Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Things

 I know I’ve been a bit erratic lately, but life’s like that sometimes. At least mine is. However, it’s all good stuff. We’ve had a bit of a houseful lately and I’ve been doing the homebody thing. It’s been great and I have enjoyed every bit of it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some Days

It’s been one of those days. Actually, it’s been several of them strung together. You know the ones, the one where you’d rather bury your head in the sand than face any more bad news, or worse advice from self-proclaimed experts who profess to have all the answers. Yep, I’m wallowing in the muck of overwhelm and depression brought on by it. It has left me scratching my head in confusion.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


To anyone who doesn’t know her well this would seem like depression. She seems to lack motivation, having to force herself to do her basic household chores. The days grow longer and the sun has some warmth in it, but that warmth does not reach into the aching joints of her hands.

It is March; she sits idly gazing out at the bright day knowing it’s all a lie. “No Mister March, I know you all too well. Far too often over the years I have fallen for your lies, but not this time.” The Ides of March? No, the lies of March. March dangles a bright sunny day before her eyes, but she doesn’t buy it.

In the past she would have, cheerfully leashing the dogs, grabbing a light coat, and heading for the hills only to be caught in a sudden snow squall and spending a week coughing and sneezing for her trouble. No, she will wait for April, or perhaps even May before putting away the wool sweaters.

Still, the dying winter sits heavily on her shoulders, her bed unmade, her dishes unwashed, and her blog post late; her knitting lying idly in her hands. Who is this poor tormented soul?

Why, it’s Prudence MacLeod. Depression? No, just Prudence between writing projects with too many voices in her head, too much time on her hands, and too many aches in her body that normally get ignored. March is always like this for me. Once I get fully focused on a new project it will all change.

In the meantime, rather than bitch and whine three times a week, I will only post here on Sundays and Thursdays.
So, see you next time folks; I promise to be more upbeat on Sunday.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

So, What’s Next

Well, it’s over, sort of. I spent the week editing and tidying up Beyond Nova and now it’s in the hands of the editor. I will readily confess I took a couple of days where I avoided the whole idea of work.

But that time of play is over.

Now it is time to decide on the next project.
Once we have a project it is back to this for several weeks.

I have several starts on file. I call it my Nits and Bobs file. It has nearly a dozen partial stories that have been gathering dust there for years. I will review them all, think up a few more ideas, confer with my editor and friends, and then choose the next effort.
Right now I’m having trouble deciding which way to go, fantasy adventure, romance, both together maybe? Feel free to chime in any time folks, I’d love some input.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Busy Week

Hey folks, it’s been a busy week here. Wednesday was K’s birthday and the celebration was with family and food as is the tradition. I spent much of the day in the kitchen preparing her favorite foods. By request there was no cake, but there was apple pie. Oh yeah, there goes the old waistline.
On the work side of life I have early finish the first tune up of Beyond Nova and will soon hand it off to the editor. Meanwhile we are working hard to get Starstruck ready for a launch next week. Wish us luck.

Here’s hoping all is well in your worlds and that you are reading lots. Let me know how you’re doing, I love to hear from you.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Opinions Please

Hi folks, here we are again. On Friday I gave you a small teaser from my upcoming romance novel. Now I’m at the cover stage, so please take a look at the prototype cover and let me know what you think. Like it? Hate it? Don’t care? How could it improve? I’m open to any and all feedback.

Now for the ROW80 check-in and revised goals.

1.      Write 10,000 words per week. (I wrote roughly 8700 words and finished the rough draft of my WIP.)
2.      Read 10,000 words per week. (Yep, managed this one.)
3.      Edit ten pages of a completed MS. (Got this one too.)
4.      Feature a new author every Friday. (Didn’t manage this one; posted a teaser for my new book instead.)
5.      Read and comment on 10 blogs per week. (Made it, but barely.)

So that’s the story, now here are the new goals and why. I find myself with three first drafts, two romances and one sci-fi.
1.      The goal in the next few weeks will be to get them tidied up and off to the editor.
2.      Read and comment on ten blogs or more.
Well, that’s where we are at the moment, folks. Let me know how you’re doing; I love to hear from you.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday’s Excerpt

Hello again, folks,
Yesterday I confessed my sins, well, yeah, confessed is a good enough word. I admit I recently have been escaping into World of Warcraft, but for me the most fun is creating the characters then trying to figure out how they would interact with their world.

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