Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Things

 I know I’ve been a bit erratic lately, but life’s like that sometimes. At least mine is. However, it’s all good stuff. We’ve had a bit of a houseful lately and I’ve been doing the homebody thing. It’s been great and I have enjoyed every bit of it.

Mother nature blessed us with a few decent days this past week and I took the opportunity to get some spring cleaning done. No, not that kind of spring cleaning, spring yard cleaning; I have four dogs. With the snows momentarily gone, the yard was bare and the evidence was clearly visible. Yep, I was on poop scoop duty. Oog. Rather than show you a picture of that I thought I’d show you the four guys who made the work for me. Tee Hee

On a brighter note, I did something unusual the other day; I checked out the interviews on Amazon. Wow, that was a real pick me up. I’ve garnered a few great reviews. (And a few one star specials) Here’s a big happy thank you to the folks who took the time to review my books. You’re awesome and I love you all.

Here’s a small sample: Great story that makes me think! March 13, 2013
This story follows the typical MacLeod layout of a great love story that happens quick with beautiful insights woven in! This is the first in a series and the only one I've read so far. It follows Calan a power lifter who has a dark past and strives to help others and Angela a psych student finishing her masters. Some of my favorite quotes/insights from this book that made me stop and think are:

Louis "Avid reader. Listen to audio books on long drive back and forth to work."
 reviewed Assassin of Nova (Book Two of the Nova Series) A very good story March 6, 2013
As with all of Prudence MacLeod's books this one has characters that grab your attention and keep you dogging their steps from beginning to end. The 2nd book in the Nova series is as captivating as the first. A very enjoyable read and I look forward to seeing the next book in the series. good read January 6, 2013
A truly satisfying read with a good, balanced, cast of kick-butt characters, but no scenes that caused me to close my eyes and turn the page. Loved it. Another MacLeod Homerun December 6, 2012
The description of this book sounded mediocre, so it sat on my Kindle for six months without me reading it. Boy was I wrong! This is every bit as well crafted as any Prudence MacLeod book. Alright, it's not as sweet as Gudrun or as romantic as Calan, but it's as well written as any of her fantasy books. An exciting plot, lovable characters, and fascinating setting. Ms MacLeod's world building skill is well known to readers of Second or Incoming, but she is in rare form here, creating a mythic world which seems hauntingly familiar to anyone who has read the Teutonic or Nordic sagas.

As always, even with a delightful plot, her story is character driven. The growth and development of Kiya, Silver, and the other protagonists will pull you into the story immediately. I'm really looking forward to reading the other Revival books.

 * * * * *

Okay, so I’m only showing you the good stuff. There’s a fair bit of bad stuff too, but I tend to let that slide past me.

Well that’s it for me for today; I have to be the breakfast cook now. Be well folks, be happy, and be good to each other. Let me know how you're doing; I love to hear from you.


  1. Congrats on the great reviews. Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Best feeling in the world when a reader loves the world you've created as much as you do. :-)

    1. Hi Shea, yep, next time I need a pick me up I'm going back to read them again. :) Good to hear from you, hope all is well in your worlds.

  2. Congratulations on the reviews, Prudence. It's got to be a great feeling.

  3. Congratulations on the reviews, Prudence. It's got to be a great feeling.

  4. You're brave to read your reviews. I get the negative ones stuck in my head and let them overrun my sense of confidence.

    Congratulations on yours. Sounds like you have plenty to feel proud of!

  5. Aw, so you were scooping up land mines, eh? Fun job. Congrats on those nice reviews. That always makes your day. Although I have to say, with four dogs, I don't think your job is every done. LOL! They're cute! :)

  6. Yes indeed, ground clearing is an on going job at our house. Tee Hee. I love my fur babies, but they are a lot of work.


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