loving banter gave me warm fuzzies all over.

I won’t bother with the snow issues as others have covered that on Facebook all too well. Yep, we’re off to a roaring start.

Now, before another rolling blackout hits, I’ll outline my writing goals for 2014.

Here’s the plan and I will be the first to admit it is a bit ambitious.

 The first thing is to begin a number of revisions and upgrades to some of my earlier work. This has already begun with the release of Lady Blue which was originally released as Gifted.

The second part of the plan is to complete a five book series of romance novels.

The third part of the plan is to write and release two stand-alone books, one a romance and one action adventure.

Well there it is. I will admit I have other project running through my head, but this is all I am willing to commit to at the moment. Now if only the power company can get its ducks in a row… if I have to do all that long hand …. Grrrrr. Tee hee

Here’s hoping each and every one of you has a stellar year in 2014. Drop by and say hello; I love to hear from you.

Bright Blessings


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