Prudence MacLeod's Writings

I'm not just a wanna be farmer, I'm also a writer. I write romance, sci-fi, and action/adventure. Sometimes I even blend the three just for fun.

The romance novels are listed on the left of the page. The other books are listed on the right of the page. Please enjoy. You can also check the other pages of this blog for more.

I also play a lot of World of Warcraft; if you're a player you may spot where that hobby creeps into my writing. :)

You can contact me here:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays


May these days of Yule bring you peace and joy, no matter what name you give them.
Bright Blessings, one and all.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Another Peek Between the Covers

Hi folks,

Yeah, I know, this post is a few days late. It's that time of year, after all.  You know, the time of year when the best of intentions often go astray. Yes, I will write three hours every morning. (Good luck with that.)

However, I did promise you another peek into the next upcoming book. We have decided on a title. Devil Comes Home. Now all we need is the cover. Okay, okay, here's another peek between the covers.

The road rose up a long hill and into the forest. Melanie pulled over to let the traffic pass, then set out slowly for the town a short distance away. An abandoned building caught her eye and she stopped for a moment. Brighton Hotel. It had been a thriving B&B when she was a girl, but it stood empty now, probably had for years, by the look of it. The place had a haunted look to it now and she shivered. She sighed and rode on. Melanie wasn't looking forward to this homecoming.

So that's it, another peek into Devil Comes Home. I'll give you a bit more next week.
Aw, to heck with it. I'll set up a page on this blog and give you the first chapter. Look for the link to appear at the top of the page soon.


Sadly, I've been a bad writer, or at least a slack one. Barely two thousand words since my last check-in. Sigh. I truly doubt this week will be any better. Hang on to your hat for the New Year's Resolutions. hee hee hee

Happy Holidays to one and all.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Season of Stress

Hi folks,

     Yup, the season of madness is upon us once again. Traffic is backed up everywhere, lights being strung, trees put up and decorated, lists and letter being written, etc. The stress piles up because the regular stuff has to keep happening too, work, grocery shopping, etc.

     Yes, we're caught up in the seasonal whirlwind too, but you have not been forgotten, dear readers. A new romance is on the horizon. We're going back to our old favorite genre, lesbian romance, for another adventure. Here's the opening salvo.

*Melanie Rivers sat on her motorcycle, staring at the passing waves as the ferry boat carried her across the short stretch of water to the island where she had grown up. It had been so long ago, it seemed like a lifetime. At length she took out her notebook and pen.
The endless sea
Washes away the past
Forgiving all sins”
Melanie re-read what she'd written then closed the book and returned it to the pocket of her leather jacket. “Let's hope so.” The boat was approaching the dock, it was time to go. Time to face the music. She pulled on her helmet and started the engine as the ramp touched the dock.*

Okay, I hope that intrigues you. The book is written; now we're we're working on a title and cover. Look for it to appear soon after Christmas.

ROW80 check-in.

This past week was a busy one, but I did manage to get some writing done. I got 2500 words written and hope to equal that this coming week. I also want to read more of your blogs this week. So, until then, may the muse sit on your lap and whisper naughty stories in your ear.


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