Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Studio Expansion

Hi folks, we’ve got a rainy day here, just in time for a post and a ROW80 check-in. I’ve been distracted a lot lately and one of the reasons is the planning and construction of the studio expansion. Last year you got to see the original construction. This time you can watch the expansion. So saying, here’s the beginning.  First we dig the sod away and set the blocks.

Then we build a floor in the rain. (Didn’t plan that, honest. It wasn't raining when we started.)

Then you cover it up with tarps and wait for a better day to build walls. 

The picture of me, soaked to the bone and kicking back at the computer while I wait for a turn in the shower will be in my monthly newsletter. There will also be a sneak peek at the next book in the Nova Series. You can sign up for that here. J

Now for the ROW80 check in.

All other goals have been put on hold except for reading and commenting on a blog a day and trying to reach 10K words each week.

This week I managed to read and comment on blogs, but fell a bit short on the writing. I’m at just under 5K for the week. Ahhh, I will try harder this coming week.

Well, that’s it for me today folks, what sorts of fun things are you all up to? I hope all you ROWers are doing better than I am. I’d love to hear from you all.


  1. Wow, you're building. Good for you. Closets I ever got to building anything was with Lego! Best of luck!


    1. Hey Shah, I stepped on too much lego when the kids were small, I stick to the bigger stuff now. hehehe

  2. Prudence, the studio extension is going to be so cool. I hope it doesn't keep raining on you because that can sure make building miserable. Of course, so can too much heat. The temps have to be juuuuusssst right. :) I'm sending you word vibes so you can hit your 10k goal this week. {}{}{}{}{}

    1. Hi Sheila, thanks for the vibes. I'm sure to make it now. :)

  3. Wow Prudence - what a cutie - hope the weather improves for you.

    1. Hi Margaret, we're adding another two work stations and some storage. Today it rained then turn to snow. Those were some of the biggest snowflakes I've ever seen. It is back to rain now, but tomorrow is supposed to be clear. Fingers crossed.

  4. Aww...lucky you! We started the week out with frost and below freezing temps...and today it hit the mid-80s. I WANT YOUR SNOW PLEASE!!! I hate summer, lol. I'm not all that fond of winter either, but better that than sweltering. :)

    LOVE your little studio! When you're finished with it, I wouldn't say no if you wanted to buzz down here and help me build one of my own. ;) Hope you get the weather you need to get it finished soon.

    1. Hi Kristy, tell you what, you can have all my snow from now until a week before Christmas. :)

  5. I think just under 5K for the week is an AWESOME word count! :)

    1. Thanks Laura, I need all the encouragement I can get. :)

  6. 5K a week plus blogs... on top of digging turf and laying down floors.... Oh, you've been keeping busy busy busy there. The writing will come, and by the looks of things you'll be more comfortable doing it. Bonus!

    Have a great, creative and fruitful week, Prudence.

    1. Thanks Kymele, I hope you have a great week too. May the gods of good fortune smile upon you. :)

  7. The studio expansion looks terrific! So excited for you.

    As for word count... 5000 words a week is a good goal for first drafts. I've found that it's hard for me to track revisions the same way. Instead, during revisions I pace myself with chapter goals. But whatever works for you is the method you should stick with!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Yes, I agree. I track first draft by word count, revisions by scene or chapter, and prelim edits by the page.

  8. well 5000, and a floor not bad a week :) all best with building week and futher word counts:)

    1. Hi Alberta, good to hear from you. If I don't get a rainy day to work on my writing, this week is shaping up to be a 3000 word with four walls and a roof.


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