Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Sunday, July 28, 2013


 Hi folks,
This past week has seen me doing battle with the heat; not something I enjoy at all. However there were family gatherings and a short road trip to break up the tough days with. Taking a road trip through Newfoundland can be a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy the place names. This time we didn’t get to Witless Bay, or Joe Batt’s Arm, or Come by Chance, but we did tour around the bottom of Trinity Bay.

As you can see here, there are some great place names that tell a story. Like this one.

Of course from there you can go here.

Which eventually will bring you here.

Okay, enough silliness. On to ROW80.

In spite of the heat and travels I did manage to get six thousand words written. I will be the first to admit I am enjoying writing this book and really don’t want to see the story end. However, end it must and soon, I think. We’re hoping to have it ready to publish in the early fall.

As usual, I managed to read and comment of a few blogs, but not nearly as many as I would like.

Just a mention, the July newsletter will be out soon. There will be more Newfoundland stories and another excerpt from my work in progress. The newsletter gives you a closer look into my world, so sign up now. The link is at the top of the page on the right. Just click on my smiling face.

So, folks, drop by and tell me what you’ve been up to. Tell me some of the interesting place names in your area. I love hearing from you.


  1. There are some unusual names in Newfoundland all right - I wonder what the stories behind the placenames are. Something for me to research...

    It's lovely to hear that you're enjoying writing your current WIP - there are more writers writing about how hard it all is (*shuffles foot and whistles mock-nonchalently*) so it's refreshing to hear the opposite.

    Best of luck with getting your book out in early Autumn. It sounds like you're well on the way. :)

    Oh, and a couple of unusual West Australian placenames...

    Gingin - like saying the alcohol twice. Gin Gin. It's an Aboriginial word meaning "Place of many streams", apparently.

    Point Torment - The HMS Beagle was set upon by swarms of mosquitos here, it seems... Torment indeed.

    All the best. :)

    1. Hi Lisa, Point Torment, I love it.
      Yes indeed, I do enjoy writing these stories. There are millions of us writers out there, some few have made it to the big time, the rest of us, not quite yet. I've decided to only write stories I enjoy. If I'm not enjoying the telling, who would enjoy reading it? Anyway, I do get by nicely and have lots of fun with my imaginary friends.
      Hope this week bring you lots of love and laughter.

  2. aren't place names fascinating - the New worlds seem more so - evidence of great homesickness - hope and circumstance as well as the original locals language

    well done on book's growth - its great when one really enjoys writing a story - all the best for coming week:)

    1. Hi Alberta. Yes, place names always held a bit of fun for me. If a place is boring I often make up new names for them, you know, in case they ever decide to change one. hehehe
      Hope all is bright and shiny in your world.

  3. Here is the most peculiar place name near me:,_Missouri
    Wikipedia claims that the original name of "Excelsior" was rejected because Atchison County already had one of those. The postmaster wrote to the Postmaster General, saying, "We don't care what name you give us as long as it is sort of peculiar." I'm guessing the Postmaster General had a sense of humor.

    Peculiar is about 30 miles from Kansas City. My cousin used to work for the Police Department there. I have two or three friends who live on farms, but whose address is Peculiar, but I don't know anybody who actually lives within the city limits.

  4. Gordon, that is indeed most peculiar. hehehe I love it, thanks for sharing.


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